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Downward Spiral!
Match 1: Jay Alexander & Delphine vs. The Two Man Day Trip
Match 2: Liam Judd vs. Alf Edwards
Match 3: Tyler Walker vs. Alexander Roth


00:30Hello Grapple fans please join me in welcoming my guest at this time Alf Edwards. Alf how
00:39are you feeling today here in Canterbury? Canterbury? Brings back memories of last time I was here.
00:46Competed in the freeway for the Interregional Championship and here's the thing with the
00:50crowd here normally I come out and they don't really like me but something happened last
00:55time I was here. I was in the ring, I hit my suplexes and everyone in that arena was
01:00chanting my name. And it got me thinking, it got me thinking maybe I've been wrong this
01:07entire time. You think, you think I'm going to care for those people that cheer me? No
01:14no no they're all jokes, they're all people that don't deserve to see me wrestle that's
01:18what it is. I'm coming here today, I'm going to beat Liam Judd and I'm walking out with
01:22a victory and I'm going to make 2024 a bigger year for the suplex merchant Alf Edwards.
01:30Back to you at ringside. Greetings Grapple fans welcome to UKPW Downward Spiral, Rob
01:36Ringside, Dow Jones and is it me Dowards it just gets easier. Oh it absolutely does. We
01:41are joined by the current UKPW Tag Team Champions Danny Black and Joe Lando, CPF welcome to
01:47the commentation station. Thank you for having us guys, thank you so much. Our pleasure.
01:50What do you make of the match ahead? I know you're going to be taking a close interest
01:53in it. Yeah we're scoping it out, I don't really, what is these guys deal? Explain it
01:57to us. Do they have a tag name? Currently there is no tag team name. Well that's not
02:02a good start. No it's not a good start. The story here CPF is Delphine and Jay Alexander
02:08rivals but they kept losing but as a team they win and now they're intertwined with
02:15the two man day trip. They have a tag name. They do have a tag name. Yes they do, yes
02:20they are the two man day trip. Indeed. Drawn on, so strike one, they don't have a tag name.
02:26Indeed, they did however pick up a tag victory against Sean Jackson and Liam Judd last time
02:31we were here in Showcase. So they have some credibility. Absolutely, yeah and they defeated
02:34the Big Steppers at Blizzard Brawl. Speaking of credibility though, this man right here.
02:38Yes, look at the bubbles, the people love it. And to reiterate to all the Grapple fans
02:43watching, the reason why CPF are here, despite the fact that you want to be steezy. And to
02:48be near Rob Ringside's magnificence, hopefully. Well, maybe. I knew this was going to be difficult.
02:53It's Prince Dean. The pinnacle of steeze. Yes. No, CPF are the pinnacle of steeze. However,
03:06Prince Dean, I like his bubbles. I do like the bubbles, I like the chaps. There's an
03:11enthusiasm there, you can't help but like. There's a something, I'll give you that. I
03:15mentioned it on a lot, the up next aura Prince Dean possesses. Absolutely. This aura, he
03:22is him. He is something else and that's what it is. Now that Clark Andrews has done the
03:27intro, the reason why CPF are here is the winner, the winning team in this match will
03:34take on CPF for those UKPW Tag Team Championships in Maidstone. Gents, I know I shouldn't ask
03:40this question right off the bat. Of the two teams, do you have a preference? Which team
03:45you would like to face in Maidstone? Whichever team wins, I suppose. That is how this contest
03:51is set up to work. It works like that for a reason because we want to prove ourselves
03:54as the best, therefore we will face the best. Very wise indeed. Right now my money is on
03:58Prince Dean and Cody. Alright. Might get a full go. I'm already having the match up in
04:03my head. Jay Alexander and Belle Delphine is it? They don't have a tag name. They don't
04:09have tag gear. Prince Dean and Cody, two man day trip? They have a tag name but they don't
04:14have tag gear. But they do have matching armbands if you look there. Okay. Wow, that was loud
04:19next to me. I'm glad I had the ear defenders on. We might have enhanced the noise. As Jay
04:25and Cody start us off here. Now to answer Danny's question from earlier, how did Jay
04:31and Delphine become a team? They were singles wrestlers, they kept losing? I don't want
04:35to say it that way. They're just the singles wrestlers still. I have an issue with it.
04:38See if you look at CPF we have a tag name, we have a catchphrase, we have Steezy Runs
04:42and we have tag gear and we also have these tag belts. Everything is designed to be ensembles.
04:47It's obvious what we are. We are one. We are one. We are close personal friends. Everything
04:51we do is obvious. We have the same styles, the same gear, we have the tag name. We're
04:55just in sync. Whereas when I look at these teams, are they in sync? We will find out.
04:59As Delphine and Princedean are now in the ring. Princedean whips off the ropes.
05:04And he gets the shoulder tackle. You guys make excellent commentation stations. This
05:09is my first of a time. Princedean with the leapfrog. Delphine goes under, pushes off,
05:14goes for the hip toss. Blocked. I'm going to sit back, this is great. And Princedean
05:19pays off the hip toss. Will he get the three count? Not this early. He did get a two though.
05:23Notice this is the first minute of the match and there has been a two count already. I
05:26mean if these guys keep going the way they're going, maybe we become a tag team and maybe
05:29we become tag team champions. Back body chop lands on his feet. Shades of Jolando. This
05:41is the traditional Princedean madness. Let's see if this is us. We just flip on his face.
05:47Or slap him. I love a good slap. Princedean goes up and over. When will Belle Delphine
05:54learn? There he is. Just as he said that. It's as if he's gotten into your commentary.
06:00Has he got an earpiece? Did you plot this? No. There's the slap, I told you. That always
06:06works. Knox is ahead of each damn turnbuckle. Watch your language. We'll just dub him the
06:13word Steez. That's how that works. Each Steezy turnbuckle. They are custom PPW turnbuckles.
06:19Belle Delphine. Now that is the Steez I was talking about earlier. He is the personification
06:25of Steez. Just kidding. Belle Delphine has noticed that Princedean telegraphed that one.
06:29Princedean goes for one of his own and connects. He connected with the hip toss and now the
06:35monkey flip. Belle Delphine needs to stop trying to outclass Princedean because it's
06:39not doable. Wow, impressive. That's the second two count of the match. Absolutely. You guys
06:45are good at the moves too. I'm glad you're here. We are little wrestling nerds so we
06:49do know names. No, that's good. We need that. You're known to do them, baby. I'm just going
06:53to sit back. I'm really enjoying this. Jay's tagged in now. The bigger man of the two,
06:57is he? Well, yeah, slightly, I guess. In height, I think Caleb has a tiny bit of size on him.
07:02He does. It must be noted both of them are in incredibly good shape. He's out there.
07:06Indeed, yeah. Jay, not to be underestimated. Blind tag by Cody. No last name. Big strike
07:12by Cody. Spinning neckbreaker by Princedean. These two, they have some chemistry. Despite
07:19the coordination lacking in the gear, the moves probably matters more, I guess. It all
07:25helps. Takes him to the other ropes. Now, I've seen this before. Princedean, once again,
07:33is going to go up and over into the... Oh, wow. You sat on him. Sorry, I did ad-lib
07:40that. Yes. Shades of Gunther. Into the leg drop. Vintage Cody. It is a patented maneuver.
07:47Oh, oh. Handspring. With the spring. Oh, into the headbutt. You've seen Ishimori, but have
07:54you seen Princedean? No. Superstar headbutt, perhaps. Yes, perhaps. Wheelbarrow into the
08:00center. Wow. Shades of A2A. Cody, get the cover. This might be a two here. Once again,
08:05showing that double team. And it is. Double team synergy. Good cover, good cover. Cody
08:10bodes in the favor of the two-man day trip, I must say. They have an abbreviation. What
08:15was it? TMDT? TMDT. That's quite cool. Sounds like that in YouTube. What's Zack Sabre Jr.
08:21in? TMDK. Yes, sounds like that. Oh, look at that. Alexander, the elevation. Oh, into
08:28the back kick. Jay Alexander is a shooter. Absolutely. Once again, despite their singles
08:34records not being so favorable, neither Jay Alexander nor Delphine is to be underestimated
08:38as a wrestler. Both excellent. Jay Alexander, a technical specialist. No, and 3-way credits
08:42too. They are big men. They are. Indeed. So they've now got Cody. Perhaps this is some
08:47of this tag team chemistry. Double back elbow. Not quite. The cover. Two. Two count. Now
08:55it looks like this no-name tag team. Alexander and Delphine. Let's give them a name. Let's
09:02give them a name. Think of something good. Oh, wow. This is where we get banned from
09:07commentary, Daniel. Keep it PG. I like that you refer to each other by full name, Daniel.
09:12One of you is in trouble with the others. See, now I am a just Joe, so he can't even
09:15do it back. There is no Joseph in this. They are firmly in control. Let's get back to the
09:18match left. There we go. Come on. If we can. That was unnecessary. That was a vicious streak
09:23in Jay Alexander. If he tried that on me, I would be displeased. I would be very displeased.
09:29And he would be disteased after I hit him. Come on, this is just coming off the top of
09:33the dome, baby. This is the way of the UKPW tag team champions. We don't give any consideration
09:38to commentary skills, but clearly we should. Back to the match, boys. Another two count.
09:47There hasn't been a one count in this match, but there also hasn't been a three count in
09:49this match. We'd have gone by this because we'd have had the hammer to come out. Oh,
09:56chop and the knee across the ear, Cody. Vicious. See, that's where these two tag teams differ.
10:04I feel Belle Delphine and Jay Alexander, they have a vicious streak, whereas the two-man
10:09day trip, they have more of a comedic streak, if you will. Will the fun and games get them
10:16the win, or is the vicious streak going to prove handy? Well, that's the question, isn't
10:20it? The ultimate way to get taken seriously is to become number one contenders for the
10:23tag team championship. Absolutely, and the thing with CPF is... What's Jay doing? He's
10:26illegal. Illegally in the ring. No worries, it's fine. Oh, Princeton, watch your legs.
10:31Watch your legs, Princeton, because Jay Alexander is stalking his prey. He's sneaking, he's
10:35sneaking. Oh, look at that. Oh, Princeton lands defeat. This is intense. Paul's his
10:39punch. Bear in mind, the legal men are still Belle Delphine and Cody. See, Cody and Jay
10:44are... Belle Delphine takes full... You keep using his name. I'm not sure, I think there's
10:48a case of mistaken identity here, because that's not Cody. That's not Belle Delphine?
10:51No, no, that's Delphine. That's the wrestler, Delphine. Oh. So that's why he's been doing
10:55so many wrestling moves as opposed to Twitch streaming and stuff. Other services are available.
10:59Whose bathwater did I buy? Not his? I mean, I don't know why I would know the answer.
11:05Oh, okay, big pop-up cheese. Yeah, let's go back, let's please go back to this point.
11:10See, here's the thing I don't agree with, and maybe you can explain this, maybe there's
11:13a reason. Why did Princeton not just slap Jay in the face when he pulled him off the
11:16apron? Ah, now, this is the underlying tension of the whole affair, is that Jay Alexander
11:21and Tim and Daytrip were historically very close. Right. They're not particularly happy
11:25that he's teaming with Delphine. So there's a motion. Yeah, there's absolutely a motion.
11:28They're fighting with a motion. Here's where I disagree, because if me and Joe are facing
11:31each other, we don't hold back. Oh, look at this! Cody! This boy is on fire! We've seen
11:37that in the UKPW ring, the pair of you give each other as good as you get. Touch the bell,
11:40Delphine, or just Delphine. Oh, there's the slap in the face, and look what he did, he
11:46made the tag! And it's Princeton, house on fire, big clothesline. With another one, and
11:52there's the goalie! Oh, it's the best move ever! Double whammy! Double whammy on his
12:10face! Oh, something Belle Delphine is used to. Holy wow! Okay, you kicked off gaming
12:17services for moves like that. No, I did so well to keep it together. You were doing so
12:21well. It's alright, it's alright. Nobody will know, nobody will know. Oh, they're scurrying!
12:25And Delphine, they look like they're trying to leave! They're just straight up dipping!
12:28But Princeton has him chucked! Into the licks bush! Wow! Yes! Throw him back in! You can
12:39get the pin, go on! I think I have an answer, a proper answer to your question. I want to
12:44face the two-man day trip, they are on fire! Here he goes, another springboard! Springboard
12:48into the crossbody, and he takes the big man down! Covering the middle of the ring!
12:52Oh my, that's the closest you've got to a three count in this match so far. That was
12:55the closest, you are absolutely right. Now if this is CPF, I would make the tag and I
12:57would go for a tag team maneuver to finish it. That is what they're doing. That seems
13:01to be the playbook. They have some sense is what I'm saying. Absolutely. Now we wouldn't
13:08let that happen. No way. Oh! J. Alexander, the legal man! Princeton's out! That's one
13:13from Cody, into the Michael's knee! Oh! Princeton, suplex city! New York, not traditionally known
13:22for its suplexes, but there they are. And there's the tag. Delphine, the legal man. Big
13:28European. No, he's actually American. Oh! That was nice, I would kick out personally.
13:35I don't think he was going to kick out of that. It's a good thing Cody was there. See
13:38now, they left Princeton in the ring, although he looked like he was down. He was slightly
13:41playing boss unless he pounced and broke up the cover. You need to make sure the other
13:44man's out or at least covered. Absolutely. If they had a tag name, maybe. This is why
13:47you're a tag team champion. This is the kind of searing insight we need. Indeed. Princeton
13:51blocks it. Oh! Stun gun? I suppose. I play some of the WWE video games. That's a stun
13:57gun if I've ever seen one myself. Princeton, Delphine, the legal man. Cody's saying he's
14:02done. Yeah, Cody's cool. It's two on one. Oh! Onto the shoulders. That was fantastic
14:11strength by Cody. Caleb is not a slow man. Oh! Super kick. Boosts him onto the second
14:21rope. Gives him a double chop and another double chop. That's a quadruple chop. Oh!
14:26Sits out. Keeps hold of the wrist. Into the two and oh! Just kicking out. Oh! Hard crash
14:32pin break. That was very close there. Are you picked still, the two man day trip? You
14:40know what, I've got faith. I think they've still got it in the bag. So Jay. Fair to say
14:45whoever wins is the most deserving. Absolutely. Absolutely. Jay and Delphine have impressed
14:49me so far. Let's remind ourselves, they are fighting right now for the opportunity to
14:53take on Steeze. Steeze guys. Good. I like you. I appreciate it. I like you too. I like
15:00you too. You didn't come up with that one. Do better please. Duly noted. Duly noted.
15:07Big double chop across the throat. Delphine in the driver's seat. Opposite corners. Do-si-do.
15:13Under the clotheslines. Onto the middle ropes. Oh! Double Cody breakers. Double Cody breakers.
15:21Double cover. Two. This is it. Oh! How is it not? How is it not? That was the perfect
15:26opportunity. Everything synchronized including the kick out. I am flabbergasted. This is
15:30still on. So credit where credit's due. Absolutely. They're still fighting this one. I don't like
15:36not having a tag team to call. Well maybe if they win this they'll have to. Maybe that
15:40would be efficient for the match. Yeah. Stipulation. You've come up with another great point. Alex
15:44do better. I'm kidding Alex. Oh! He's caught him. He's caught him. What's he doing? I'll
15:52throw him into the guard rail. Oh! That works. That works too. The hardest part of the ring.
15:57Kevin Steen. Hardest part of the ring. Oh! Oh! Delphine. Oh! Cody is unleashed. He's
16:06just going ham. Now this is the mean streak that the two-man team needs. Huge superkick
16:11from J. J Alexander. Shuffling Delphine out of the ring. Referee trying to get this contest
16:17back in order. That was a legal tag. Well hardly Cody has finished. Lifting up for a
16:22double team. Oh! Oh! Oh! He flips the back. Cody ducks through. Oh! Drop kicks J into
16:27Delphine. Oh! Roll up. Roll up. Roll up. Vintage Cody. Stop 182. Shouts out Mandrews. Look
16:33at that. Cody feeling it. But there's no man to tag. Cody's dead. He's not on the apron.
16:39You've got to do it on your own Shun. Prince Dean's not there either. I don't know why
16:43we lose this game. Is that it? Okay. Crowd behind Cody as he looks to fight his way out
16:49of the top of one. Overhand. Overhand. Oh! Oh! Delphine with a superkick to J Alexander.
16:57I would never do that. I'll never kick you in the face Daniel. Oh well. I don't think
17:00it was intentional. Nevertheless it stuck. It looked it to me. Oh! Jeez. Big knee to
17:06J Alexander. Cody's got to have this one won. He might be out. Goes for the cover. The leg.
17:10Oh! Delphine breaks the cover. Now that tells me J Alexander doesn't have a fierce superkick.
17:15I do. If I did kick you in the face you'd be down for the count. Please don't. I won't.
17:20I won't. I'm just theoretically. See that's the respect right there. As Daniel realises
17:23that's not a good place to be. Unless we're wrestling each other then I would just slap
17:26you. Oh! Wait a minute. Oh no. That's not fair. That's not fair. J Alexander. Oh! The
17:33pit of lotion. The cover. Oh! Hey. We have number one contenders. We have them but I
17:40don't respect them. I don't like the way they stick to that. I don't like that. This was
17:44a banging match up until that. They ruined it. They ruined it. Oh. I'm not sure about
17:54that. Is that legal? Alex is that legal? He's gesturing for the belt here. What he doesn't
17:58know. Is that legal? You kicked him in the nuts. You kicked him in the nuts. You kicked
18:03him in the nuts. That's not allowed. Well grappled fans. There you have it. Your new
18:08number one contenders for the UKPW Tag Team Championships are J Alexander and Delphine
18:12in arguably an upset victory. I would say so. No tag name. No tag gear. And they have
18:17to kick someone in the nuts to win the match. Now that. That is not a steezy tag team. No.
18:21No respect for them. Steezy though they may not be. Number one contenders they are. I
18:26think he's right. I think he's right. You're right. You're right. We're sinking too low.
18:35Give it up one more time for the two man nation.
18:44Kind of brief. I just have a few things to say. I just have a few things to get off my chest.
18:50Thank you everyone for coming out tonight. I'm glad you're back. We didn't get the loss.
18:57Where's your name tag? Sorry. It's OK Cody. I've got plenty of name tags.
19:08There's no worries about me. Back to normal. I don't understand Cody. Why do all these
19:18name tags have your name on them? I said I had something to say. Almost two years now
19:31we've been in UKBW. Two years. And what is that amounting to? Huh? What is that amounting
19:37to? They say we're one of the most popular tag teams in this company. And we are? Yep.
19:44We can't win together. We can't get a title match together. That was our chance. That
19:48was our chance. I just feel like for so long we've just been that close. Just that close
19:57for greatness. We're just one step away. And now I'm starting to think it's you. I'm sorry.
20:07I'm sorry. I'm not the only one that thinks this. Partially, I love you. But I'm embarrassed.
20:14Mum's embarrassed. The family's embarrassed. Don't question the gods. I'm embarrassed.
20:24No. Maybe you're embarrassed. OK? Of your old dad. Attacking your old dad and everything
20:30that we've been through. It's not about championships. It's about all these people here that are
20:36supporting us all the way through. All the way through. If you remember, when we first
20:44got here, I was over there. I was on commentary. I was stuck on commentary two years ago. OK?
20:50And I scratched and clawed to do anything I could for any opportunity to make these people
20:58proud. OK? We love you, OK? And when I was on commentary, I wasn't ashamed. I was proud.
21:12Because I was watching you become one step away from being in the UKBW Championship.
21:17I got to watch my son do what he loves and what I love doing. OK?
21:25If this is it, I'm not an idiot. I've seen wrestling before. You're going to turn on me.
21:40If you don't want to hang with your old dad and it makes you one step closer to a championship belt,
21:46then do it. Do it.
21:54Go for your son!
22:17Let's cut to Kimi to see what Liam Judd had to say before this contest.
22:25Crapple fans, please join me in welcoming my guest at this time, Liam Judd.
22:29Liam, today is your singles debut match in UKBW. You're up against Alf Edwards.
22:35Do you have any strategies going into this match today?
22:37No strategies today, no. But obviously I'm getting an opportunity here against the prolific
22:42and UKBW producer, so, Alf Edwards. And he doesn't have anything on me.
22:47I've watched a lot of his matches. I know what he does. I'm prepared for today.
22:51And Alf Edwards is soon going to realise that diamonds are made under pressure.
22:55And there is no better diamond than your stud, Liam Judd.
23:00Best of luck today with your match. Back to you at ringside.
23:04Strong words from Liam Judd. It's a challenge. He has some work ahead of him to pick up the victory on this one.
23:10I mean, his opponent has been prolific in UKBW.
23:14Yes, indeed.
23:18Although he does have banging music.
23:20And gear. Let's not forget the gear.
23:23And here's our winner, weighing in at 64, from South East London.
23:29He is the true best boxer, Alf Edwards.
23:36Well, Dal, we heard from Alf Edwards earlier in the show.
23:38He is still unhappy about the missing out on a one-on-one match with Sapphire Reade
23:43back when the Interregional Championship was in her possession.
23:46And he blames David Francisco.
23:49And he blames David Francisco for the results of the loss.
24:03He was here for showcase when he came up short in the Interregional title match,
24:07which saw Harry Sefton leave with the championship.
24:09I mean, if I was Alf, I would definitely have a chip on my shoulder.
24:12Alf has been a standout in 2023, but it's 2024.
24:16Can he continue that momentum?
24:33And we're off.
24:34Now, this is going to be interesting.
24:36Both these wrestlers were here in Canterbury last time.
24:39Ah, yes, of course, Liam Judd and the tag team with Double Action,
24:43Sean Action Jackson.
24:45Well done.
24:46Say that three times.
24:47No, I think I feel like I've missed an action.
24:50Action, Action, Double Action, Sean Action Jackson.
24:52That's the one.
24:53Oh, there's some early shoving.
24:56No other word for it.
25:00Both these men.
25:01Alf Edwards normally able to rely on power to get through,
25:04but Liam Judd's equal to the challenge.
25:06I mean, he is built.
25:08Both wrestlers here are gym fiends.
25:12Oh, Alf Edwards telegraphing that one.
25:14Just knee to the midsection.
25:16I was wondering where that was going to end.
25:18A healthy advantage.
25:19Judd ducks two clotheslines and whips him through.
25:22Oh, wow.
25:24Huge clothesline.
25:25Left his feet.
25:26Slam to Alf Edwards.
25:28And a jumping senton.
25:30So much meat on that bar.
25:31Goes for the first cover.
25:32And two.
25:34Bravo, Liam Judd.
25:36Really impressive right at the beginning of this match.
25:39You know how light normally travels faster than sound?
25:41I heard that one first.
25:44Just one of the most painful things.
25:48Just hurts.
25:50No other way of saying it.
25:53Whips Alf Edwards to the corner.
25:55Ducks away from.
25:56Oh, look at that.
25:57Oh, no.
25:58It's so hard.
25:59The buckle came off.
26:00Oh, wow.
26:01That just dislodged.
26:03Oh, dear.
26:05Oh, Alf Edwards unfazed.
26:06Just cannonballs Liam Judd.
26:08Yanks him away and goes for the cover.
26:09A one kick.
26:10That was a painful cannonball.
26:11And again, that turnbuckle pad coming off has made that corner quite a dangerous corner
26:12for this match.
26:13I wonder if any of the ring crews are going to be able to put that back on.
26:14Tristan's busy enough trying to be a referee.
26:16I wonder where that pad went.
26:17Assault box.
26:39That was a bad suplex.
26:40A stocking trade.
26:41That was the first suplex of the match.
26:42Are you going to keep the score this time?
26:43I think so.
26:47I know I can do that.
26:48One suplex by Michael Adam outlet.
26:49Pam outlet.
26:50Oh oh.
26:52And there's trading blows.
26:53Stanford with four arms to the back and Liam Judd four arms to the midsection.
27:03Just casually tosses Liam Judd to the outside. Now Fedwitz just able to just rest, just take a breather.
27:10Just have a little wonder, no big deal. Interesting, he is going to make his way to the outside.
27:17Perhaps not wanting to win by count out. Hmm, interesting.
27:21Oh, okay, maybe not then, maybe it's about the knock post and proximity to it.
27:25Talk about using the ring to your advantage. Yes, indeed.
27:28Harry Tristenstine meanwhile reassembles it.
27:31As Alf Fedwitz runs into Liam Judd's back up.
27:36Oh, that won't do it.
27:42Tristenstine making sure that the back up doesn't get involved.
27:47Liam Judd means business. You can see the determination on his face.
27:51Whips him across, what are we going to see? Went for a spine buster I think.
27:56Alf Fedwitz just maneuvering around it.
28:02Looks like another one. Nice T-bone suplex, how do you like them done? Well done.
28:07Suplex plus plus.
28:10Kick out at two. I'll make that two suplexes.
28:15I'm going to gamble. Are you conscious that we're counting, do you think? Or do you think you're worried about it?
28:20Not at all. Yeah, not at all. That's pretty good, I don't want to be accused of distracting.
28:25I think being known for being a suplex merchant, being a master of suplexes. Comes with the turf, doesn't it?
28:30Yeah. You have to expect a certain amount of counting. He knows we have nonsense.
28:33Oh, there's a chop. Revenge from earlier.
28:35I suppose if he's selling, maybe it's a counting.
28:38Oh, could be the chop merchant with pride like that.
28:42Oh, spits in his face. That's a surefire way to get someone quite angry. Absolutely.
28:47That's being polite. In a post-pandemic world, is it cricket?
28:51And a cover two.
28:55That was nasty.
28:56Those turnbuckle pads are not going to endure this contest.
29:00The top one looks a little bit more on the loose side after that.
29:02I feel like we're going to have to get new turnbuckle pads, because people keep really throwing people into these blinds.
29:06Absolutely. Alfred was going back everything he had. You can see it as he left his feet.
29:10If you whip somebody and you leave your feet, you're probably giving it far away.
29:14I feel like we're going to have to get new turnbuckle pads, because people keep really throwing people into these blinds.
29:18Absolutely. Alfred was going back everything he had. You can see it as he left his feet.
29:22If you whip somebody and you leave your feet, you're probably giving it far away.
29:26Oh, and Judd telegraphed that one.
29:29He's going to whip Alfred to the whipping zone.
29:34Big Inseguri into the corner. He's trying to trade off.
29:37There's that spike buster.
29:39Goes for the cover.
29:43That was an outrageous spine buster.
29:48Those turnbuckle pads are dropping off out of fear now, I think.
29:50That's a very good observation.
29:52Goes for what looked like a spear, but a canvas instead.
29:56Pop up.
29:57Looks for the pop up. He pops over.
29:59Waste luck of his own.
30:01Ducks that close line.
30:03Oh, wow! What a spear!
30:07And a two.
30:08I really thought that was going to happen.
30:10Well, with a spear of that venom, I'm not surprised.
30:12I am surprised.
30:16The thing with a spear is it's a double hit.
30:17You get hit in the ribs and then you land on the ground.
30:19Judd signalling he's going to try and hit this one.
30:22Oh, exploded suplex.
30:24There's the third one.
30:25Sent him all the way over.
30:26Some people call that an X-Plex.
30:28Pop up.
30:29Oh, not a powerbomb, but looking to apply that cloverleaf.
30:34He's tapping.
30:35He's tapping.
30:36He's tapping.
30:38I came out of nowhere.
30:40I think he taps.
30:41Here is your winner, the Super Smashers of Apple!
30:49Well, Grapple fans, there you have it.
30:51With a submission that came so out of nowhere.
30:53It's the Super Smashers of Apple.
30:57Well, Grapple fans, there you have it.
30:58With a submission that came so out of nowhere.
31:00That it actually caught the entire live crowd by surprise.
31:03The Suplex Merchant Al Bedwards shows there's more than one
31:05string to his bow and picks up the submission victory.
31:08Dal Jones, your thoughts?
31:09I mean, some of these moves were so explosive.
31:12Some of these moves were incredible.
31:13I actually think that Liam Judd landed awkwardly in one of
31:17those previous moves.
31:18I don't know when we're going to have to look at the replay.
31:20But then when Al was able to get that cloverleaf on,
31:22I think Liam just had to give up.
31:24He's got an injured shoulder, it looks like.
31:25We've got a serious issue here.
31:27But congratulations to the Suplex Merchant for yet another
31:32Liam Judd has been examined by medical professionals at
31:36Not that one.
31:38And is being helped to the back.
31:41This crowd shows their appreciation for his efforts.
31:49Give it up one more time, ladies and gentlemen.
31:52Greetings, Grapple fans.
31:54This is your main event for UKPW Downward Spiral.
31:57Rob Ringside, joined by Dal Jones on commentary.
31:59Dal, this is the main event that actually started before the
32:04show started.
32:05Absolutely, Rob.
32:06For the record, let's do a quick speed recap.
32:08What happened?
32:09Rob had no challenger.
32:10He had no opponent set for today.
32:12But Rob, being the champion that he is,
32:14he turned up here at the Westgate Hall.
32:16He's still in the ring.
32:19He turned up here at the Westgate Hall.
32:21He started the show.
32:22I say started the show.
32:23Before the show, he was in the ring,
32:25chatting away to the audience.
32:26And essentially, he wanted to thank the cast and crew.
32:29He specifically wanted to thank the individuals from the
32:31training school just down the road.
32:33Thanks for helping out.
32:34He shook hands with those trainees.
32:37But two of them, or should I say three of them,
32:39took exception.
32:40They were insulted.
32:41And after a scurry, after a bit of to-and-fro-ing,
32:45it was agreed that an opportunity of a lifetime
32:48to these rookies today in Canterbury,
32:50in the main event, they turned up to help the ring.
32:53And now, one of them could become the UKPW champion.
32:58Yes, indeed, Daryl Jones.
32:59I've been informed that Tyler Walker,
33:02hailing as the Prince of Peckham, the Priceless One,
33:05caught up with Kimya Kiss earlier,
33:07made his intentions known.
33:11Grapple fans, please welcome my guest this time,
33:14the UKPW ring crew.
33:15Now, earlier today, at the start of the show,
33:18Alexander Roth, our UKPW champion,
33:20called you into the ring, wanted to shake hands with you,
33:22thank you for all your work.
33:23But you didn't like that.
33:25Can you explain to us why?
33:26Why should I shake hands with him?
33:28I work damn too hard.
33:29I'm here early in the morning, putting up the ring
33:31with these two fellas here.
33:33And what, a little handshake is going to do something for me?
33:36What is a handshake going to do for me?
33:38It's not going to do nothing.
33:39So I think I decided I'm going to get my big man here
33:42to take him out.
33:43Get the opportunity.
33:44Because if I lay him out, you think about it,
33:46you say, you know what, I might give these little rookies
33:48a chance.
33:49So, hey, Roth, the Towering is coming to an end.
33:53It's a new era.
33:54It's the Priceless Era.
33:56So Alexander Roth has obviously given you the opportunity
33:58today in the main event here in Canterbury.
34:00He only gave an opportunity because we took destiny
34:03into our own hands.
34:04See, Roth, I know it.
34:07Tyler knows it.
34:08JP knows it.
34:09You would have never have given an opportunity
34:10to people like us.
34:11People who make the show what it is.
34:15So we take destiny into our own hands.
34:17We write the future.
34:18And you're looking at the new UKPW champion.
34:22Does that answer your question?
34:23That does answer my question, boys.
34:25Thank you very much.
34:26The Tower is coming back to Peckham.
34:28Rothy, we're going to go home towerless.
34:32Back to you at ringside.
34:37Well, grapple fans, Tyler Walker has stated his intentions
34:40very clearly.
34:41But not to belabor the point, but the scale of the challenge
34:45ahead of him.
34:46The opportunity is one thing.
34:47But in order to do this, he has to defeat the 848 day
34:50champion, this man.
34:52The one from Wall Street, Alexander Roth,
34:55who has agreed to what is essentially one-on-one
34:59with two people outside the ring who could
35:02be the difference makers.
35:05Tyler Walker, accompanied by Nathan Blade and the final boss,
35:10But Alexander Roth out here by himself.
35:14Is that going to come back to haunt him?
35:16That may come back to haunt him.
35:18But let's just remind everyone that Alexander Roth has been
35:21the UKPW champion for 848 days.
35:25He has defeated Bullitt, Vaughn Vertigo, Connor Mills, RJ
35:30Singh, Cody Salahou, James Mason, Fabio Romano, Theodore
35:37Powers, Delphine, Alf Edwards, JJ Gale, and Scotty Roth.
35:44Alexander Roth is the most dominant champion in history.
35:48And he is here today in Canterbury.
35:51And Alexander Roth, of course, the only person today.
35:54The top of his game, the top of UKPW.
36:13He holds that belt with pride.
36:15We've been in a similar situation before.
36:18Roth has a tendency to give people a chance to let them
36:21take on the best.
36:22And today we are being treated to an unexpected,
36:26impromptu main event for the biggest prize in UKPW,
36:30that heavyweight championship.
36:32Yes, indeed.
36:33Dale Jones, Alexander Roth giving up a little bit of height
36:36to Tyler Walker, but clearly it doesn't faze him.
36:40I don't know what to expect.
36:41I don't know what to expect, Rob.
36:43I've gone to the school.
36:44I've been to the training school.
36:45All of the students are incredible.
36:47I'm going to hand it over to Clark Andrews for our main event.
36:51For our main event announcement.
36:53This is your main event of UKPW Downward Spiral.
37:07And it is for the UKPW championship.
37:11And it has no time limit.
37:16Hands up, too.
37:17Stand up.
37:20Shut up.
37:21Shut up.
37:22Let me really introduce myself to you people.
37:26I am Priceless One, Tyler Walker.
37:29Captain's finest.
37:30Captain's firstborn son.
37:32And the talent of coming back from Pembroke.
37:36Shut your mouth.
37:37Don't get hip hop.
37:38Don't get hip hop.
37:39You look like a tramp.
37:41Some strong words from the people here in Canterbury.
37:44Especially given the upmarket nature of local.
37:49But here's the opponent.
37:52He's from Broad Street, London.
37:56He weighs in at 187 pounds.
38:02He's the wolf of Broad Street.
38:06And your main and defending UKPW champion.
38:12Alexander Roth.
38:20There we have it, Rob Ringside.
38:22Here we go, Dale Jones.
38:24I'm always excited for an Alexander Roth main event.
38:27You know he's going to pull out all the stops.
38:30And we have the wild card.
38:32He's against three other people.
38:34I don't care what anyone says.
38:35There are three people opposite Alexander Roth.
38:38This is a three on one.
38:40Well, this crowd in Canterbury might be the difference maker.
38:43If he has those numbers behind him, can it be enough?
38:48Three, rings the bell.
38:50And away we go.
38:51Oh, look at that.
38:53Alexander Roth, early mind games.
38:59Just unloading on Tyler Walker in the corner there.
39:02Maybe just some retribution for the attack earlier.
39:06I don't blame Roth at all.
39:08Especially when someone challenges you and attacks you from behind.
39:11Champion's not going to take it.
39:14Just driving the wind out of Tyler Walker.
39:16Impressive physical specimen, Tyler Walker.
39:18Look at, wow.
39:19The venom with which Alexander Roth threw him out of the ring cannot be understated.
39:24Wow, that was unbelievable.
39:26Roth is angry.
39:27Yeah, absolutely.
39:28He's fired up for this one.
39:29He wasn't meant to be even facing anyone.
39:34Impressive drop kick.
39:35Everyone here in Canterbury in awe of that drop kick.
39:40The good news is Roth managed to find some of his own gear.
39:42He must have had it afterwards.
39:43Must have had it there.
39:44He must have always had it packed.
39:45Oh, my goodness.
39:46What we're about to see.
39:47Three men outside.
39:48Roth to the outside.
39:50Down goes two.
39:51Takes two out of three out with one jump.
39:54And Roth is now doing sidesteps.
39:56Just walk.
39:57Just crab walking around the ring.
40:00Like you do.
40:01The song Smooth Operator just came into my head.
40:03To the freedom.
40:06Oh, my goodness.
40:07The Sade in that hit.
40:16Roll back into the ring.
40:19Roth follows.
40:20Still in control.
40:21Just teeing off on him.
40:22Sharp set.
40:24Just better.
40:25Credit to Walker for staying on his feet with some of those shots.
40:31He went up high and then low.
40:33That was a really good tactic.
40:34Smart move.
40:35And now Walker enjoys a bit of momentum.
40:39Again, another one that you could hear before you saw it.
40:41Roth just putting the referee in between him and halfway.
40:46Here we go.
40:49Whips Roth to the corner.
40:53Big time in the corner.
40:54Don't enjoy that.
41:01Big DDT.
41:02Really on top of his head.
41:08Roth's got very much in this one.
41:15What an interesting matchup this is.
41:18We've got someone who's got less than, say,
41:20probably even less than one match.
41:22Definitely a debut here in UKW.
41:23For sure.
41:24I don't even think, I think this is his first professional wrestling match.
41:27Could be.
41:28Strong showing so far.
41:29And you've got Alexander Roth who's held the championship for over 850 days.
41:32What an interesting combo here.
41:37Sometimes inexperience can actually be an advantage because you don't know what's going to happen.
41:41Very true.
41:42And Alexander Roth could easily underestimate Tyler Walker in this occasion.
41:45But clearly Tyler Walker an impressive specimen.
41:47Impressive high impact manoeuvres under his record.
41:50And Walker has been trained by one of the best in this country.
41:54And today in Canterbury there is a chance for a straight.
41:56Whip of his own.
41:58Big clothesline into that corner.
41:59Classic Roth.
42:02Guy through and nobody home but the ring post.
42:05Got sent through.
42:06Ring post is an unfortunate neighbour to run into.
42:09Walker scurries out.
42:11He can't win the title on the counter.
42:12It's in his best interest to get Alexander Roth back into the ring.
42:14But he seems to have done it the wrong way.
42:17By that post.
42:18Again it can be an inexperience thing.
42:21Roth's shoulder hit.
42:22I don't think that's what it was.
42:23Roth's inexperience.
42:24Sorry I was about to say Roth's inexperience.
42:26Roth's inexperience here knowing he might have hurt his shoulder here.
42:29We've just seen earlier today Liam Judd hurt his shoulder.
42:32The danger of the steel post.
42:35And one of the advances Tyler Walker has right now is while he's enjoying some momentum in the ring.
42:40He has two people outside the ring trying to quell this crowd.
42:42But they will not be silenced.
42:44People of Canterbury are spirited behind the Walker Wall Street.
42:47They watched him in an incredible contest with JJ Gale before.
42:50In a showcase last time we were at this format.
42:54This is interesting how fully behind this crowd are behind Alexander Roth.
42:59Yes indeed.
43:03There's that vicious Roth combination.
43:07Roth feeling the energy of this crowd.
43:09Getting a look back into this contest a little bit.
43:11Looks like a fisherman suplex.
43:14Except drops it.
43:15Went drop forward.
43:16That almost made that move even more vicious.
43:18I don't think I've seen that before.
43:20Alexander Roth may be feeling like he has to pull out some new stuff to counteract the unknown quantity that is Tyler Walker.
43:26That is very true Rob.
43:27Very, very good.
43:28I mean again this is why Roth is so good.
43:30I don't know how I would approach this match.
43:32You have no take to study.
43:33You weren't really even prepped for a match.
43:35Rockman punch.
43:36Walker telegraphs it.
43:37See he has.
43:39Big spine buster.
43:40He has the advantage.
43:41He knows the moveset.
43:42Alexander Roth is an experienced in UKPWA seasoned veteran around the country.
43:48His moveset will be well known.
43:50Tyler Walker has that advantage.
43:51He can scour.
43:52He's done a good job so far.
43:54It's fair to say.
43:57Alexander Roth.
43:58I've never seen him do a German suplex.
44:00Mate we've got some more of the trainees have come out.
44:03Looks like a couple more numbers have shifted.
44:06Now these.
44:07It's fair to say these two trainees were not so.
44:11Oh no.
44:12The referee's been leveled.
44:13Alexander Roth with a superman punch.
44:15Aimed at Tyler Walker.
44:17And now the referee's down.
44:19Oh no.
44:20Oh no.
44:21And this is.
44:22Oh come on guys.
44:23Oh now this is.
44:24Come on.
44:25This is not good.
44:26Nathan Blades made his way into the ring.
44:28Hits a pop-up.
44:30Oh a pop-up headbutt.
44:31Never seen one of them.
44:32How's that?
44:35Come on.
44:36Hang on.
44:37These two trainees were the ones who were less inclined to go along with this.
44:39With this plan.
44:40Come on guys.
44:41Do the right thing.
44:42Come on.
44:43You were here to help out.
44:44You've got your experience.
44:45Get these two morons out of the ring.
44:47Don't ruin a main event.
44:49Guys come on.
44:50It's already three against one.
44:54I know you've trained together.
44:55I know you've got.
44:56Don't listen to him.
44:59Once again just being leveled with forearms.
45:02Oh no.
45:04It's four on one.
45:05And now it's five on one.
45:06Five on one.
45:07Sorry Rob.
45:09Oh no.
45:10Is anyone going to.
45:11Oh no.
45:12I don't know what we could.
45:13I mean could we do something about this?
45:14What do we.
45:15I'd rather not.
45:16What do we do?
45:17Oh big forearm.
45:19Hang on.
45:20One of them is on the outside.
45:21What is he going to do?
45:22It looks like he's.
45:23No way.
45:24Buckshot lariat.
45:25The UKBW champion is down.
45:26The referee is down.
45:27The referee is still down.
45:28It's a four on one in the ring.
45:29With an option to make it five.
45:30This is outrageous.
45:31We could have a new champion here.
45:32This is not.
45:34This is.
45:35This is.
45:36This doesn't feel right.
45:37Surely not.
45:38As they measure up.
45:39This levelling.
45:40Alexander-Roff is just measuring.
45:41Oh wow.
45:42Oh my goodness.
45:43That spear was unreal.
45:44Oh my goodness.
45:46The referee is still down.
45:47The referee is still down.
45:48The referee is still down.
45:49Trainees are trying to rouse him.
45:50Oh ref.
45:55And he kicks out at two.
45:56Alexander-Roff is still down.
45:57Alexander-Roff is still in this.
45:58Five on one was not enough to keep down the UKBW champion.
45:59Oh my God.
46:00Crowds suggesting that that wasn't ideal and suboptimal as a strategy.
46:01Super kick.
46:02In a way that only wrestling crowds can.
46:03That's right.
46:04Apologies if that sneaks through.
46:05Measuring up for that rough bottom.
46:07He got it.
46:08He got it.
46:10He's launching him.
46:11Oh my goodness.
46:12Oh my goodness.
46:13Oh my goodness.
46:14Oh my goodness.
46:15Oh my goodness.
46:16Oh my goodness.
46:17Oh my goodness.
46:18Oh my goodness.
46:19Oh my goodness.
46:20Oh my goodness.
46:21Oh my goodness.
46:22Oh my goodness.
46:23Oh my goodness.
46:24Oh my goodness.
46:25Oh my goodness.
46:26Oh my goodness.
46:27Oh my goodness.
46:28Oh my goodness.
46:29Oh my goodness.
46:30Oh my goodness.
46:31Oh my goodness.
46:32Oh my goodness.
46:33Oh my goodness.
46:34Oh my goodness.
46:35Oh my goodness.
46:36Oh my goodness.
46:37Oh my goodness.
46:38Oh my goodness.
46:39Oh my goodness.
46:40Oh my goodness.
46:41Oh my goodness.
46:42Oh my goodness.
46:43Oh my goodness.
46:44Oh my goodness.
46:45Oh my goodness.
46:46Oh my goodness.
46:47Oh my goodness.
46:48Oh my goodness.
46:49Oh my goodness.
46:50Oh my goodness.
46:51Oh my goodness.
46:52Oh my goodness.
46:53Oh my goodness.
46:54Oh my goodness.
46:55Oh my goodness.
46:56Oh my goodness.
46:57Oh my goodness.
46:58Oh my goodness.
46:59Oh my goodness.
47:00Oh my goodness.
47:01Oh my goodness.
47:02Oh my goodness.
47:03Oh my goodness.
47:04Oh my goodness.
47:05Oh my goodness.
47:06Oh my goodness.
47:07Oh my goodness.
47:08Oh my goodness.
47:09Oh my goodness.
47:10Oh my goodness.
47:11Oh my goodness.
47:12Oh my goodness.
47:13Oh my goodness.
47:14Oh my goodness.
47:15Oh my goodness.
47:16Oh my goodness.
47:17Oh my goodness.
47:18Oh my goodness.
47:19Oh my goodness.
47:20Oh my goodness.
47:21Oh my goodness.
47:22Oh my goodness.
47:23Oh my goodness.
47:24And the new UKPW champion, Alexander Roth!
47:30There you have it, grapple fans.
47:33As we previously stated before the commotion, Alexander Roth has retained against all the
47:38odds, 5-on-1.
47:40With the help of CPF after the bell, but during the match he was able to keep it together,
47:45kick out from unprecedented assault.
47:48And he is still your reigning and defending UKPW champion.
