• 2 months ago
Tag You’re It!

Match 1: Safire Reed vs. Scotty Rawk
Match 2: The Meme Team vs. The Two Man Day Trip


00:30Greetings grapple fans and welcome to Kent Pro Wrestling. I'm your host Rob Ringside
00:40coming to you boldly and rightly, where do I come up with this stuff? To bring you tag
00:45team action and singles action from UKPW's Tag You're It event in Falkville Woods.
00:52Why Tag You're It you may find yourself asking. Artificial person on the other end I've set
00:56up to ask me leading questions to dovetail in. That's because we have taken this opportunity
01:02to reinvigorate the tag team division with a tag team tournament. The winner of this
01:08knockout contest will be crowned UKPW Tag Team Champions. Today's knockout round sees
01:15Mean Team take on the Two Man Day Trip in our main event. But first, what a way to kick
01:20us off into regional championship action as Sapphire Reed defends her title against
01:26Scotty Raw. Let's take you over to Ringside to kick off with this belter for the belt.
01:33Looking ready to rock. New fans. This. You've got to kiss the baby on the way to the ring
01:47right? That's right. She's going to be Mayor of London. Sapphire Reed won the championship
01:55right here at the Falkenwood Community Center back in October. In her surprise entry in
02:02the Tableslider scares match, she returns to the scene of the crime that some would
02:06say and has held on to that prestigious championship for almost a year. But today she faces possibly
02:13her toughest challenge, the debuting Scotty Raw. Well, as I said about the debuting Scotty
02:20Raw, I mean the credentials that you're bringing into a company to debut for a title. You can
02:30hear the crowd here are firmly behind Sapphire Reed. Absolutely. There's a bit of a stunned
02:41silence across the building here awaiting Scotty Raw. This man has been impressing up
02:55and down the country. You can hear. Oh, hang on. Oh, hang on a minute grapple fans. You're
03:13telling me that Scotty Raw and Kira Chimera are that? Whoa, that is a huge sign. What
03:20an incredible psychological game Scotty has just played there because it was Kira Chimera
03:26that defeated Sapphire Reed for her championship. What an incredible mind game that he has just
03:34played there. I didn't think we were seeing the close personal friends until later on,
03:38but apparently he's, yes, I'm profoundly befuddled and. Befuddled? Yes, more words I can't pronounce.
03:50One could say that Scotty Raw is looking to rock the very foundations here of UKPW, making
03:56his debut and in an inter-regional championship match. Let's see how this one plays out. Absolutely.
04:04I mean, I could do that. You've held this inter-regional title. I have. I have held
04:08this inter-regional title. We know what it is to hold this title and defend it and I
04:13can't think of all of the players that I've seen. These two. This could be fantastic.
04:23We're having our traditional championship presentation.
04:44Well then, we know exactly what they think of him. Didn't bring any friends.
04:55Clear fan favourite here.
04:57UKPW Inter-Regional Champion, The Grappling Goddess, Samoan!
05:09Well, grapple fans. Hang on. Hang on. Who have we got here? It looks like Alf Edwards is here to...
05:17Hello, we good? Yes. What are you here for Alf?
05:21You thought you were going to come and join us?
05:24No, we've got three headsets. There's not any room Alf.
05:30Yeah, sorry Clark. What? It's alright, we'll see you in a minute.
05:43So, okay. With the match about to start, we are being joined by Alf Edwards.
05:51So, headphones work in the traditional sense. You put them over your ears and then you start talking.
05:57Hello, hello. Hello, Alf Edwards. I've got to ask straight away. I'm sorry to interrupt you, but Alf, what are you doing here?
06:03Well, I thought I'd come and watch this one considering I'm not in it.
06:07Interestingly you say that. Do you think you should be in it?
06:11I think I should be. This should be me versus Safari.
06:14Can you explain to the grapple fans why that might be the case?
06:17Well, if you remember a few months back...
06:20Jeez! Instantly, Safari's face just hit that mat incredibly hard with her shoulder as well.
06:26Sorry to interrupt you there, Alf, but this could be over straight away.
06:35Well, if you remember, I won the biggest match in UKBW history.
06:39That is true.
06:40Earning myself a championship opportunity against Safari Reid.
06:46Now, you may argue that I got my championship opportunity against Ed Francisco.
06:51But the contract I signed after I won that match clearly states that the match was against Safari Reid.
07:01Okay, fine, fine. But let's move on, Alf. I get it, you're here, you're angry.
07:07But we're going to be watching inter-regional championship match here.
07:10Maybe we can get a future match here, I don't know.
07:13But Safari gets... And there's Safari doing tit for tat there.
07:17Whatever you can do, I can do better.
07:21Ducks that clothesline.
07:23The one thing this match has done is started off quite intensely.
07:27They weren't here to tickle it out. They are here for a fight.
07:32Huge inter-guri there from Safari Reid with a flurry of moves there.
07:35Into the rope. Referee nearly going away.
07:37Nice Japanese arm drag.
07:39Fantastic maneuver from Safari Reid.
07:42And Scotty Rourke now on the outside.
07:44And the new guy taking a breather.
07:49See, I wouldn't do something like that. You wouldn't get shenanigans if this was my match now.
07:54You'd have a much cleaner match here, which I know that's what you want.
07:57I don't know what you're referring to.
08:00But Scotty Rourke is certainly not making friends here in Falcon Woods.
08:05I mean, as I say, he didn't bring any friends except for one.
08:08And it was the UKBW Women's Champion.
08:10Powerful friend.
08:11But it doesn't seem to have affected Safari's fire in this match so far.
08:17She's intent.
08:19What is she doing?
08:22Through the ropes.
08:23I would have seen that coming.
08:26Are you going to do this all match?
08:27I'm doing it all day.
08:30Until I get my opportunity against Safari Reid now.
08:34They will talk later.
08:38Huge pump kick.
08:39Takes Safari to the front row.
08:42Scotty Rourke now completely in control of this match.
08:46I've got to say, I'm mildly impressed with this young Scotty Rourke.
08:49I say he's young.
08:50I'm assuming he's younger than me.
08:51But that's because I'm old.
08:53That was a huge chop.
08:54Safari with a chop of her own.
08:56I was about to say, Scotty took the air right out of Safari.
08:59But she's still got plenty of fire.
09:01Can we have a word with Kate Reid to see if we can get some gravy for those chops?
09:04Very good one then.
09:07Hey, you've got a hold jug there.
09:11There's this invisible one in front of me.
09:12They're not very good jugs, bud.
09:15I'm glad I'm between you two.
09:16That's mean.
09:17Can we talk about the match?
09:18You invited him.
09:19Scotty Scott jumps over.
09:22Athletics isn't running in.
09:24But Safari will save.
09:25Quick roll up.
09:27That could have been a three.
09:29Takes the arm.
09:31Up into the fireman's carry.
09:33Safari fighting through.
09:34Can she get off?
09:36Goes for the O'Connor roll.
09:38Two hand.
09:40Didn't quite get all of it.
09:41Might have been over if she had.
09:42Oh, and another enziguri.
09:44Huge enziguri.
09:45Full whack.
09:47Entirely cupping the ear and the back of the head there.
09:50Maximum impact.
09:51Safari's seeing some stars right now.
09:55Is this it?
09:56Should be it.
09:58Another two count.
09:59We've got Dave O'Connor with the bell.
10:01Ready to ring that bell.
10:04We could have had new inter-regional champion there.
10:09Now, Scotty Rourke is the larger of the two athletes here.
10:13And Scotty...
10:14Oh, hang on.
10:15The crowd.
10:24I couldn't help but join in with that.
10:26I appreciate the crowd for having fun.
10:28I'll tell you someone who isn't.
10:29Sapphire Reed just took that huge kick to the spine.
10:33Can I ask?
10:35On the occasion that Scotty Rourke does win this.
10:40I believe I'm owed a match with Scotty Rourke.
10:43You just said that you were owed a match with Sapphire Reed.
10:48She's not the champion.
10:49I'm owed a championship match now.
10:51A championship match.
10:53Sapphire Reed is the champion.
10:54I want the match with Sapphire Reed.
10:55Right, right, right, right, right, right.
10:57But for some reason, this isn't me today.
11:00Look, we'll talk about it later, Alf, okay?
11:03We'll talk about that later.
11:04At the moment, Sapphire Reed needs to retain the belt.
11:08And I'm...
11:09Huge single leg dropkick there.
11:10And I'm sure...
11:14They've got it. Two.
11:15And I'm sure, Alf, at a later date, you will get your chance
11:18against whoever the inter-regional champion may be.
11:21Whoever it is.
11:22Sapphire! Sapphire!
11:24This crowd are firmly behind Sapphire Reed.
11:28This is it.
11:29This is like having an extra person in your corner.
11:32That crowd can get your adrenaline blowing.
11:35Gone at the moment with some huge kicks.
11:38Oh, the face wash.
11:40If I didn't know any better, her tooth just came out.
11:42That was a horrific, horrific face wash.
11:47Somebody call an orthodontist.
11:51I think that's what they call it.
11:53These were all big words.
11:54Too much for a Saturday.
12:05For a Saturday.
12:09Oh, I see.
12:10He's a good lad.
12:12He's enjoying them.
12:14Huge knee.
12:15There's the two.
12:16Oh, nearly.
12:17I've got to say, with the way this match is going,
12:19I fear for Sapphire Reed's title reign.
12:22This is...
12:23I think the Kira Chimera thing spooked Sapphire.
12:27I mean, your biggest rival, who does hold a pinfall,
12:31is on the side of Scotty Raw.
12:34And Scotty now, having a little fun with the crowd here,
12:36asking them to come into the ring with him.
12:39That would be a disqualification, I think.
12:40I mean, not scared of a fight by the looks of it.
12:42And Sapphire using the rope.
12:45Using the rope.
12:46And again, yes.
12:48Can't quite manoeuvre Sapphire.
12:51Oh, a huge spinning Inseguri-style manoeuvre.
12:58I mean, that's some head trauma right there.
13:02Oh, look at this bridging.
13:04Sapphire Reed has taken some heavy blows.
13:08I mean, we're talking blunt force trauma.
13:10I mean, looking at the camera there,
13:12the torque that Scotty's able to get
13:15using this bridging shinlock is unbelievable.
13:20I don't know about you,
13:21but in my advanced years, I'm not that bendy.
13:24And Sapphire gets the rope.
13:26And the Falconwood crowd here give a big cheer.
13:31Here we go.
13:33Oh, look at that.
13:34Here we go.
13:36The crowd, again, making some noise.
13:41Sapphire giving the chance to catch her breath.
13:43The crowd do love Sapphire Reed.
13:45It sickens me.
13:47I hate it.
13:49I mean, they'd love you too if you were just a bit nicer.
13:57Look at this.
13:59A bit of an octopus hold, maybe a cobra hold.
14:03Octopus hold, maybe a cobra twist.
14:06Taking that wrist, almost bending the arm
14:09completely the wrong direction.
14:12Referee signaling to Dave that there is no submission.
14:15I'm trying to catch a look.
14:17Sunset Flip!
14:20Kicks out at one.
14:22Huge kick.
14:23Oh, dear.
14:24This could be it.
14:25Three points.
14:30That was an NFL style kick, definitely.
14:33My word.
14:35Somebody in the front row pick up Sapphire's teeth.
14:40Scotty Rourke, an impressive debut here.
14:43Has multiple times been half a second away from becoming the new champion.
14:48Now stacking on her hair.
14:49Sorry, just to jump in.
14:53It's as if he's playing mind games now.
14:56Trying to get Sapphire frustrated, almost into a frustrated mistake.
15:05Oh, Sapphire flies back.
15:09Huge knee.
15:12Oh, missed it.
15:13Oh, there's that low German suplex of the side rope.
15:16Huge knee.
15:17We've seen her win with this combo before.
15:19Here comes the cover.
15:20One, two, and...
15:26All credit to Scotty for kicking out of that.
15:30Incredible moves.
15:31I'll tell you what.
15:32The dentists around Falcom would definitely make their money when UKBW are in town.
15:38Sapphire not going to grip, keeping the distance short.
15:43Went for that ripcord.
15:44Oh, my goodness.
15:47We did not see that superkick coming from anywhere.
15:52Look at that incredible flexibility.
15:55And huge hip strength to be able to do that from that height.
15:58And huge hip strength to be able to do that from that position.
16:03These are just...
16:04Lighting her up in the corner.
16:07That is not a good position to be in.
16:09Scotty Brock can...
16:10I believe the phrase is, he can smell blood.
16:12He can smell blood in the water.
16:15You can see that he's going...
16:16If he keeps going with his momentum, he could be the new champ.
16:21I saw that through gritted teeth.
16:22It should be me.
16:25I don't know what to tell you, Al.
16:29You know this should be me.
16:31You know I'll go back to Sapphire Reed for the Interregional Championship.
16:35Sapphire Reed's come back from a supposed injury.
16:37I'm available.
16:39But Scotty Brock's here.
16:47How did Sapphire do that?
16:49Sapphire got a fly.
16:50Oh, what a catch.
16:51He's going to catch her.
16:53Fireman's carry.
16:55Where did she land?
16:56Oh, badly.
16:58That could be it.
16:59Norman Geary.
17:02How did she kick out of that one?
17:04That is a huge whiplash effect.
17:06The back of the head landing on the knee.
17:08The body landing on the canvas.
17:09That is a horrible position.
17:11Sapphire must be rocked from that.
17:15Proud firmly behind Sapphire still.
17:18One thing we've learned about Sapphire is that she does not quit.
17:21Oh, sorry.
17:23Oh, jeez.
17:24That was a horrible landing.
17:25Straight on the back of the head.
17:26That could have been all she wrote.
17:29Dutch the spinning kick.
17:31Paul Nelson.
17:33No way, no way.
17:36Dragon suplex.
17:38Another kick out.
17:40Incredible stuff we've seen.
17:42And this is only the first match.
17:43This is only the first match.
17:45But it is for the Interregional Championship.
17:49This is what this belt means if it means throwing.
17:51This is what this belt means if it means throwing your opponent
17:53on top of their head to retain.
17:56I mean, Alf knows all about that with the suplex merchant.
18:01Double stomp to the head.
18:04Oh, my.
18:05This is becoming a horrific fight.
18:08This has been an incredible match, hasn't it?
18:11It's been very good.
18:12I just think of how good it could have been if it was me.
18:16I can see what you're saying.
18:17Imagine how amazing it could have been.
18:19Let's be honest.
18:20It probably would have been over in at least five minutes.
18:22And I would be Interregional Champion by now.
18:25Can you sort him out?
18:27No, you wanted to be between us.
18:29I mean, he's your problem.
18:30I'm only a commentator.
18:32And there's Sky with that.
18:33Oh, that's what he tried to do earlier.
18:35Dragon suplex.
18:37Folded her in half.
18:39Goes for that kick again.
18:41Got it low.
18:43Oh, my goodness.
18:44Planted it with a DDT.
18:46Sappho's got the momentum.
18:48That's a shining wizard.
18:50That's got to be it.
18:52Oh, incredible.
18:55There you go, Mr. Redwoods.
18:57She kept it.
18:58You might get it.
19:01Does that make you smile?
19:03She's the one I want.
19:05You know she's the one I want.
19:07The match just got a year.
19:08But Sappho is the one I'm going to beat to become Interregional Champion.
19:12And it's going to happen.
19:13It's going to happen soon.
19:14We know it is.
19:15We'll get it arranged, won't we?
19:16I'm still owed that championship opportunity.
19:18We'll talk later.
19:19But let's not take anything away from that win by Sapphire Reed.
19:23What an incredible victory.
19:25I mean, wow.
19:27That was so good to kick off Tag You're It.
19:30Sapphire Reed, a still the Interregional Champion.
19:40Alf, we will talk later.
19:43I know you've got your eyes locked on the champion.
19:46Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
19:49No, we don't.
19:50We don't want.
19:51No, no, no, no, no.
19:52No, no, no.
19:53Alf, Alf, Alf, no, no, no.
19:54No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
19:56This is Sapphire's moment.
19:58This is Sapphire's moment.
20:00No, no.
20:03Grapple fans, how about that for an opening contest?
20:06A main event worthy match in and of itself.
20:09As Sapphire Reed picks up the victory, retaining the Interregional Championship against Scotty Roark.
20:16Not every match can have everything.
20:17There was a distinct lack of robbering sides.
20:19But otherwise, what a contest.
20:21And what a way for Scotty Roark to make an impression.
20:24One to watch in UKPW and Kemp Pro Wrestling in future episodes.
20:29However, the main event is indeed a tag team match.
20:34And a knockout one at that.
20:36Mean Team takes on the two-man day trip.
20:39And why, Grapple fans?
20:41We touched on it briefly earlier in the show.
20:44But we have reinvigorated the UKPW Tag Team Championships.
20:49And over the course of a knockout tournament held at the Tag Your It event,
20:55we crowned new Tag Team Champions.
20:59You'll have to wait for a little longer to find out who those Tag Team Champions are.
21:03But what we can show you is the Tag Team Championships they'll be fighting for.
21:09Roll VT!
21:14Tag Team Championships
21:16UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:18UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:20UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:22UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:24UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:26UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:28UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:30UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:32UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:34UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:36UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:38UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:40UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:42UKPW Tag Team Championships
21:44What a prize indeed!
21:48Who's going to win them?
21:50Well, let's find out who goes through from the knockouts tournament in the first stage
21:53as Meme Team takes on the two-man day trip to ringside.
22:04Grapple fans, this is...
22:08That is a very wet gentleman.
22:11This, grapple fans, you may can see from behind me, is Meme Team.
22:17They have been claiming to be UKPW Tag Team Champions pretty much since day one they joined.
22:25They are applying what many have called the free bird rule.
22:29There's an added factor when you face Meme Team.
22:32You don't know what combo you're going to face.
22:37Grapple fans, I can't wait.
22:42I've got words. They're coming. Hold on.
22:45Meme Team are made up of three particular items.
22:48They are made up of athleticism, beauty, and sheer size.
22:53I mean, what did they feed memes when he was growing up?
22:57Because I want some.
22:59He is the largest athlete in the UKPW.
23:03Tell you something now, you've heard of Meme Team.
23:05I think they should be called the Meme Team
23:09because, as you quite rightly say, they apply that free bird rule.
23:12You don't know what combination they're going to use.
23:14And that's why they're going to be my pick for this whole tournament.
23:17And what's fascinating with the Meme Team is not only do you not know what combo they are,
23:22but conveniently all three of them have what's called a manager's license,
23:26which allows the third person to stay ringside.
23:30It is a fascinating teamwork idea.
23:33But their opponents...
23:35This is going to be exciting, grapple fans.
23:38Oh, man.
23:40It's officially Buff Broadside's favourite tag team in UKPW.
23:45I'm going to put that on the poster.
23:51Oh, here we go!
24:06Broadside team for the UKPW.
24:10First, the Sun.
24:13From South London, weighing at 12.12 pounds.
24:19This is Hoody Salahou.
24:23Salahou Saladakai.
24:26Thank you, Dave O'Connor, for the epic intro.
24:28That's right, the son of the team.
24:30But it's time to bring out their father.
24:36And there's bubbles coming from the entranceway.
24:38Oh, soggy doggy, woof woof, here we go.
24:45This is fascinating.
24:47The crowd are being attacked by bubbles.
24:51That can only mean one thing.
24:54It's Prince Dean!
24:59He's a man with bubbles, yes!
25:04I mean...
25:07I can't believe how powerful the whistle blows.
25:12This is Prince Dean!
25:15Prince Dean!
25:17I've never seen so many bubbles in my entire life.
25:20This is a man that, when it comes to eccentricity,
25:24brings it to a whole new level.
25:27I'm a huge West Ham fan.
25:30They are forever blowing bubbles.
25:32But today in Falconwood Community Centre,
25:35it's the people here in Falconwood that are blowing bubbles.
25:37It's a lot of bubbles.
25:40I feel sorry for the front row that are sitting right next to where they're coming from.
25:45I feel like health and safety didn't quite get involved with that.
25:48But yes, the two-man day trip.
25:51You've had your run-ins with them over a selection of events.
25:56And how did that go?
25:58Not very well for me, let's just be clear. Not very good for me.
26:02It's an upsetting turn of circumstances that I will never get to share the ring with these lads.
26:07Because, in truth, I absolutely adore them.
26:11Now what's interesting is that, although these teams debuted at the same time,
26:16yes, they've been competing for airtime, for wins and everything in between.
26:21But this is actually the first time both teams have ever performed
26:26inside the UKPW spiritual home of Falconwood.
26:31The pressure is high. The championships are on the line.
26:35This match, grapple fans, is everything to these two teams.
26:40Let's see if Prinstein and Cody can climb that road to the tag titles.
26:48And it looks like we've got Meems and Adonis Payne.
26:54I'll go with the athleticism and size of the Meem team setting out for this one.
26:59With a two-man day trip, they're certainly going to have this UKPW crowd behind them today.
27:04I'm going to be slightly unprofessional here.
27:07I am so excited to see this match inside this building.
27:11This building has hosted wrestling for the last 15 years.
27:16I don't think it's ever seen the light of the two-man day trip or Meem team.
27:22This will be a unique match for this audience.
27:27We've got a hot capacity crowd here.
27:29They are all in at the Falconwood Community Centre.
27:32Adonis Payne, who has been on a bit of a streak, he is the only one in this match
27:37that has experience of wrestling in the Falconwood crowd.
27:42And another leapfrog squashes his own partner.
27:46There's that size going against Meems.
27:49What's Prinstein going to do? Using the ropes. Dropkick!
27:52There we go. Starting quickly.
27:57Two-man day trip definitely got the advantage in the early goings of this match.
28:04And there's that. Kicks out at one. Tristan Stone in perfect position for this one.
28:09Again, I need to remind everyone again, this is the semi-finals.
28:14The winning team will go on to the finals and possibly face Westside Heat or CPF.
28:19They can't expel too much energy in this match because they're final.
28:24They've got another match to go.
28:26It's going to be interesting to see which of these teams gets through.
28:31Ducks the clothesline. Back elbow ducks. And Cody, he's too big!
28:35And this is where the strength comes in.
28:37I mean, just look at the size difference between these two.
28:39And as I say that.
28:41Incredible manoeuvre from Cody. Cody used momentum there to take the big man down.
28:46So there, Meems getting out of the ring because of frustration.
28:49Can't let that set in too early. Not in this.
28:51Because you've got to get through this and one other.
28:55If you want to be lifted up, those new, those brand new and very shiny UKBW Tag Team titles.
29:04What I find interesting, much like in many sports, you know that both teams are talented.
29:09You know that both teams can win.
29:11But really it becomes a game of actually who's going to make a mistake.
29:15And I feel like at the moment, with a bit of miscommunication of Meem Team,
29:19at the moment the two-man day trip look like they're on the winning road.
29:23Wait, what is this?
29:25Holding on the ropes. Leapfrog!
29:27Oh my!
29:29Classic, classic Tag Team wrestling.
29:32Sorry, I've got to do a wrestling-ism here.
29:34Vintage Cody!
29:40What is...
29:42Oh! Two for one!
29:44And oh nearly!
29:47You can only get deals like that at your local co-op.
29:50The um...
29:53Other retailers are available.
29:56But this is it. This is the whole thing.
29:58I talk about the eccentricity of the two-man day trip.
30:03You have no idea what is going to come next.
30:08Well I tell you now, if the two-man day trip want to win this match,
30:12they better do it quickly.
30:13Because how do you even study for a team like the Meem Team?
30:16As you know, they change constantly.
30:18You've got to study double the tape.
30:20Absolutely, you don't know what combo there's...
30:23Hang on, shh!
30:26Oh no, Cody's still learning you see.
30:29So what happens here is that live in action, father and son coaching happens here.
30:33Some good parenting. So let's see Princeton...
30:42Let's stay quiet, I just wanted to see how much noise it made.
30:45Oh, Cody's got another go. See, I'm intrigued now.
30:49I'm intrigued. This is it.
30:50Let's see if he's learned what his father's just taught him.
30:52Come on Cody, here we go.
30:56A little bit of improvement I think there.
30:58This is fascinating to me that they're using this as a training exercise.
31:05It's just painful.
31:13Now let's be serious for a second.
31:15So this is why the two-man day trip are dangerous.
31:18Because they're trying to annoy Meme Team.
31:21Embarrass Meme Team.
31:26That was a good one.
31:30Let's see if Cody can do it. Here we go.
31:33He's going to need some baby lotion on him after this.
31:35If there's another one coming.
31:37Every time he tries to leave the corner, he comes back.
31:40There we go.
31:42Oh no, they've made the tag.
31:45No way! What are you doing?
31:47This is that electricity that I was talking about.
31:49Just look at the face of Meme.
31:51We've all argued with our dad before.
31:55This is where you get yourself in trouble.
31:57Oh, here we go.
31:59Never, ever. This never works against Meme.
32:02Look at the face on Meme.
32:04He's not impressed by any of this.
32:11There's that size difference again.
32:14That over-the-top hand to the chest.
32:19I mean, he's coming down from six foot seven.
32:24For those of you that have collected wrestling figures,
32:26remember the old Hasbros with the giant hands?
32:28That is what Meme's hands are like.
32:30They're like a Hasbro figure.
32:32Oh, that's a landing and a half.
32:36That could have been it.
32:38This is where, if I'd be very serious,
32:40this is where Prince Dean and Coben,
32:43I can see their strategy, infuriate the opponents.
32:46But they're now angry.
32:48They now want revenge.
32:50And Meme's body slams.
32:52It's on his pain, on top of Cody.
32:54Just use your tag partner as a weapon.
32:56Why not? I mean, it's not a foreign object.
33:00Here we go. Oh, it's Cody's turn.
33:04Deary me. We're going to need some more gravy.
33:06That's how you do a chop, ladies and gentlemen.
33:08That was unbelievable.
33:10Cody could learn something from
33:13from Adonis Payne.
33:17And another!
33:19Oh, deary me.
33:21This is it.
33:23This is Adonis Payne getting done right now.
33:25Oh, no, I can't watch.
33:27Just listen to this.
33:30Roast potatoes and veg.
33:32Oh, God.
33:39Now, for the record, grapple fans,
33:41there was no sound sweetening.
33:43That was the sound
33:45of flesh on flesh.
33:47Big vertical suplex in the middle.
33:49That's a long way down.
33:51That could be it.
33:53Cody kicked out.
33:55Intestinal fortitude from the young
33:57Cody Seller.
33:59That's the one thing about Cody.
34:01He may be young, he may still be learning,
34:03but he is resilient.
34:05Absolutely. He doesn't know when to say quit.
34:07I mean, Cody in singles competition
34:10toe-to-toe with Alexander Roth.
34:12And that, that right there
34:14is an impressive feat of his own.
34:16So we know that Cody can go.
34:18And with his dad in his corner,
34:20anything is possible.
34:22Oh, no, Adonis Payne there
34:24showing the attitude.
34:26Gonna take Prince Dean off the apron.
34:28Maybe infuriate the father here.
34:30The only place Cody's going at the moment
34:32is in that corner of the mean team.
34:34Sorry to cut you off there, Clark Andrews.
34:38this is now the numbers game.
34:40Prince Dean trying to save his son.
34:42I mean, I hate to say it,
34:44this is classic tag team wrestling.
34:46It is. This is why I've been saying
34:48they're not the mean team, they are the mean team.
34:50And it's because of this.
34:52We talk about cutting the ring in half
34:54and that is exactly what they have done now
34:56with Cody stuck in there.
34:58The thing that's fascinating here
35:00and it proves good work by mean team.
35:02In UKPW, we have a much smaller ring,
35:04a 14-foot ring,
35:06which means cutting off the ring is even harder to do,
35:08which is why tag team wrestling in the UK
35:10could be one of the hardest forms
35:12of professional wrestling.
35:14And the fact that means...
35:16Oh, my.
35:18Notice the positioning.
35:20He got to smile at Prince Dean
35:22when he did that
35:24and threw Cody towards
35:26Mean's own partner.
35:28Talk about what you were saying, Bart.
35:30Cutting the ring in half, knowing ring positioning.
35:32And that's what it will take
35:34to lift up these beautiful tag team titles.
35:36Misses the boot.
35:38Back elbow. Cody fights back.
35:40Drags under.
35:42Cody cuts at him.
35:44And Mean...
35:46And there's the tag.
35:48What are we going to do?
35:52He takes off Mean's. Yes, big boot.
36:04Big boot.
36:06Here we go.
36:08Ducks under.
36:10It's a go away.
36:12It looks like his dad's come to save the day.
36:14That's right. Dean doesn't know what he's doing.
36:16Oh, big boot to the face.
36:18That's one way to slow someone down.
36:20Well, hang on. No way.
36:22The Dean drop. He went for the Dean drop.
36:24Didn't quite get all of it.
36:26Well, I mean, Mean's a big boy.
36:30splash in the corner.
36:32Wait, what is...
36:34What is Dean going to do?
36:38Dean bomb.
36:40Big boot there.
36:42Is that the Dean boot?
36:44It's a Dean boot. Dean bomb.
36:46What's he doing now?
36:48That's the Dean name tag.
36:50Something's got to be a print
36:52something. The print punch.
36:54It's time.
36:56It's time for the best
36:58wrestling move.
37:00Oh no. Not the best wrestling move ever.
37:02Oh. It's the
37:04Prince Buster. The Prince Dean Buster.
37:06Yes. The Dean Buster. I don't know.
37:10I have been on the receiving end of this.
37:12Could we call it the Prince
37:14Duster. Prince Duster.
37:16There you go.
37:18And there we have it.
37:20All jokes aside, Mean Team
37:22are down.
37:24They are down, but they're not out just yet.
37:34Oh. Cody straight over on Mean.
37:36And we see in the background.
37:38Wait, what is
37:40Dean going to do?
37:42Oh no. Not the Wrestle Grounds.
37:44Oh no.
37:46Oh my. Oh ho.
37:48Oh. Oh my.
37:50Oh my. What a fake out on
37:54You've got to be kidding me.
37:58We don't have the pretty mats on the outside.
38:00Dean could have risked it all
38:02landing on the concrete floor.
38:04That's what you've got to do if you want to win
38:06these tag team titles. You've got to risk it all.
38:08Cody just ate a post.
38:10Prince Dean is on his own.
38:12It's the Dean drop kick.
38:14Dean drop.
38:16What's he going to go for here?
38:18He's calling for the Wrestle Grounds.
38:20No way are you going to make that.
38:22No way.
38:24Oh my. It's coast to coast.
38:30He made it. Holy.
38:32You've got to be kidding me.
38:34What? He's got the tag.
38:38Grapple fans.
38:40It's a 3, 5, 7.
38:42I can't count. 9. That was an incredible maneuver
38:44from Prince Dean.
38:46It's not just coast to coast, but diagonal to diagonal.
38:50Look at that by Dean.
38:52He's down.
38:56That's a big spear.
38:58That is colossal.
39:00Cody with the wheelbarrow. Rolls through.
39:02Into the double stomp.
39:04Everyone going down.
39:06No. Watch out.
39:08Oh my.
39:10Dean with a big boot.
39:13What is Dean going to do?
39:16Down goes McDonald's.
39:18Cody's up. Cody's up.
39:20They're going for the legal tag.
39:22There we go.
39:24They're going to go.
39:26They've got time. They can do a double team maneuver here.
39:30That's interesting here.
39:32We've got Cody going for the front face lock.
39:34What double team were we about to see?
39:36There's that super kick.
39:38Hang on. Whoa. Hang on a minute.
39:40I know grapple fans you can't see,
39:42but Artemis has just taken
39:44both of the tag team championships.
39:46I don't know if
39:48Prince Dean and Cody can see that.
39:50The titles have been handed.
39:52They haven't won the belts yet.
39:54I can't believe.
39:56Can someone get the belts off of Mean Dean?
40:00Talk about disrespect.
40:04They've got the new belts.
40:06They're brand new. Don't christen them like this.
40:08Tristan's on it.
40:10What's Artemis doing?
40:16Numbers game again.
40:18They're ruining
40:20the championship titles.
40:22They're ruining this.
40:24This was meant to be about
40:26the best tag team wrestlers.
40:28Here comes
40:30that elbow. Oh my goodness.
40:32That elbow from a different direction.
40:34Cody's not getting up.
40:36Not like this.
40:38No. Not like this.
40:40What did I say?
40:42Mean team. Mean team.
40:44Whatever you want to call them.
40:46This is why I believe they are going to be
40:48our new tag team champions. Whether you like it
40:50or not, it's that three
40:52man advantage that they have over
40:54everyone else in this tournament.
40:56Gents, grapple fans, I'm so
40:58sorry. We here at UKPW
41:00were trying to put on
41:02the best tag team tournament with the best
41:04tag team. Mean team are
41:06good enough to win, but do they
41:08have to do it by
41:10nefarious means?
41:12We didn't want the belts to be used like
41:14that. They're a symbol of excellence.
41:16And unfortunately,
41:18unfortunately for us,
41:20mean team have literally
41:22stolen the belts.
41:24Is this foreshadowing?
41:26But now mean team are in
41:28the main event.
41:30They're in the finals.
41:32We see new champions.
41:34Mean team later tonight.
41:38Celebrated like they've already won the whole
41:42The crowd here are saying
41:44one more match.
41:46Absolutely correct. They've still got
41:48one more match to go if they want to be
41:50holding those titles officially.
41:52I'm not going to lie.
41:54It's hard for me to hold this back, grapple fans.
41:56This is infuriating.
41:58They don't own those belts. They've not
42:00owned those belts. Can someone get those
42:02belts off of them? They have not
42:04earned them. Get them out of their
42:06hands. Seriously, can someone get
42:08them out? That is unfair.
42:10It is disrespectful
42:12to the other teams. Mean team,
42:14you stole. I'm so
42:16sorry, D-band agent. I'm
42:18sorry. The referee did
42:20everything they could do. I'm sorry
42:22grapple fans that you had to see that.
42:24Are they
42:28You didn't need to
42:30do that.
42:32You didn't need to
42:34do that.
42:36I can't believe you did that.
42:38I can't believe you didn't need to do that.
42:40You didn't need
42:42to do that.
42:44You didn't need
42:46to do that.
42:52Trying to be gracious by handing back
42:54the tag belts. Acting like
42:56nothing happened. We're going with gracious
42:58by not taking them in the first place.
43:02Grapple fans, please welcome my guests at this time.
43:04The mean team. Mean team, congratulations
43:06on moving forward to the final.
43:08How are you feeling? I'm feeling
43:10like we just defended our tag team titles
43:12again for like the fifth, sixth time.
43:14Something like that. But we've got just
43:16one, one more match.
43:18One more match to go
43:20until we are officially
43:22allowed to hold those championships.
43:24Now I did notice during the match
43:26you did take them championships.
43:28Is there a reason behind that?
43:30I don't know what you're talking about.
43:32They're our titles.
43:34We're allowed to hold them
43:36when we choose.
43:38Red is very clearly my colour.
43:40I said a year ago
43:42we are the UKPW
43:44tag team champions. Where have the tag team champions
43:46been? They've been here. We just haven't had
43:48those on our shoulders. Just not officially.
43:50Just quickly, are you trying
43:52to accuse us of anything right now? I am not accusing
43:54you of anything. This is slander.
43:56I'm feeling quite targeted right now.
43:58I do apologise. I'm leaving.
44:00Listen, we just won a match
44:02fair and square. The least you can do is
44:04just congratulate us and say
44:06well done. You did very, very
44:08well. You did very well. See you in the final.
44:10Okay, see you in the final.
44:16Grapple fans, please
44:18join me in welcoming my guest at this
44:20time, two man day trip.
44:22You just got defeated by the
44:24meme team again. How are you feeling?
44:32How many matches have we had in UKPW now?
44:34We've had eight matches.
44:36And how many of them have been against the meme team?
44:38This was our third.
44:40And guess what?
44:42We lost again.
44:44We lost again.
44:48something needs to change.
44:50Because we can't just keep throwing ourselves at them
44:52and just expecting a different result.
44:54Because clearly, that's not going to work.
44:56That's not going to work, dad. So what do you think?
45:02We put a lot of stock
45:04into being the most popular
45:06team in UKPW.
45:08The only tag team in UKPW.
45:10And then
45:12all of a sudden, a tag tournament
45:14comes along. They bring in
45:16CPF, a manufactured
45:18more popular team
45:20than us. And we're friends with CPF.
45:22We're honorary.
45:24Well, I hang out with your friends.
45:28honorary members of CPF.
45:30And I wish them well.
45:34But I don't know what's going on at the UKPW
45:36booking committee. Every time
45:38we're here,
45:4033% of the time we're facing
45:42to the same outcome where
45:44they're cheating.
45:46And maybe UKPW just don't love
45:48us the way we love
45:52We would have treated them titles
45:54with respect. I would
45:56have loved them titles. But
45:58whoever wins that match
46:00now is just going to go in a box
46:02under their bed. They don't care
46:04about this tag team division
46:06like we do.
46:08I think we just need to talk this over.
46:10Can we just go back to the caravan?
46:12We'll go back to the caravan and we'll talk it through.
46:14We'll get some replicas.
46:16The caravan's parked that way.
46:18I'm sorry.
