• 2 months ago
Tag You're It!
Match 1: Louis Basham vs. Kieron Lacey
Match 2: The Meme Team vs. Close Personal Friends


00:30Greetings grapple fans and welcome to Kent Pro Wrestling.
00:41I'm your host Rob Ringside, taking advantage of a little bit of downtime before we begin
00:46one of our fantastic events to bring you matches from our UKPW Tag Your It event in Falconwood.
00:55Today we get the answer to the question we've been asking for three whole episodes.
01:03Who will be the next UKPW Tag Team Champions?
01:08The final is the main event grapple fans, CPF taking on Meme Team to decide who's going
01:15to be the champs.
01:18But first, climbing the ladder here at UKPW, The Law, Lewis Basham is looking to assert
01:25his legal status.
01:26And in order to do that, he's going to have to get past the impressive Kieran Lacey.
01:32Who's going to come out on top?
01:37We all know who this is.
01:39You can hear the crowd moan, you can hear the boos immediately, but grapple fans, here
01:45is a man that is on a winning streak with the most devastating manoeuvre before Nelson
01:52It is The Law, Lewis Basham.
01:55There are many things that I would like to say about young Mr. Basham, but this is a
02:14PG show, so I can't.
02:16Yes, please keep it PG, maybe say it behind closed doors.
02:21This is a guy that has abused The Law, and on many occasions has assaulted my former
02:30tag team partner.
02:36I can't show my dislike for this man enough, I just can't.
02:41I just want to warn you, Buff, that Lewis Basham is clearly going to listen to this
02:46So I'm just going to salvage it.
02:47What I'm also saying is that Lewis Basham, I mean, look at the man, he's clearly a man
02:52that goes to the gym, he's a clever man, he's The Law, he knows every rule inside out, and
02:57will call you out on it.
02:59He definitely does not have a tiny hammer.
03:02Okay, we'll make sure of that.
03:04But The Law's opponent today is one man known for excellent resilience.
03:13He is one half of Teens With Attitude TWA, this is Kieran Lacey.
03:28Thank you Dave O'Connor for that, that's right, Kieran Lacey has wrestled inside the
03:32Falconwood Community Center multiple times, he's one half of Teens With Attitude TWA,
03:37an incredible athlete with an incredible offense.
03:41This match, to me, is all about, can Basham catch Kieran Lacey?
03:47I'll tell you now, we may be in Falconwood, and it may be rare to hear a man from Essex
03:54get cheered in London, but that just shows how much people hate Basham here.
03:59You know, Basham is, in theory, Basham is the hometown guy, but, oh man, this could
04:08also go anywhere.
04:09I'm staying quiet right now, and that is because, I don't care if he listens to this back, I
04:12really don't.
04:13I dislike that man.
04:18If I was still ring ready, I would step in there and I would show him, show him some
04:23respect in this business, because he has none.
04:28So I'm going to try and make a prediction here, I think Basham might underestimate Kieran
04:36I think Kieran Lacey has studied all of the Lewis Basham tape, and I think Kieran Lacey
04:41is going to get a lot of offense in, however, Lacey has to avoid the full Nelson.
04:48Because once that's clasped on, it's over.
04:51This is going to be one of those classics, muscles versus speed, strength versus agility.
04:56That's exactly what it's going to be, and this Falconwood crowd, clearly behind, they
05:03know exactly who they like, and they know who they dislike.
05:06The crowd definitely behind Kieran Lacey in this one.
05:11Kieran Lacey is one of their own, they need to learn geography, but there we go, that
05:15is the power, that is the gym going ability that you mentioned earlier, of Lewis Basham.
05:21And, I mean, let's face it, he is a big boy.
05:24I mean, I know a lot about both of these men.
05:28Both of these men spend every waking minute they can in the gym.
05:33They are athletes, they are incredible.
05:37The question in this one is going to be all about their wrestling ability.
05:41How much the gym is one thing, but ring time is another.
05:46I think in UKPW, that goes to Lewis Basham.
05:49I mean, again, Lewis Basham, you say the law is a very smart person, he will stretch the
05:54rules, he will bend the rules, and as quick as that, again, it's that power thing that
06:00we mentioned.
06:01I'm telling you, Kieran, not only does he have to look out for that power of Basham,
06:05but for a man that calls himself the law, how many times is he going to break the law
06:10of professional wrestling?
06:12The thing about breaking the law is it's also knowing how to bend the law.
06:16Exactly, exactly.
06:17A big clothesline.
06:18Exactly, and that is one of Basham's traits.
06:21Oh, there we go, there's that speed that we mentioned.
06:28The one thing that we don't talk about Basham enough is he's got a little bit of a temper
06:32on him and can lose his head.
06:35As we see right there.
06:39Rushing in.
06:40Not once, but twice.
06:43Oh, he didn't like that at all.
06:46Oh dear.
06:47Oh my.
06:48Kieran Lacey on fire.
06:49I don't think he's playing a good game here, I really don't.
06:55Lacey, run away, run away.
06:59He's caught him, he's got him.
07:03And trips him up.
07:04Oh, he's going to come here, he's going to come here.
07:08On one.
07:09Oh my goodness.
07:10There's that speed.
07:11Basham's not happy.
07:12Big clothesline.
07:13I'll tell you what, we talk about the power of Lewis Basham, but that was a pretty powerful
07:17clothesline there by Kieran.
07:18Here we go, Lacey going to fly it, or not.
07:25Basham's caught him.
07:26Just like a ragdoll.
07:28Oh, did you see the bounce off the impact?
07:32What a slam by Lewis Basham.
07:35Thank goodness for Kieran Lacey, he moved out of the way for that elbow.
07:40Kieran Lacey creating distance, got him in the front face lock.
07:44There's no way, Lacey, there's no way you're going to...
07:47There you go.
07:48Wow, just powered him over.
07:50I love the optimism of Kieran Lacey.
07:52I could not see that going any other way.
07:55Choose the word optimism.
07:58Well, one thing that we've not brought up yet is, conspicuous by his absence, is the
08:04Last time Lewis Basham was in the Falconer Community Centre, he full Nelson slammed the
08:09nail from the apron through a door.
08:14And the nail has not been right ever since.
08:16I've checked the building, the nail is not here.
08:20I'll tell you, you said Kieran was going to fly.
08:24He is being flown all around this ring right now.
08:26I mean, the time will come and only you can make this happen.
08:30But the nail will eventually get his hands on Lewis Basham.
08:33I think this, I say rivalry, I think this sort of, let's say disagreement between the
08:39two athletes started, funnily enough, here in Falconwood, where I believe the nail was
08:44the last victory over Lewis Basham.
08:46And I think that's stuck in Basham's mind.
08:48And I feel like he wants to get revenge, wants to make it back to Eden.
08:53He's got the full Nelson.
08:54That's it, it's going to be over.
08:56Oh my goodness.
08:58Victory roll.
08:59Oh, so close.
09:00Well done, Kieran.
09:01Well done.
09:02You do not want to be in that move.
09:03Leaps over.
09:04Phenomenal athleticism.
09:05There we go.
09:06Big boot.
09:07Oh my goodness, he's going to go up top.
09:10Is he going to fly again?
09:13And Basham couldn't quite grab his legs.
09:16Goes underneath.
09:17Cross body.
09:20One, two.
09:23It's going to take more than that to hold Basham down for the three.
09:26Oh, absolutely.
09:27There's a reason why the guy's on a winning streak.
09:30So good.
09:33Here we go.
09:35And again.
09:36Oh, steps over.
09:39There's that chop.
09:40Chopping the big man down.
09:43Oh, nice psych out.
09:45No way, Kieran.
09:46There's no way.
09:47Can he lift him?
09:48Can he lift him?
09:50He's young.
09:51Of course.
09:52Oh my.
09:53Safe to say, no.
09:55This could be over soon.
09:57Absolutely safe to say no.
09:59Kieran, try a different strategy here.
10:01Just run away.
10:02Just run away from Basham.
10:03You'd think Basham would look a bit happier with the way this match is currently going.
10:07He's got that scowl on his face.
10:09There's that fall Nelson.
10:10Is he ever happy though?
10:11Oh, he's reversed it again.
10:13Right away.
10:15Stunner cutter.
10:16Got that stunner.
10:17Two boots to the chin.
10:19A monkey kick.
10:20There you go.
10:21I'll go with two boots.
10:24Clubs across the back there.
10:25Kieran Lacey on fire again.
10:26Big uppercut.
10:28Lighting him up.
10:32Oh no.
10:33Just like that.
10:35Basham's just overpowering.
10:36Get the boots up.
10:37Down goes Basham.
10:38Kieran Lacey on the middle.
10:39Lacey going to fly.
10:40Big missile drop kick.
10:42But Basham's still on his feet.
10:44He will not go down.
10:47What's Kieran Lacey going to do?
10:48Not again.
10:49Surely not.
10:51Can he do it?
10:52Can he do it?
10:53Is he finally going to get him up?
10:57Oh, he got him.
10:58He did it.
10:59He got him.
11:00Is this it?
11:03That's the first time I think I've seen Basham on the floor.
11:06He's got to stay on him.
11:07He's got to stay on him.
11:08He's going up top.
11:09Lacey going for the finish.
11:12Kieran Lacey going for height to give him some momentum when he comes back down.
11:19Off the top.
11:20Big crossbody.
11:24Two and a half there.
11:26Another near pin.
11:27Basham's starting to breathe heavy now.
11:29Lacey's got this crowd firmly behind him.
11:31And he is on the front foot.
11:34He's got to stay on him though.
11:35This is how you beat Basham.
11:37If you can beat Basham, you just have to stay on him constantly.
11:46Look at that.
11:47A little bit of sunset.
11:50And there we go.
11:52Got the sunset flip on.
12:08What is Lacey going for?
12:09Basham's slowing his feet.
12:10Oh, no.
12:11Going for it again.
12:13Well done, Lacey.
12:14Getting out of that.
12:15There's the cover.
12:16One, two.
12:17Oh, so close.
12:19So close.
12:20Kieran Lacey has done his homework.
12:22Avoiding that full Nelson slam.
12:24Oh, no.
12:25Just as I say that.
12:27Just like that.
12:28Heavy impact.
12:29This is over.
12:30Got to be done.
12:31This is over.
12:32One, two, and three.
12:34And there you have it.
12:35Basham continues his run.
12:37I still don't like that guy.
12:38But Basham continues his run.
12:44Yet again, Grapple fans.
12:46Lewis Basham picks up another win with that incredible full Nelson slam.
12:53I tell you, you can be as fast as you like, but as soon as he hits that, it is dumb.
12:58It is dumb.
12:59Game over.
13:01Game over.
13:05Smile, Basham.
13:06You just won.
13:07No, he doesn't do that.
13:15And Lewis Basham definitely, definitely wins that match with the full Nelson slam.
13:22The question coming out of Falconwood, what is Basham going to do next?
13:33Lacey has still not moved with that full Nelson slam.
13:37He is down.
13:38He is down.
13:39The crowd are letting their feelings know what they think of Basham here.
13:45The look Basham gives the crowd.
13:54He smiled.
13:55He smiled.
13:56No, we call that a smirk.
14:00You can see that Kieran Lacey hasn't got up.
14:02Both of our referees are checking on Kieran Lacey.
14:07I mean, he took a bad landing on that full Nelson slam.
14:10The wrestlers you see on UKPW are trained professionals and should not be copied.
14:22UKPW is very dangerous.
14:26The show you're watching has been organised with great preparation and should not be attempted by anyone.
14:34Oh my goodness!
14:39Wrestling may look fun, but the hazards are real.
14:48No matter who you are, whatever you do, please do not try this at home, school or anywhere.
14:56Well, how about that for an opening contest, Grapple fans?
14:59Lewis Basham reasserts himself with that full Nelson slam and enjoys a victory over Kieran Lacey.
15:06Will anyone ever be able to kick out of that move?
15:10Or will Lewis Basham enjoy an uninterrupted, leisurely stroll to the top of the heap?
15:16That's a question for another day, Grapple fans.
15:19It is time to answer the big question.
15:22The one we have built to for three straight episodes of KenPro Wrestling.
15:27Who will be the next UKPW Tag Team Champions?
15:32This final is so monumental, so important, so huge.
15:38I cannot, even I, Rob Ringside, cannot do it justice alone.
15:44I'm going to need to summon help from the colleague-verse.
15:48And I need to visualise who I want by my side.
15:53And I can think of nobody better than Clark Andrews.
15:58Well, let me tell you something now, Rob Ringside.
16:00CPF, Meme Team, if they're looking for a challenger for those Tag Team titles,
16:04then Clark Andrews, Rob Ringside, it's not going to be us.
16:08Because these are two of the very best teams in all of UKPW.
16:12And one of them, only one of them, Rob Ringside, is going to come out the Tag Team Champions.
16:17You're right about that, Clark Andrews.
16:19CPF and Meme Team have made their way here
16:22by knocking out some of the finest Tag Teams that UKPW has to offer.
16:26CPF overcame the team of Westside Heat.
16:31Meme Team overcame the two-man day trip to get this far.
16:36Clark Andrews, how do you think that CPF and Meme Team,
16:41bearing in mind there are three members of each faction,
16:45how do you think that will play into the dynamics of this Tag Team final?
16:49Well, I'll tell you now something, Rob Ringside,
16:51if you need to take a two-man day trip and some Westside Heat
16:54to become the Tag Team Champions, then CPF, Meme Team,
16:58there's nobody better who can do the job.
17:00And I'm telling you now, these are two teams that are going to go all out
17:04for those Tag Team Championships.
17:06Have you even seen these Tag Team Championships, Rob?
17:09That's a really neat segue, I like that.
17:11So, Graffle fans, it is always important when understanding the destination
17:17to reflect on the journey.
17:19And here at UKPW and Kent Pro Wrestling,
17:21we have taken the liberty of compiling a story so far.
17:26Roll BT!
17:47Greetings Graffle fans, today we're stepping into the exciting world of
18:14of tag team wrestling, a dynamic and strategic form of combat that turns the wrestling ring
18:21into a chessboard of physical prowess and teamwork. Here at Kent Pro Wrestling,
18:26tag team matches are not just fights, they are a spectacle of coordination and courage.
18:34In the heart of tag team wrestling, the rules are the foundation. Each match features two teams,
18:41each with two wrestlers, but only one from each team can be in the ring at any given time.
18:48This wrestler is known as the legal man. The switch between teammates, the crucial tag,
18:55can only happen when a wrestler touches his partner while one foot is on the apron holding
19:01the tag rope. The small piece of rope isn't just tradition, it's the tether that binds the fate
19:07of the match. Once a tag is made, a window of opportunity opens. The new legal man can enter
19:15the ring and for a brief period, both members of the team can engage in the match simultaneously.
19:21This is where we see those dangerous combinations and double team maneuvers
19:25that tag team wrestling is famous for. However, those moments are fleeting. The wrestler who
19:30made the tag must exit the ring very quickly, typically within the count of five seconds or
19:37risk disqualification for their team. But what makes a tag legal or illegal? A tag is considered
19:45legal when it is seen by the referee and made while the tagging wrestler is holding the tag rope.
19:52An illegal tag where the rope isn't held or the tag isn't seen can nullify any subsequent action,
19:59leaving teams in a precarious position. Wrestlers must also tag in and out from their designated
20:04corners, adding a layer of tactical positioning to the match. Referees in tag team matches have
20:11their work cut out for them. With double the wrestlers to watch and the added complexity
20:17of tags and team dynamics, their role is crucial and challenging. They must monitor the legality
20:24of tags and manage the chaos to maintain order, ensuring the match is fair and the rules are
20:30followed. For grapple fans, tag team wrestling is a spectacle because of its unpredictability and
20:38pace. The frequent tags and potential for rapid reversals of fortune mean matches are rarely
20:44straightforward. The thrill of the hot tag when a beleaguered wrestler finally tags in their fresh
20:50partner can turn the momentum of a match in an instant, eliciting roars from the UKPW grapple
20:57fans. Working in a team brings unique challenges and rewards. Wrestlers must not only be aware of
21:04their own condition and tactics, but also the status and the strategies of their partner.
21:09It's a shared battle where communication, chemistry and collective resilience come into play.
21:15When done right, it creates unforgettable moments and compelling stories that resolute the drama
21:20and the camaraderie that define Kent Pro Wrestling. As we delve into the heart of tag team
21:27wrestling, it's clear this isn't just about flexing muscles, it's about forging alliances
21:33and strategic masterminding. Here at Kent Pro Wrestling, the wrestling ring transforms into
21:38a battlefield, a grand chess game where every move and counter move is critical. Tag team
21:44wrestling isn't just about, it's a brain-teasing spectacle where coordination and clever tactics
21:51make champions. Teamwork in the ring is like a dance where every step, every move counts. It's
21:58about knowing when to lead and when to follow, when to take the spotlight and when to share it.
22:04This dynamic is what makes tag team wrestling a thrilling watch,
22:08packed with unexpected twists and turns and can change the game in a heartbeat.
22:14Before we wrap up grapple fans, let's quickly tag back into the rules that make this all possible.
22:20Remember, only the legal wrestler can score or surrender a match and tags must be seen by the
22:26referee's account. Each tag brings a chance for a brief but explosive double team play,
22:32though it's kept in check by the ref's five count. And remember, it's all about that tag rope,
22:39no holding, no tag. And there you have it grapple fans, you've just had a front row seat to the
22:46tactical tussles of tag team wrestling. Whether you're a diehard wrestling fan or a newcomer to
22:52us at Kent Pro Wrestling, there's always something new to catch in the ring. So keep your eyes peeled,
22:58your cheers loud and your tags legal. And remember in tag team wrestling,
23:03it's not just about the fight, it's about how well you can play the game with your partner.
23:09Thanks for tuning in and as always keep on grappling in the great game of tag.
23:58Welcome back grapple fans, today marks a monumental chapter in our UKPW legacy as we relaunch the UKPW tag team titles.
24:15Let's not get bogged down with how the cold and calculating Harry Sefton destroyed the division.
24:21It's been well documented here on Kent Pro Wrestling and I don't want to give him the
24:25satisfaction. Let's focus on the brand new shiny shiny red tag team championships. These are belts
24:32that are worth fighting for and today four teams plan to walk out of the Falconwood Community
24:37Center as UKPW tag team champions. Let's meet the formidable teams vying for glory. First up,
24:46the meme team. Giants, not just in stature but in ambition. Led by memes, the largest athlete in UKPW,
24:54this team combines brute strength with a tactical edge that's as sharp as they come. Adonis Payne,
25:00known for that devastating brilliant top rope elbow drop, best in the business in my opinion,
25:05brings that precision and poise to the team. And let's not forget Artemis, the crimson kill shot,
25:10whose presence alone can turn the tide in any match. Together they are not just competitors,
25:15they're a force majeure on a quest for the championship. On the flip side of the bracket,
25:21we have the wildly popular two-man day trip, the unpredictable duo of Cody Salahue and Prince Dean.
25:29Cody almost capturing singles gold with his relentless determination and Prince Dean,
25:35whose moves are as mysterious as they are effective, make a team that embodies the heart
25:39and unpredictability that fans adore. Their chemistry is palpable, their strategy unorthodox,
25:46and today they could be the new UKPW Tag Team Champions. And on the other side of the bracket,
25:54new technically to UKPW, the close personal friends CPF. They have been rivals in UKPW up to this point,
26:02but they've earned mutual respect and they are definitely known for their high-flying, high-risk
26:07style and it guarantees a spectacle whenever they step into the ring. When Joe Lando and Danny Black
26:13team up, will they become the new Tag Team Champions? But opposing them to stop them, this is where
26:19West Side Heat come into play. The embodiment of synergy and strength, Smashing Mike and James
26:24Toner have refined their partnership to an art form, blending power and agility in a way that
26:29captivates and crushes their opponents. Known for their strategic prowess and physical dominance,
26:35they're here to prove that they're not just participants, they're championship material.
26:40Today, the Falconwood Community Center isn't just hosting a tournament, it's the battleground where
26:46these titans will clash. Each team bringing their own unique blend of skill and passion
26:51and determination to the ring. The stakes, those prestigious UKPW Tag Team titles. The air is thick
26:58with anticipation, the crowd are buzzing with excitement. This is where legends are made,
27:02where champions are crowned, and where UKPW wrestling history is written. Now I hand back
27:08to my esteemed colleagues, Clark Andrews and Rob Ringside. I bet he's wearing sunglasses indoors.
27:14Now that's how you know if someone's too cool for school. Over to you, gents.
27:29Thank you. Without further ado, the stage is set, the titles are on the line to Ringside.
27:38Grapple fans, this is our main event, and unfortunately, the team behind me...
27:59As honest, I don't want any trouble here.
28:08Meme team are making their way to the ring. Meme team besmirched the championships. They utilized
28:17the heavy gold to win their match. They didn't need to, they are good enough. However, I'm still
28:24angry, but I can't do this in the middle. I don't blame you, I do not blame you. This is one of
28:31those things, there is a certain respect that you have, and in the tag team division, with brand new
28:37titles on the line. Yes, they disrespect not only the new titles, but they disrespected the company,
28:44and in turn, they disrespected you. These belts represent the best of British tag team wrestling.
28:53Meme team have been claiming that they have been champions a year ago. Yes, the division was put
29:00on hold, on hiatus, if you will. In their minds, they're already champions, but on the paper,
29:07on the books, they have to earn it, and they're about to earn it against this team.
29:13Daryl Jones, guess who's back? Barf, guess who's back? I know, I can hear you. CPF are back.
29:33And we know CPF are back because they won their semi-final match earlier as well,
29:38in what was an electrifying contest.
30:43Let's take a look at Dave O'Connor.
31:13Orlando, the king without fear, Danny Black. Together, they are Connors Personal Friends, CPF.
31:30Oh, straight away. Wait, hold on, what's the? Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, the match hasn't started.
31:35That's disrespectful again. We don't do this in the championship presentations.
31:40Seriously, why are they breaking all the rules?
31:43And, oh my, oh my god, I'm gonna have to, I'm gonna have to, I think I'm gonna,
31:49this is so disrespectful. This is what I was saying, I know we need to be impartial,
31:54but this is why I believe that they're gonna be the tag champions, whether you like it or not.
31:58Seriously, can someone get them belts off of me? I can't believe you're doing that.
32:02Meme team, meme team. I can't believe, no, what, can someone get them belts?
32:10I know the microphone didn't pick that up, but memes is saying they've been champions for a year,
32:14he's holding on to the belt because he feels they should have been his a year ago.
32:18Can someone get the belts off of him? So, hang on, let me just, so have we, have we got Adonis
32:25and Artemis? Are they the pair in this? I believe that is what we're doing here,
32:29because we're getting a, we're getting a fresh Artemis in the final. Yeah, okay, interesting.
32:35It's that advantage of the three bird rule. Well, you say a fresh Artemis, she was the one
32:39that got involved in the last match anyway, and ruined what was going to be a fantastic tournament.
32:46Sorry, I, I know I'm meant to be impartial here, but they, they have infuriated me.
32:52Now, CPF are clearly the fan favorites in this one, and CPF are a double big strike there.
32:59Huge strike. This match, has the belt even gone? I don't, I don't think it has. We don't actually
33:06know which two members are the legal two members. I know Artemis is getting her face kicked in a
33:13minute, we, we don't know that she's part of this. I'll tell you what, they may be the close
33:18personal friends, but they are getting close and personal with Mean Team right now. Absolutely,
33:21Clark Andrews. Wait, what is Danny Black doing? Don't hit the fan, don't hit the fan.
33:29Oh my, you have got to be kidding me. All I'm saying is, thank goodness Artemis,
33:37sorry, not Artemis, Adonis Payne didn't move, because that fan would have been hit,
33:41and I know him very well. He's a great guy. Oh no, not near us, no please. What are you doing?
33:47This crowd are saying one more time, I think we should be charting health and safety right here.
33:51The amount of health and safety I have to sign, like can we not? What are you about? The fans are
33:56holding him. What are you doing? You have got to be, I actually know, I mean good. No, you've
34:04got it right. Like yeah, you do. Yeah, the crowd are right, you do deserve it.
34:09He's on the floor.
34:14I mean, this is, have we started yet? Has anything? I mean the action is right next to us now.
34:21This is as close as it gets. I just asked the OC whether he'd actually rung the bell yet,
34:25the answer is no. This is not a legal match yet. Means he's still wandering around with both the
34:30titles over his shoulder. It gets a little bit dangerous when it comes a bit close to the
34:33accommodation station. It's a lot of expensive gear, but what is Danny going to do? He's on the
34:37stage. Oh my. Oh no, what's he asking for? Here come the air miles. It looks like Lando is holding
34:43the main position. Where's Danny going? What is Lando doing? He's getting a run up. No way!
34:51What did we just talk about, Steezy?
34:57Oh, I gotta, I gotta flip you now. That was, wow. The close personal friends getting close
35:04and personal right here at the accommodation station. They are both stylish and making it
35:09look easy. That is what Steeze is all about. I'm waiting for the bell.
35:16Here we go, here we go. So this is it, so it is Adonis, it is Artemis, maybe, I don't know.
35:28Whatever it is, it's for the tag titles, Buff. Oh, not quite. Gonna hook him up.
35:33What is CPF gonna do here? Oh, look like they're going for that killing finishing maneuver.
35:37Oh, it is Artemis. There we go. Confirmation that Artemis is the legal tag partner, that's the word.
35:45That clothesline STO combo. Legal, eagle, it's that free bird rule, Buff. It's that free bird rule.
36:06I'm just going to say, I don't know if the cameras can pick this up, but the fact that
36:09Memes is standing in the corner with the tag team title. Truly is infuriating you, isn't it?
36:15They haven't won them yet. It's, I know they say their possession is nine tenths of the law,
36:20but seriously, I think this is disrespectful for every single team that has been in this tournament.
36:27Someone get the belts, I think. Say someone get the, who, who could get the belts? I mean,
36:32look at the size of Memes here. Fair point, fair point. I mean, I could borrow, I could borrow the
36:37hammer that he's been using for the belt. Oh, look at this Artemis now, just mocking CPF,
36:43mocking Danny Black. Now, Artemis has been incredible in all of her matches.
36:51Nice suplex from Artemis. She has been in Battle Royale. She actually won
36:56the Jubilee Battle Royale last year in Jillian, when she made her debut. Artemis has definitely
37:02got the credentials. Partner her up with Adonis Payne, who again has some phenomenal credentials
37:10competing in the Break Stuff match a couple of months ago here in Falkenwood.
37:14Artemis has the best elbow drop you've ever seen. I'm telling you, Artemis, you know,
37:19she may be competing for the tag titles right now, but she could compete for the
37:22sequence titles as far as I'm concerned. I mean, here she comes in right now. Just watch this,
37:27just watch. Bang! Huge right hand. Danny Black is down on the floor. That's the power that she possesses.
37:34I mean, you brought up Adonis Payne being part of that Break Stuff match. I mean,
37:39I was impressed with him in that match. I'm not easily impressed. And yes, I will give him credit.
37:46Unfortunately, he's part of the mean team, and they're not nice people. And means he's still holding
37:51the tag team titles and walking around like there is. I get it. In his head, probably is right,
37:58but it's not right. They've not won. No, of course not.
38:02You've got every right to be disgusted. Every right. They may not be the champs yet, but
38:09it may only just be a matter of time. I mean, they're all, oh, but they're coming back. CPF
38:13are coming back here. There we go. Danny Black fighting off Artemis. Oh, just like that. Wow.
38:18Big right hook to the stomach. All things age. I mean, I don't know if Artemis has got a boxy
38:25background, but the way she swings her hooks, I wouldn't want to be on the end of her. Absolutely
38:31not. He's going for the tag butt. Oh, the roll through. Oh, and as quick as that.
38:41Missing the tag there. And there we go. See, we talk about tag team wrestling.
38:47You might not like it, but it works. And again, cutting the ring in half.
38:55Such good wrestling here. It's such a shame how they got their way to the finals.
39:00There's no Lando on the apron, and there's nothing there for Danny to tag. He's still going. Lando
39:06just managing to get to his feet now after face palm in the ring apron.
39:12Oh, there we go. Still got to hold it. Black's leg. He's going to go for another one.
39:21Oh, what a slap. You've got to be kidding. And here comes Lando. Lando and Artemis.
39:28What a kick. Drop kick to the corner. Catches the boot. Oh, another great kick.
39:35The crowd are fully behind CPF here. They're really rooting for Lando. What's Lando going to do?
39:43Huge kick. A low drop kick. The kick up. King of Steve style. Side time. Wow, Lando is flying.
39:53Joe Lando with some incredible maneuvers there. The question is, will the momentum continue?
39:57Ducks that clothesline. Goes around into the ropes. Backflip into the cutter.
40:04That's it. One, two. Oh, so close. So close. Wow. Artemis kicking out. That was impressive
40:12by Artemis to kick out from that. But CPF are on it. We saw this earlier. Into the ropes.
40:21Into the ropes. Double super kick. There's that backstabber.
40:28This is it. That's an incredible move.
40:32One, two. Oh, Adonis just breaking it up. That would have been it. What I liked about that,
40:40memes could see that Adonis was going to break that up. Memes on the outside. You can see
40:44through gritted teeth. Adonis tagging himself in. Still quite fresh. Oh, twisting suplex there.
40:52Excellent. You're upside down and then you get whipped the other direction. Not nice for your
40:58head or neck. What is this? Look at the strength here. No way. Look at the strength. Oh, jumping
41:07sent on from the shoulders. That's got to be it. That's got to be it. Oh, so close. So close.
41:13These teams have incredible double team maneuvers. Wait, what? Danny Black's going. Get those belts
41:20out. Adonis has just got the belt. No, not again. Not again. Not again. Someone get in there.
41:26No, Danny. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Duck. Oh, he got him. He got memes. Adonis has still
41:34got the belt. One low. Kick to the back. I can't keep up with this. Oh.
41:43What's about to happen? There's belts in the ring.
41:48This has gone absolutely wild. Oh. Incredible. This is it. One, two, three. They've done it.
41:58CP have done it. We have new. Yes, Dave. Yes, Dave. Say it. Say it. Say it.
42:15The close personal friends are your new tag team champions. Oh, I can't believe it. I cannot
42:22believe it. I thought it was going to be mean team, but the friendship, it lives on. It lives on.
42:28The journey has completed. The tournament is over and the close personal friends
42:34are the new UKPW tag team champions. Oh my. The mean team tried their shenanigans again,
42:49but this time, this time they failed and CPF stand proud as the new UKPW tag team champions.
43:03New UKPW tag team champions, CPF. Oh, look at that. I did nothing afterwards.
43:22Adonis, I did nothing. You've got exactly what you deserve.
43:26I don't want anything to do with that. All the attention needs to be on CPF.
43:35They are the new UKPW tag team champions. You'll get your chance again, mean team.
43:45Mean team do not look happy here. They are not happy and they're having a go at me.
43:50No, no, no. Do you know what, right? Dale, I'll tell you what, right? It's not very often you're
43:55going to hear me say this, right? But if you ever truly fancy teaching those two boys a lesson,
44:02or even Artemis, if she fancied getting in there, how about you and me one time, right? One time.
44:08Oh my. One time, Dale Jones,
44:12Buff Broadside. There's no power like tassel power. We'll talk about that another time because right
44:18now, Buff, let's talk about the new UKPW tag team champions celebrating here in Falconwood.
44:25They came into Falconwood last year as bitter enemies fighting over a championship, but today,
44:33all in weekend, they have become not only close personal friends, but they've become closer as
44:39they have earned their shots, their championships. They are CPF, the new UKPW tag team champions.
44:50Tag team division is in good hands. There we go.
44:53Bravo, guys. Well done. They are more closer, more personal,
45:00more friendlier than ever before. Talk about the King's of Steez style. CPF made that look
45:06Steezy, stylish and easy. There were a couple of moments that were tight with CPF. Bravo.
45:15Well done. Steez. Yes. I'm going to go out on a limb. Thank you so much, all Grapple fans,
45:23for watching Tag. You're it. We have new UKPW tag team champions. Thank you to everyone that's
45:30been watching. Grapple fans, we will see you in the future.
45:34Grapple fans, please welcome my guest at this time, the new UKPW tag team champions, CPF. How
45:41are you feeling? Feeling very achieved. Yes. We caught it right from the start. Of course,
45:46my maths was correct. As it always is. No Steiner here. No, no Steiner maths, but there is pure
45:52Steez. And that's what we showed them. Absolutely. Steez in its purest form. CPF are your new
45:59UKPW. First ever. First ever. New and first ever. Let's not forget. Yes. UKPW tag team champions.
46:06And that leaves us with one thing left to say.
46:10Belt. Thank you very much.
