• last month
Downward Spiral!
Match 1: Will Kaven & Samuel Hawkes vs. Close Personal Friends
Match 2: Luna Trix vs. Rita Slayworth
Match 3: Louis Basham vs. Boo Lemont


00:30DAL, we've had some drama before we've even opened the open the commentation station today.
00:39Absolutely, Rob Ringside. Now normally we start the show now but actually what happened when the doors opened?
00:44UKPW champion Alexander Roth made a surprise appearance. He was here, doors open, he was
00:50chatting with the crowd, he was having a laugh because no challenger has stepped up to take on
00:55the champion. Roth wanted to say thank you specifically to wrestling trainees who have
01:00been helping out throughout the year for UKPW. He invited five of them into the ring, he offered
01:06them a handshake, however one turned down the handshake. There was a bit of two-in-and-throwing
01:13but out of nowhere completely by surprise he was attacked from behind and speed version of this
01:19recap there was a bit of fighting and essentially our main event tonight a surprise main event
01:24Alexander Roth defends that champion against a rookie. Absolutely, Dal Jones you couldn't have said
01:29I couldn't have said it better myself Alexander Roth the fightingest champion of champions
01:34is taking on one of the trainees who formed until that moment the crew for the day.
01:46Grapple fans what a match we've got to kick off Downward Spiral here at the Westgate Hall
01:50in Canterbury I'm Rob Ringside and I'm joined by Dal Jones. Dal Jones the tag team championships
01:55on the line in mere moments. I mean I'm going to get right to it Rob tag team championships
02:01in Canterbury this match is full of flippy boy stuff I cannot wait to see what incredible maneuvers
02:08and aerial assaults we are about to witness. Flippy boy stuff is right I mean the team in the ring
02:12right now Hawks and Caveman made incredibly impressive showings at Rampage in singles action
02:18they both featured in the actual Rampage match itself and were excellent they had an absolute
02:23barnstormer with Westside Heat of Break stuff they narrowly missed out on inclusion in the tag
02:27team title tournament but today they can more than make up for that by taking on CPL. This is going to be fantastic.
02:36Shall we bring out some friends? Shall we bring out some close personal friends?
02:55Let's bring out your tag team champions!
02:58I never know if we can speak during this period or whether we'll just get demonetized. I mean I'm not going to do what Clark Andrews did before and make some lyrics up but what I am going to say
03:15is grapple fans here are the UKPW tag team champions. Yes indeed Danny Black and just Jolando CPF
03:23they are champions for 211 days thus far defeating Westside Heat and the meme team
03:30Adonis Payne and Artemis in the tag team title tournament in Falcon Woods they defended against
03:36the Bryant brothers in an incredible match on Bexley Heath High Street they defeated Crowley
03:41and Alexis Falcon at Tables Ladder Scares 3 in an utterly incredible contest and most recently
03:48in a match of the year contender took on the Rebellion
03:53at Blizzard Brawl 3 and were victorious these your tag team champs
04:02there they are the UKPW tag team champions just Jolando and the kid without fear Danny Black
04:10yes indeed but they do have a heck of a challenge ahead of them Hawks and Cave in a formidable tag
04:15team. Unbelievable you could argue they are the wrestlers wrestlers favorite team and looking just
04:21behind me Rob I can see what we like to call a curtain sell out. The following match is scheduled for one fall
04:30in the 13 minute time limit
04:38introduce to us the challengers weighing a combined weight of 360 pounds from Portsmouth
04:47the Raptor Daniel Hawks and Ruthless Will
04:57Crowley got their favorites now Jones it's fair to say
04:59I don't know what you're talking about Rob don't know what you're talking about. Well I mean that's fine I guess
05:16are they both soaking wet
05:30your reigning defending tag team champions Steve Heap
05:40oh that's what you were saying Rob yeah people really like CPF I'm glad you got there eventually
05:45yeah sorry there's a time zone thing oh yeah yeah yeah okay kidding aside I was just about to say
05:52we have what's called a curtain sell out all of the wrestlers are peeking through the curtain
05:58to see this one as rightly they should let's be fair this is going to be an incredible contest
06:04if you enjoy what I would call an aerial assault of wrestling or as I mentioned earlier flippy
06:09boy stuff yeah I think I prefer your definition this is the one to watch and that's what it's for
06:16the UKPW tag team championships it's always the calm before the storm in a tag team match you never
06:25quite know there's four bodies different strategies let's see what works and we're away
06:32Will Caven beginning in the ring with Joe Lando
06:36I'd like to shout out Clark Andrews for the excellent ring announcing as would I
06:43I guess
06:47now this intrigues me size each other up and away we go Lando may be the smaller of the two
06:54certainly has the speed and arguably in a UKPW ring the experience it's a tricky one because
07:00with Hawks and Caven yes okay CPS might have the speed advantage but Hawks and Caven are fast
07:07so it's a it's a minuscule advantage at best and Caven had an incredible match last year
07:13with Rex Armstrong yes indeed at the Rampage pay-per-view Hawks against the Nail almost
07:20won it inside five seconds exactly this this is why I think at the beginning here we're seeing these
07:27to slow it down because it just takes one mistake and the other one will pounce on it yes indeed
07:35both teams have a wealth of experience and will no doubt capitalize on the mistake and it may
07:40come down to those fine margins in a contest this evening the match absolutely now close
07:45personal friends everyone knows they are the tag champs everyone knows they are close personal
07:48friends but Caven and Hawks are also close personal friends they know each other really
07:55well they've trained together down in Portsmouth one of the best wrestling schools in the UK
07:59again I'm on the edge of my seat I'm gripped by what we are about to witness
08:04it's really psychological
08:23nice arm wrench really put some pressure on the top of that shoulder we know that
08:28Jolando can do that shooting star elbow and it's gonna make that move way more painful to deliver
08:34yes indeed it's a smart move by Caven working that arm making it more difficult as we have
08:41talked about frequently with high flying maneuvers you need your arms as much as your legs absolutely
08:47and what was incredible about that sequence there Jolando managing to reverse the pressure
08:52oh wow can't wheel out of that just takes him off his feet look at that
08:57well through still got wrist control disorienting him and then rolling through
09:01first cover of the contest two almost over just like that incredible line Martin Stroll
09:08there's that matrix oh beautiful drop kick wow
09:12strong showing by Jolando and Danny Black is in this contest early
09:16so look to whip Caven off the ropes double elbow rolling him up double chop
09:26oh big kick Jolando measuring up beautiful incredible double combo two and another close two
09:33we could have had it yeah for this early in the contest that would have been
09:36disappointing for that 30 minute time limit which I'm sure is eagerly waiting to be used to its
09:41fullest oh there we go big need Hawks making the tag and Danny Black just a little disoriented
09:49Hawks is deceiving so athletic full head of steam speed by Hawks leapfrog
09:59oh my goodness wheelbarrow out of nowhere not quite victory big kick measures up
10:05moon standing moonsault of his own not to be outdone Danny Black with another close two
10:10I know I'm going to say a cliche but we're struggling to keep up with the moves
10:14how are they doing it it's just it has to be muscle memory incredible front face look now
10:20keeping control go for a snap suplex nicely blocked you don't see suplexes
10:25block brilliantly like that often look at that well done blocks incredible
10:32oh I'm hooked these two are evenly matched where's Danny going over the top rope just leveling on
10:41that back and then coming in we know how he effectively is here oh big knee across the back
10:51two close that was close a knee to the back and landing from the top rope dangerous combo
11:01I love this this is such a great contest here it's almost like a human game of chess
11:07you've seen some high flying we've just seen some hard hits I heard that one when I saw it
11:16front flank we're going to see another suplex here
11:20oh look at that that's how you do a snap suplex through
11:24it's almost see how much that pained Danny Black as Hawks makes his way back into the ring
11:28oh huge penalty kick in a way absolutely
11:40here we go moonsault look at that so slick and a two another close two so good incredible match here
11:58and with this I know we keep talking about it with this slightly bigger ring it makes
12:08tag team wrestling that more dangerous cuts off the ring Danny is the furthest away from his partner
12:17Caben is psyching out Joe Lando over in that corner
12:23here we go this is what we're seeing now some people might say that this is unfair unsporting
12:28I would say it's clever you're cutting the ring in half no chance for Danny to make the tag
12:33it is a strategic move by Hawks and Caben absolutely right now Joe Lando is 20 feet
12:39from where he needs to be as Danny Black is just wrenched in the corner by Hawks
12:51indeed he one thing about CPF is that they do really really care for each other and it's I
12:57feel if I was going into this match I have to admit I think I'd manipulate oh went for that tag
13:02drops the leg out big elbow here we go on the cover going to ring two gonna try and ground
13:09Danny Danny is reaching for that tag at all times oh here we go they're sitting on that back and
13:15wrenching that arm in ways it's not meant to go what makes this even more painful is that
13:22you can see the tag it's so close
13:31oh whoops Danny Black
13:37couldn't quite hear that myself what we do know is that Caben is in control and the tag has been made
13:47and they have five seconds to get out of the ring and make the legal tag
13:52fully taking advantage of that Hawks just toying with Danny Black a tiny bit letting him get a
13:56little bit closer to Lando but still a world between them oh Danny Black rolls in
14:06trying to level the playing field a little bit what's Danny gonna go for he's measuring up for
14:10something it's gonna be cool oh no oh look like Caben maybe caught the leg I think so took the
14:18balance out it seems like Hawks has one leg of Danny Black's oh looking for an insiguri but Hawks
14:26knows exactly what to expect telegraphed it well absolutely so close to the tag iron up again ducks
14:32through fake out oh big slap well done and there's the tag tag makes the tag where's Lando going oh
14:42oh my goodness touched with that second rope out of nowhere I did not see that coming catches
14:47through oh just a step over insiguri to Caben in the corner incredible Hawks is out of it
14:54on the outside oh big elbow roll through with him oh wow look at that DDT that's gotta be it
15:02that's gotta be it Hawks tries for a kick Lando ducks through oh this match is insane
15:10where's Lando going just flips out look at that athleticism from Lando I can't keep up
15:14incredible off that top rope oh no way it's 450 oh and I didn't do it a springboard 450
15:24whoa talk about being caught off guard that was an incredible flurry of maneuvers arguably CPF
15:31have found their way back into this match as Danny Black is now the legal man as they just
15:36hoist try and hoist Caben up Caben doing an excellent job trying to take both of these
15:42guys down absolutely oh that's not how you want them to interact double knocking knocker classic
15:52illegal tag going on there what's going on oh CPF taking advantage of that
15:56whipping Caben into the corner goes to run in oh if one didn't get you the other one will
16:03and then Lando makes the tag yeah we got a bit I think everyone's a little bit lost here yeah
16:09who's Danny Black a stiff knee but coming back right back out of it tornado DDT handspring
16:15tornado DDT oh Ibushi knee waist lock through matrix cutter unbelievable springboard
16:30cutter of his own everybody down everybody's down real
16:35I'm so glad Clark Andrews is not on commentary because we would have had no
16:40sound equipment left after this would have been blown out instantly
16:45what have we just witnessed would have been worth it but wow incredible combo referee
16:54Carl Williams trying to get proceedings back up and both men have to account tend to stand
17:02to stand we knew this match was going to get the tag we knew it was going to get mixy
17:09Danny Black striding through with purpose
17:13forearms it's all well and good doing the pretty moves but at the end of the day
17:18forearms of the face oh look at that Danny Black more hurt than he let on
17:25Danny's got an excellent forearm but it's hard to compare the two
17:31quantity will work oh just a jumping knee ends that exchange gets you right underneath the jaw
17:39it really rattles your brain what are we going to see here hoisting up shoulders it's a double
17:47team maneuver oh wait a minute no way no way rolls him through what are we seeing nobody home
17:55oh huge kick to the back doesn't want to waste that jump no that was an awkward position there
18:00that Hawks was in he had to do something absolutely and use this momentum to go around
18:05and then that spinal tap type of kick but how impressive from Hawks to come down on his feet
18:10expecting to have to do a different move yeah phenomenal reaction let's be clear Joe Lando is
18:17still out on the outside making his way slowly back up there we are tag is made you can see
18:23this match has gone on long enough Danny Black looking to take Hawks out of the equation
18:30crowd are firmly behind the UK Pedevic Tag Team Champions and he flips through well telegraphed
18:37just leveling both the forearms speed of Kaven maximum distance reversal up and over
18:45oh what are you talking about Danny Black no way go flying oh
18:58through the ropes and what is meanwhile oh my goodness what do you call what is that
19:08oh that that should have been it was a shooting star sent on i have never seen that before in
19:16UKPW like a 450 rotation it was in reverse and the the amount of whiplash that would have landed
19:23on Kaven is unbelievable please hit it again i didn't see it enough there's no way i saw the
19:28whole thing and i still want to see it again that's an unbelievable move measuring up but
19:32Kaven's on his feet oh and he catches the knee across that top turnbuckle
19:37he's even dislodged the pad oh and he catches the knee of Danny Black as he jumps
19:43oh this is not a good position for CPF to be in both suffering hits to the knee
19:50oh no in that tombstone position
19:53tags made as Hawks from the top oh my goodness i'm going to call that the Fentos driver let's
20:02go oh my how how how that is an in Clark Andrews sat next to us how how Clark Andrews i can't
20:11believe what i'm seeing that was an incredible move some know it's the Meltzer driver i'm gonna
20:16call it the Fentos driver all right well it was six stars whatever it was it's just we might not
20:25we are at the Westgate Hall unreal see i mean the fact that Joe Lander was able to kick out
20:33that is incredible unbelievable the fact that Hawks and Kaven had the guts to do that move
20:38it's a risky move for everyone for everyone well also they tried it earlier it didn't work
20:44absolutely try it again must feel like the momentum is beginning to shift in their favor
20:50i can forgive them for that given that right now it's just the two of them and Joe Lander
20:57Danny Black slowly making his way to his feet on the outside but he's taking his time probably
21:01quite rightly as he ate a knee oh no oh no ducks the float and it's a Gary from Hawks
21:10and now Danny Black is back to his feet Lander rolls through cannonball with the heel to the
21:17face as they make the tag oh here we go now hoisting Hawks up oh unbelievable gotta do it
21:29and it's over
21:34we'll wait for the official words
21:48here are the tag team champions
21:58grapple fans how about that to kick off downward spiral Dow Jones so many match winning maneuvers
22:07but only one finished the contest talk us through it absolutely that last maneuver
22:12what used to be just Danny Black's finishing maneuver the black buster becomes a double team
22:16move they flip them around it's almost like a whirlwind but landing on the back of your head
22:22you are instantly in pinning position and in this clip if we get the angle right you will even see
22:27that Joe Lando adds a little bit of extra leverage at the end but most importantly Danny Black,
22:33Joe Lando are still the UKPW tag team champions absolutely take nothing away from Hawks and
22:40Caveman they came milliseconds from the titles on numerous occasions and hit moves that should
22:45have ended matches and every right to call that a finisher I mean I know we're still rolling
22:50replays here I mean what was that move from Joe Lando I'm gonna have to ask him later that second
22:55rope reverse 630 in a way I can't wait to watch that back but well done to CPF unreal grapple
23:03fans what a contest but still your tag team champions CPF grapple fans let's take you
23:10backstage to Kimia Kiss who is with Lunatrix grapple fans please welcome my guest at this
23:16time Lunatrix, Lunatrix welcome to UKPW you are debuting here today in Canterbury obviously UKPW
23:23have never seen you before the grapple fans have never seen you what can they expect from Lunatrix
23:27oh god goodness gracious uh fun fire and probably frantic energy I'm very excited I'm so glad to be
23:33here thank you for having me we are very glad to have you good luck with your match today
23:38back to you at ringside as always the UKPW women's division is hotting up at all the time but we've
23:44got the debut from the Isle of Wight Lunatrix taking on let's just say someone who I wouldn't
23:50want to get on the wrong side of Rita Slaver yes indeed
23:53Dow Jones
24:05a phenomenal contest no doubt ahead of us Lunatrix uh embracing referee Tristan Stone and Clark
24:12Andrews ahead of our match really excited to be here isn't that nice it's infectious this energy
24:17I'm now happy to be here uh what you weren't before with me that oh I plead the fifth fair
24:24that's right we've got a first time match here Lunatrix against Rita Slaver who seems to want to
24:39clean things up
24:50she's come a long way to be here to her credit
24:54now thank you Clark Andrews Rita Slaver she debuted at Summer Jam 2023 yes indeed I remember
25:00it well and she defeated she was defeated by Ronnie Knox at Showcase in this building last
25:08time yes indeed and that was a absolute classic as well I remember that I remember both matches
25:14like they were yesterday Rita Slaver almost wanting to come here clean up and almost get
25:20that win back she needs to prove to the people of Canterbury that she is excellent and that the
25:25people of Canterbury are dirty
25:35people here in Canterbury not a fan of Rita Slaver
25:41now we've seen that marigold get involved before
25:45indeed it'll be interesting to see if it makes an appearance later
25:50you'd hope not if you're learning tricks or something absolutely
26:08Rita Slaver not impressed with the people here in Canterbury no indeed making it very apparent
26:16and that's a way to get your opponent on the crowd of your opponent's side
26:20now this is going to be a phenomenal contest here the reason why I say this is Lunatrix I've been
26:28told and have been informed that she is a not only a phenomenal athlete but has some explosive
26:34manoeuvres that can come out of anywhere hammer away Rita Slaver definitely pardon the phrasing
26:43the ground and pound hard striking taking on the wrestling and explosive skills of Lunatrix
26:50we're in for a treat and away they go collar and elbow tie up
26:59there was a kick to the inner thigh there I think that was to sort of say who's boss
27:05on the crowd yep instantly behind Lunatrix does not take much it seems
27:14there we go Rita Slaver using the momentum throwing down Luna
27:20just enjoying that leverage not a big height differential between them just that and I've
27:26been able to kind of work those angles advantageously very experienced
27:31I suppose if you've been wrestling for 17 years I mean if you want to believe that Rob then fine
27:37well held from the 1950s I mean presumably she's been wrestling for a good chunk of time
27:42her skills suggest she's trained her craft for a number of years I mean that's how CVs work you've
27:46had 70 years worth of experience that's fair enough yeah absolutely watch out for the ropes oh big elbow
27:53nice flying back elbow there again I was told she has lots of explosive manoeuvres and we've just
27:59seen one oh goodness me Rita not happy about that one you can tell from the face long distance oh
28:07huge european uppercut into the corner six feet of extra momentum
28:13oh wow you see the other post just yeah crowd want one more I don't blame them that's two it's
28:20a weird number oh that time Rita telegraphed it almost like she's had two to the face already
28:26it's as if the crowd were turning however Luna saw that oh saw that coming nice backstabber type
28:32manoeuvre is it going to be over already the contest to kick out at two and Rita not impressed
28:41indeed not just stalking to her feet just hoisted up by the tricks oh but making some extra leverage
28:51there Tristan Stone was right there to administer the count hiked up slam huge slam that is
28:59professional wrestling are we doing it right oh just a soft chest there's a cover of her own
29:07two some fighting spirit from Luna and oh look at this Rita very cleverly oh goodness
29:15look at that that's not going to be nice raking across that middle rope
29:23Rita with an expression that says what what have I done I just nearly did a Roman face
29:28rake yeah all over that way I mean I find whenever you put the phrase Roman in front
29:35of anything it tends to make it sound like it was yeah yeah just a stretch across the Roman chin
29:43exactly you've become a snooker commentator again yes
29:49Rita fully in control here again going up for the scoop again just in that fall away slam
29:59position slam to the floor however Rita has positioned her in the corner I find this interesting
30:09what has Rita got planned here she can do some really impressive manoeuvres
30:13when sufficiently compelled
30:21hang on standing on her hair come on referee Tristan Stone's asserting their authority
30:27to get Rita's feet off of Luna's hair oh no that's just unnecessary incredibly painful but effective
30:36indeed and only for a second so it could have been worse now Rita's saying to Tristan to check
30:41that turnbuckle pad meantime oh she has a cord from oh goodness oh that's Tristan I think you've
30:48got the pad right yeah no well done Tristan that was good that was good referee in there
30:52Tristan got that pad sorted what's everyone what everyone doing Tristan was just doing the job
30:57there was um there was some good officiating is what I see it's important to check these things
31:03whoa with a fez press out of nowhere from Luna Tricks and just hammering on the face of Rita
31:08they are some huge elbows
31:13oh nice drop kick from Rita Slayworth great drop kick from just presenting to this crowd
31:18after several of her opponents just to show off understandably so
31:26into the buckle Rita's got some incredible kicks
31:32shoulder block
31:32Luna is having a fight from underneath here
31:41Luna trying to rally this crowd Rita just taking a well-earned breather
31:49arms trapped behind the ropes nothing good oh big chop across the chest second chop
31:57oh here we go looking to reciprocate oh a little bit more venom on that one looks like it hurt
32:04one of our ring crew that had some stank on it
32:09well that did hurt still oh turns around
32:12turns around to eat before that was tasty
32:18snapmare oh look at the head jumping elbow to the head
32:27something about Rita's offense that's gone the thing about wrestling is there's lots of
32:31different styles if you get if you have a style that cannot be categorized it gives you an instant
32:35advantage Rita as you say has such a unique offense you don't really know what she's going
32:39to do next to this to run through nobody home lots of forearm hits back with one of her own
32:46Rita is just so tough from the second rope goes for the cross but look at that strength wow
32:55incredible Rita having none of it and a back breaker just stretching out Lunatrix and continuing
33:01to do so wrenching that lower back it's one of the most painful moves in wrestling I don't think
33:05people give it enough credit you can see that Luna is trying to fight out of it look at the
33:09and then the elbow in the ribs the occasional extra bit of venom
33:19painful hold what are we going to see here positioning Luna in the middle
33:25hoisting the arms over the legs is this a camel clutch position yes we are
33:32oh the marigold there's a marigold
33:34well done
33:45foot on the rope as well
33:54people here in Canterbury are not happy with Rita's cheating oh Rita's not happy with the
33:57foot on the ropes again her face very expression very expression heavy there's a word for it
34:04it's escaping you now oh my goodness where did that come from just out of nowhere I think I saw
34:13Rita's tooth fall out a huge integrity from Lunatrix it was like a scissor kick I'd love to
34:22see a replay of that because it was as if the step-up version of the integrity is the reason
34:26why that was so effective but it looked like she stepped up out of thin air incredible right so
34:32good I'd love to see a replay of that I think Rita has really been that rocked her and I get it
34:38she's from an era of rock but still
34:43here we go trade off just exchanging forearms
34:49as Luna off the ropes just rocks Rita with a big clothesline and another
34:56ducks the clothesline of Rita's hoist her up
35:00oh big Samoan drop well well executed count the two but that's as far as she got that right
35:06shoulder wasn't covered Rita was able to get it up just in case anybody was unclear on this
35:11every you know one ultimately the source of truth on that but it could never hurt to have a re-agreed
35:17could never hurt to have a re-agreed
35:20there you go what's Luna going for now
35:24on a double under hook but Rita running through
35:30calling for the rinse cycle
35:35oh Luna's reversed
35:39oh that's got to be it it's an incredible move
35:43and kick out from Rita impressive tenacity from Rita Slayworth to stay in this contest
35:47that was a great move I can't believe Rita's back on her feet that's the thing about wrestling you got to get
36:04back on your feet because anytime you're on the ground you could be pinned
36:07you could be pinned absolutely again breaks out huge forearm
36:15reversal again oh giant European uppercut there's a process still processing that one it seems
36:23Luna off the ropes oh a trip that was a nice drop toe hold what's Rita gonna go for
36:29oh she calls this I it's a it's a postcode it's a Lancashire postcode escapes me now
36:38I'm gonna call it the 01622 I think that's the category dialing code
36:44rolls through here's that great combo beautiful brilliant and kicks out too you roll forward you
36:53get discombobulated and then you are landed with a backwards flip what a great combo from Rita
36:58very impressive moonsault but Luna he's got the task oh the disrespect
37:07Rita not happy with the situation here no indeed she's sounded like she said nobody's
37:12supposed to kick out of the rinse cycle here we go perhaps measuring up for a second
37:17oh no spins around Luna ducks in oh wow suplex position just to face plant to the canvas
37:29dangerous move indeed going for that double underhook again double underhook
37:33pedigree it's worked for a lot of people yes indeed does it work this time it does
37:43we'll wait for the official word
37:48here is your winner Luna Trix
37:56well there you have it grapple fans after an impressive display between both competitors
38:00Luna Trix picks up the victory over Rita Slayworth with that pedigree maneuver
38:04and Doug Jones what do you make of that finish I mean it was a great match it was a great move
38:07when you look at all the moves that happened in this there was lots of work on the upper body
38:11there was lots of submissions but at the end of the day it was that double underhook
38:15essentially a face plant into the mat nowhere to go
38:18picks up the three count Luna Trix wins on her debut
38:30now let's head backstage to Kimia Kiss who is with Jay Alexander and Delphine
38:36grapple fans please join me in welcoming my guests at this time Jay Alexander and Delphine
38:42guys today you're in a match against two-man day trip to become number one contenders for
38:46the tag team titles how are you feeling I'm feeling pretty good Kimmy because finally
38:53we are getting what we want we've been treated like jokes for ages and all we wanted was a little
38:58bit of respect today we become number one contenders in the future we become UKPW tag
39:04team champions and the only thing in our way is one more team I've got a bit of history with
39:12two-man day trip whatever happens out there Kimmy don't say we didn't warn you
39:20and back to you at ringside
39:35at six foot and a hundred meters from the ministry of justice the Lord Lewis Basham
39:48greetings grapple fans rub ringside here with Dow Jones and Dow what a match we've got in store for
39:54these grapple fans today absolutely Lewis Basham he is here in Canterbury but most importantly he
40:00has been undefeated in singles action since October 2022 he has defeated Devious Danny
40:06Jay Alexander, Shawn Jackson, Alexander Moore, Kieran Lacey, Prince Dean and Cody Salahue
40:15yes indeed and in this last time he was in this very building he took down the nail in a street
40:21fight with an unreal finish it was one of the most outrageous matches I have ever witnessed hang on
40:30I think Basham is not happy with the people of Canterbury
41:00here's a partner for today Boo Lamont making to my understanding his UKPW debut Dow Jones
41:12absolutely Boo Lamont let's go over to give me a kiss where Boo had some words
41:18grapple fans please welcome my guest at this time Boo Lamont, Boo welcome to UKPW today is your
41:24debut here in Canterbury against Lewis Basham now Lewis Basham is undefeated in UKPW at the
41:30moment what are your strategies going into this match Lewis Basham Lewis Basham you know I love
41:34when my opponent comes with an instruction not only am I going to bash him I'm faster I'm quicker
41:40I've got the element of surprise because I know Louis Basham, Louis Basham doesn't know Boo Lamont
41:44nobody in UKPW knows Boo Lamont yet but after today everybody in UKPW will know the name Boo
41:51Lamont not just Louis Basham but everybody everybody on the roster and everybody in the
41:55audience is going to know exactly who I am Louis Basham I wish you the best of luck today because
42:00nothing's going to stop me from making my mark in UKPW back to you at ringside well there you have
42:06it Rob now I need to get I need to explain something immediately to everyone here there is
42:10a bit of uh there's a full story with Boo Lamont here so advertised for the day today meant to be
42:16Tommy Kyle who unfortunately injured his ankle in training however in what I think is a bit of
42:21poetic justice or um poetic I don't know what the word is but back in 2008 a young Dow Jones
42:28stepped in on behalf of an injured Boo Lamont it's all just full circle it's full circle of life
42:35I think Basham's giving me the eye
42:39you want to be on the wrong side of that definitely not
42:44oh there we go attack before the bell just taking advantage of
42:49distraction whoa now Boo Lamont has been wrestling for years he had to sort of semi-retire for a
42:54little while but Boo Lamont is a wily veteran he knows exactly what to do in that race absolutely
42:59getting in there quick trying to just disorient and confuse Louis Basham oh wow took him off his
43:04feet with a cross body too look at the power of the kicker that was so good halfway across that
43:1020-foot ring it was full venom in that cross body Boo Lamont is fighting beautifully measured
43:17shots to the midsection but Basham with that power again
43:21it's one thing to step up when someone is injured it's another thing to step up when
43:25your opponent is Louis Basham absolutely can you imagine the call oh here we go where's
43:30oh boo fighting oh well done again telegraph that suplex Boo Lamont understands
43:36use that leverage it's gonna go oh wow oh no oh no he was going for a tornado DDT I suspect but uh
43:46weathers worked against him oh he dead lifted him from that position
43:51Louis Basham now the call of this is professional wrestling in honor of our hero Clark Andrews
44:03wow the crowd are incredibly divided absolutely is Louis Basham starting to win hearts and minds
44:08oh my god Boo Lamont almost steals one I really thought Boo was about to win absolutely
44:13Louis Basham get distracted just playing with his gavel or Tony Hammer oh what a suplex are
44:19there boots in the corner where Boo Lamont used to be I think that was absolutely oh I'm sorry Boo
44:24I knew I knew if you stepped up this this is good it's great that you have but I when you watch this
44:30back I'm so sorry don't use that clothesline though I'm not if he wins win oh look at that
44:37he's not going to do it that way catching the cross body just caught by Louis Basham
44:41huge fall away slam that's a 20-foot ring and I still thought Boo Lamont was going to clear it
44:46I mean I we had lots of discussions about getting a bigger ring uh I'm sorry for anyone that ever
44:52faces Louis Basham because it's just further and further for Basham to throw you indeed
44:59oh no here we go he's going for that four Nelson slam this one out of nowhere
45:02oh Boo well done well he sort of broke out of it it's gonna go happen if he can avoid it
45:09oh big stunner out of nowhere and look at basically if Basham is disoriented to say
45:15the least that really has stunned Basham Boo Lamont in the corner
45:22we're gonna go for that tornado DDT again
45:28he's way to the second row oh he did get it he did get it to me like
45:33to me like I thought he caught him and speared him at one point
45:39where's Boo going surely not now time to get behind Boo Lamont he could
45:46record the first singles defeat for Louis Basham in over 12 months but oh
45:58meanwhile oh that full Nelson slam from Louis Basham
46:04and it's over
46:10wow wow
46:20well as quick as it begins grapple fans this match is over Louis Basham remains undefeated
46:31in singles competition Dow Jones blink and you'll miss it full Nelson slam out of nowhere
46:35I mean we've broken this move down so many times the ungodly power of Louis Basham when he gets
46:41you in that full Nelson there is no escape lifting you up and then with full power into the canvas
46:47it is an instant three count Louis Basham picks yet another winner
46:53grapple fans coming up next James Mason challenges Harry Sefton for his UKPW
46:57Interregional Championship but first Kimia Kiss has informed us that she is backstage with Rita
47:02Slayworth grapple fans please welcome my guest at this time Rita Slayworth Rita you were defeated
47:10here again in Canterbury how are you feeling I'm not gonna lie it hurts I've come all the way down
47:15from Lancashire to clean this place up and face two opponents now at UKPW and I've lost twice so
47:20yeah it hurts a lot I actually quite like this crowd but they don't seem to like me which is
47:24fair enough but I mean I'm not I'm not upset about it I'll take anyone on I'll take I'll
47:28take the best you've got UKPW I'll take the best you've got in Canterbury I'll take the best you've
47:32got in Rochester anywhere in Kent bring it on I'll take on anyone so does this mean that you
47:36could potentially take on our UKPW Women's Champion Kiera Climberon uh uh yeah absolutely
47:44absolutely yeah yeah uh yeah absolutely uh definitely not absolutely terrified of Kiera
47:47Climberon absolutely not scared
