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Tables, Ladders, and Scares!
Match 1: Harry Sefton vs. The Trashman
Match 2: Team USA vs. Team UK


00:30Greetings Grapple Fans and welcome to Tables, Ladders and Skiers 3!
00:42Five combustible elements, JJ Gale was on this stage, what is about to happen?
00:47Essentially, we've got Alexander Roth, four incredible challengers, all with their own motivation.
00:53Grapple Fans, the time to win tonight is going to be so good!
00:56There was a match that was this dangerous!
01:00I've been put in the nail, for good and all.
01:04And here he is, how does the rest of us feel?
01:08We're back in the dust again.
01:14I should call you out on that one.
01:18Yeah, I'm doing alright.
01:22How about you?
01:24Could be better, could be more.
01:27Good enough to whoop you up.
01:39Now sit down, honestly. No, no, no, you're not cleared to compete today.
01:47Don't get into a fight, Basham, you've got a title match later today.
01:50Don't, Basham is doing the right thing.
01:55Up next, we have Harry Sefton taking on the Trashmen, let's go to Harry Sefton.
02:04I am joined by Harry Sefton.
02:07Save it love, I know exactly what you're going to ask me, and I don't care.
02:12I'm fed up with this UKPW, I'm fed up with being disrespected.
02:16This has been going on for two years now.
02:19Two years where I can't just have a one-on-one title shot.
02:23And now you put me in the ring with the Trashman, another UKPW original who should be on the scrap heap.
02:30I said it in Bexley Heath, I want Sapphire Reid for the Interregional belt.
02:35Of course, she's not here tonight, every other champion is.
02:40I mean, I beat David Francisco, who stepped in for Sapphire last time where she couldn't even carry the weight of that belt.
02:49And then he beat Alf Edwards, who's now barking at Sapphire's door demanding a title shot.
02:54I say, it's a no-brainer. UKPW, you know it makes sense.
03:00And Trashman, tonight, you need to know this.
03:04Whatever I do to you, it's not personal.
03:08It's just necessary.
03:10Thank you, Harry.
03:11Well, that's what Harry had to say.
03:14Let's see what happens when Harry takes on this UKPW legend.
03:41Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the UKPW 2018 Trashman Legend of Russia!
03:56Well, what a warm welcome for the Trashman, Marcus Broome.
04:00He has a lot of history here at the Falkwood Community Centre.
04:03Let's run through some of the highlights.
04:11The Trashman, an incredibly popular figure in UKPW, but more particularly in Falkenwood.
04:16The Trashman, welcome home to Falkenwood.
04:24Plenty and plenty of grapple fans here who are firmly behind this UKPW legend, the Trashman.
04:32Incredible wrestler.
04:36I can't wait. I've got history with both of these.
04:50Just, he's just mad.
04:55And the Trashman wins!
05:00Well, that was quick.
05:02Quick bonus match there for the fans here at Falkenwood.
05:04So, he's actually had eight matches tonight, I think that's it.
05:06Yeah, I think that's it.
05:17Oh my goodness, I do not want to be in the ring when these guys are, when they're ready to go.
05:27The Trashman, Trashman getting this crowd warmed up.
05:33Ring the bell, here we go.
05:37Now this match, grapple fans, for long time UKPW viewers, this is an interesting match on so many levels.
05:45Harry Sefton, cold and calculating, arguably the least popular person here.
05:51He ruins the UKPW tag team division.
05:54He is absolutely violent on people.
05:58He's almost like a cold hearted, I'm not going to use the phrase death staring if I'm honest.
06:03Harry Sefton is not very liked.
06:04However, the antithesis of Harry Sefton is the Trashman Marcus Broom.
06:08Incredibly popular, former UKPW champion, sorry, former UKPW inter-region champion and former UKPW tag team champion.
06:16Trashman has done it all here.
06:20That's right Trashman, he is feisty.
06:22He is.
06:23Harry Sefton is feisty every weekend.
06:24I mean, Harry Sefton's hair gets bigger every time I see him.
06:29I mean, you've got to be confident to have a haircut like that.
06:32Harry's going to kill me later.
06:35Going into that wrist lock, takes the knee.
06:37I bet the Trashman wish he had that hair.
06:41Into a nice snap where he rolls through.
06:43Completely got the wrist lock there.
06:47Separating the legs.
06:48Double leg.
06:50Into a bridging pin.
06:52I call that a jackknife pin.
06:54Some classic wrestling styles there.
06:56So, the thing that I, I've wrestled both of these guys.
06:59And the thing about this match that intrigues me is both wrestlers here are incredible grapplers.
07:07Now, Trashman, yes, yes, he's entranced from a bin.
07:11Yes, he comes up with a broom and everyone likes saying trash.
07:14I get it.
07:15But actually, he's an incredibly accomplished wrestling master that can take you down in so many different ways.
07:23Then you add the madness.
07:24There we go.
07:25Headlock takedown.
07:26Taking Harry down.
07:27Almost proving my point there.
07:28However, Harry, again, incredibly skilled.
07:31Arguably one of the best technical wrestlers in the entire country.
07:34And the thing that's unfortunate is that Harry doesn't mind taking a cheap shot.
07:39Doesn't mind taking the low road.
07:41Like now, incredible wrestling.
07:42Look at that bridge by Trashman.
07:47Into that wrist lock.
07:49Again, this is just so incredible.
07:51Again, this is just so good.
07:52This is a technical clinic.
07:54Into the ropes.
07:55Going to break the hold there.
07:56Got to the count of five.
08:00And that's how you're going to do a clean break.
08:03You're not going to take the trash down.
08:05Shoulder block.
08:06Onto the far side.
08:07Knee prog.
08:09Headlock takedown.
08:10Oh, look at that by the Trashman.
08:13And Trashman firmly getting the crowd behind him.
08:18These are both veterans here at UKPW.
08:22This isn't your standard veteran versus rookie.
08:25You know, Trashman trying to cut someone into the business.
08:28These are two veterans going at it here.
08:31Very well said, Clark Andrews.
08:33Very well said.
08:35Harry Sefton looking for respect.
08:37And earlier, you can argue he's looking for championship glory.
08:40Specifically the Interregional Championship.
08:43Incredible chop in the corner.
08:45Cuts the wind right out of you.
08:48Big chop.
08:52Into the corner.
08:53Up and over.
08:54What's Trashman going to do?
08:56And there's a headlock takedown.
08:58Well done, Trashman.
09:01That's a veteran headlock takedown right there.
09:04I told you.
09:05Classic wrestling at its best.
09:09Big scoop slam.
09:11Oh no, double kick.
09:12Nice kick there by Harry Sefton.
09:13The cold-blooded Harry Sefton.
09:15Big slam.
09:17Oh no.
09:18There we go.
09:19I believe they call that tip for tap.
09:21Into a body slam again.
09:24Off the ropes.
09:25Oh no.
09:26He got kicked by Harry again.
09:30Looks like Trashman was expecting a problem.
09:33Floats over.
09:34Big knee to the gut.
09:36That'll slow him down.
09:38Into the buckles.
09:41Underneath those turnbuckle pads are a steel beam.
09:45Oh, big shoulder tackle into the corner.
09:49Oh no, not again.
09:53And another one by Trashman.
09:57Is he going to fall for it?
10:00The crowd want one more.
10:02The crowd want one more.
10:04The crowd want one more.
10:06The crowd do want one more.
10:07Are we going to get it?
10:11Oh no, pit stop.
10:13He's going to be the pit stop.
10:14And that's a man from Trashtown, London.
10:17You know those pits aren't going to be smelling good.
10:20Oh, inverted atomic drop.
10:22Unfortunate landing, especially after that pit stop.
10:25Northern Lights suplex.
10:27Harry goes flying.
10:29I told you Trashman has incredible wrestling skills.
10:32Popping them hips.
10:33Making Harry land and do a 360 flip.
10:36Oh, Trashman going up for the elbow.
10:38Going up top.
10:39I have been on the receiving end of this top rope elbow.
10:42He has won the Interregional Championship with this very manoeuvre.
10:45Harry sees it come in and rolls to the outside.
10:48Not a popular decision, but definitely a smart one.
10:51That's what a veteran would do.
10:54Harry Sefton now trying to create some space.
10:56But Trashman closing in.
10:58Oh, hang on.
11:00I can't quite see from where we are.
11:01I think Harry is biting.
11:04Oh no.
11:06Did you hear that chop?
11:08And the knee.
11:09That was that double throat thrust.
11:11Oh my goodness.
11:12Into the steel beam.
11:15Oh, this is bad.
11:16This is bad.
11:17Harry on top.
11:19Oh my goodness.
11:20What a drop kick.
11:22Incredible missile drop kick.
11:26It kicked out at two.
11:30Oh, Harry Sefton not happy now.
11:32Very, very hard kick to the back of Trash.
11:35You can see Trashman is thinking,
11:36I am not taking these little boy.
11:39On the neck snap.
11:40Oh my goodness.
11:42Oh no, he's got to cover.
11:43He's got to cover.
11:44That is the most innovative cover I have ever seen in professional wrestling.
11:48Harry Sefton has been in the gyms.
11:50He has been training every day.
11:52What a clear sign he is.
12:00Oh, and there's a nice roll through senton.
12:03Witnessing a technical masterclass here from the cold-blooded Harry Sefton.
12:07But as we all know, the veteran, the Trashman, he's been there.
12:12He's seen it all.
12:14I mean, I can't believe this match.
12:16This is a real Tomatak Classic Styles, but really.
12:18Oh my God.
12:20What a kick.
12:21He's going up top again.
12:22That was like a pump kick in the corner.
12:24I don't think I've ever seen that before.
12:26Trash now going up top.
12:28What are we going to see?
12:30Is it the Trash Compactor Elbow?
12:32Oh, he saw Harry move.
12:34He's moved.
12:35There's a big boot to the face.
12:38Now what is Harry Sefton going to go for?
12:41Get him in that powerbomb position.
12:43Oh, that's a great powerbomb.
12:44The Falljack Knife Pin.
12:46Oh, so close.
12:47So close here.
12:49And oh no.
12:50Oh no.
12:51Oh no.
12:52Oh no.
12:54Oh no.
12:55Oh no.
12:56And oh no.
12:57Harry is going for that Cold Snap Submission Hold.
13:01It's an incredibly devastating move.
13:02It really cuts the air off.
13:06Rolls through.
13:07Still got it on.
13:09And Trash Man's bridge stone.
13:10Who's being covered?
13:12I think Harry's shoulders were down.
13:14I think Trash was going to get the call.
13:15But he's...
13:16Oh, and another boot.
13:18Front Face Lock.
13:19Where are we going to see Trash Man land?
13:20Brain Buster Style.
13:22Down he goes to...
13:24Trash Man kicked out.
13:26Another close pinfall there.
13:29The crowd are firmly behind Trash Man.
13:32Harry Sefton really wanting to win this match.
13:36Grinding his knee.
13:37And he's going for that Cold Snap Submission again.
13:41That Cobra Clutch Style Hold.
13:43You can see Trash Man fading, fading fast.
13:47Trash Man is the veteran here.
13:50He will...
13:51He's not going to go down easy, I can tell you that much.
13:53Absolutely not.
13:56He's going to fight it for all it's worth.
14:00I've got...
14:01Sefton's got this in firmly though.
14:03I've got...
14:04Oh no, here we go.
14:05We're going to see this hand.
14:06Is this hand going to go down three times?
14:07He goes down three times.
14:08The match is over.
14:09The second.
14:10Come on, Trash.
14:11Come on, Trash.
14:12Is this going to be it?
14:13He's fighting out of it.
14:14Trash Man.
14:16What are we going to see?
14:17People standing on their seats.
14:19Into the buckle.
14:20What a great way to get out of that hold.
14:22Neutralising the ring to his full advantage.
14:25Trash Man is winded.
14:29Oh no.
14:30Big corner dropkick.
14:31Oh my goodness.
14:33Harry full set of steam.
14:35Misses in the corner.
14:38Can Trash get his breath back?
14:40They're back to back.
14:42Oh, forearm.
14:44European uppercut.
14:45That's it.
14:46Two veterans just slugging it out there.
14:48Back and forth here.
14:49There's that ear clapper.
14:52Oh no, here comes the Trash.
14:56Inside Gary.
14:59Oh no, Harry.
15:01Oh my goodness.
15:06That was a discus lariat.
15:09Grapple fans, that was incredible.
15:11These two are slugging it out.
15:13Both with a firm grasp of what they want to achieve here today.
15:17Trash Man, hometown hero.
15:19People love him here.
15:21He wants to win and not disappoint these fans.
15:23Harry Sefton with a message to UKPW.
15:25I want championship gold.
15:27Everything's on the line in this one.
15:29Pride, championship, wrestling ability.
15:35Big spinning elbow.
15:38Second spinning elbow.
15:40Trash Man got the momentum.
15:41He's going to go for that big scoop slam.
15:43Yes, he is in the center of the ring.
15:45He's going to go for that Trash Compactor elbow.
15:47Here we go.
15:50The crowd firmly want to see the Trash go flying.
15:53Usually not out a window ideally.
15:55Trash Compactor.
15:57He's got it, surely that's it.
15:59He's hooked him, he's hooked him, he's hooked him.
16:01Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
16:03Oh my goodness.
16:06There it is.
16:07I think the shoulders are down.
16:08The shoulders are down.
16:09There's the cover.
16:11He's got him.
16:13Harry Sefton is your winner.
16:15Here we go.
16:23Incredible match.
16:25Your winner, the Gold Bullet, Harry Sefton.
16:33Grapple fans, what a match.
16:36Grapple fans, what a match that was.
16:40I just can't believe what we've just seen there.
16:44An incredible match.
16:46Harry Sefton with a clear, hang on.
16:48It looks like he's pointing at me.
16:50He's asking, I think he's asking for the,
16:52Clark Andrews, I'd be a little bit,
16:54I'd be a little bit cautious.
16:58Just what, he's, oh hang on.
17:00He's asking for the microphone.
17:02Oh no.
17:06Oh, I was so afraid I'd drop the discount,
17:08so I'm going to do it again, it's one of my days.
17:13Is everyone alright, Barbara Wood?
17:15Did you miss me?
17:18That's alright, I didn't mean to be rude there.
17:20Look, I said it best for you,
17:22and clearly it didn't get heard,
17:24so I'm telling this to you right now,
17:26on an ad, you know what I want.
17:28I've wanted it for a very long time,
17:30and I just think I earned it
17:32because I'm an undefeated pro over the year.
17:34So this message is for you.
17:36I want me.
17:38I want you.
17:40I want you for the Interregional Championship,
17:42November, in Canterbury.
17:45No, that's not,
17:47no Harry, you can't just make matches.
17:49That's not how that works.
17:51You can't just, you can't just make matches like that.
17:53That's not how it works.
17:55Harry, I don't understand
17:57what you're trying to achieve here.
17:59Like, I know you were disgruntled.
18:01You had a chance, you had a chance
18:03in the Break Stuff match,
18:04you had a chance to control,
18:06but you can't just make matches like that.
18:08You can't make matches like that.
18:10You can't, wait, wait, wait, wait.
18:12No, no, no, no, whoa.
18:14We'll talk later.
18:16I'm sorry you had to see that,
18:18Grappa Fans.
18:20I try and keep composed on these.
18:22But Harry Sefton,
18:24I was about to swear then,
18:26I won't do that,
18:28but Harry Sefton is a menace.
18:30Grappa Fans, there is no time
18:32to digest what just happened.
18:35I'm here with Alexis Falcon
18:37and Charles Crowley,
18:39the Friends of Benefits,
18:41who just lost their match
18:43against CPF.
18:45How are you feeling?
18:47How are we feeling?
18:49How are we feeling?
18:51Well, of course we're fuming.
18:53We've been brought in at the top level
18:55straight away,
18:57going for the Tag Team Championships.
18:59And we lose because of things
19:01that are completely out of our control.
19:02Like, Joe Lando is too fast.
19:06And Danny Black is too agile and slender.
19:13Do we agree?
19:15Is that fair?
19:17It's not fair.
19:19So what we're going to do
19:21is we're going to come back
19:23after we've gone away
19:25to get faster.
19:27We can have an energy drink.
19:29We can have an energy drink.
19:30And we'll be back
19:32for those Tag Team Championships.
19:35To you.
19:37To you.
19:39Back to ringside.
19:54Introducing first,
19:56representing the US of A,
19:58Mr. International,
20:00Jake Bowman,
20:02the Death Winger,
20:04Aaron Williams,
20:06and the veteran,
20:08Jack Horne!
20:12Thank you so much, Clark Andrews.
20:15That's right, international superstars
20:17making their way to the ring.
20:19And I believe we can go backstage
20:21to hear what they had to say earlier today.
20:23Tonight, guys, you are against
20:25Prince Dean,
20:28and J. Alexander.
20:30How are you guys feeling?
20:32Listen, first of all,
20:34what you have before you
20:36is three of the top talents
20:38in the greatest professional wrestling
20:40country in the world.
20:42The United States of America.
20:44We got the Dead Ringer,
20:46Aaron Williams,
20:48Mr. International,
20:50Jake Bowman,
20:52and the last real professional wrestler,
20:54the veteran, Jack Vaughn.
20:56We came from the United States
20:58to the United Kingdom
21:00to face anyone less than the best.
21:03And it looks like that's exactly
21:05what they have given us.
21:07And these three men,
21:09they've teamed together a lot more than we have,
21:11but you know, the three of us,
21:13we come from similar backgrounds
21:15and a similar part of the United States,
21:17and we have a mutual respect that is unmatched.
21:19So give us the three best.
21:21We're looking forward to it
21:23because at the end of the night,
21:24we're going to be faced.
21:26Will you hold this for me?
21:30I appreciate you being here.
21:32Appreciate it.
21:34I really do.
21:36Anyway, as we were saying,
21:38America, we do everything better, baby.
21:40We are the absolute best.
21:42We wrestle the best.
21:44We live the best.
21:46We hit the hardest,
21:48and we are the meanest.
21:50And the United Kingdom Wrestling
21:52is going to find out
21:54who's going to win.
21:58That's right.
22:00The people here in Falconwood
22:02are not happy with these Americans.
22:04Jack Vaughn, Jake Omen, Aaron Williams.
22:07An incredible threesome
22:09of American powerhouses.
22:11This is a battle for Britain.
22:25Where are the bubbles coming from?
22:30Here we go.
22:32Oh my goodness.
22:34Oh my goodness.
22:38What a team.
22:54Well, Grapple fans, this crowd here are hyped to see Prince Dean, Jay Alexander and Cody
23:08But let's go back to what they had to say earlier today.
23:16They've been calling us the UKPW All Stars, however, trading standards said we couldn't
23:22go by that name because there's no stars in this group.
23:26What do you think?
23:29Who man?
23:34You've never won.
23:35You're on a losing streak right now.
23:36I don't think you deserve it.
23:44I don't deserve it.
23:45In fairness, sometimes when you're not here, me and Jay, as I've told you, we have been
23:46tagging and we've won.
23:47We win.
23:48We actually win matches together.
23:49The princes apart.
23:50What are you trying to say?
23:52You're the son I never had.
24:09Fine, two men, JTrip.
24:10Go on.
24:12Let's go.
24:22Talk about international fighting, international incident.
24:28Team UK versus Team USA.
24:30Oh, here we go.
24:34Through the power of three.
24:35I guess they're a three-man daytrip, I guess today.
24:41I suppose today they are a three-man daytrip.
24:44Now, this is going to be interesting, Grappa fans.
24:48Plenty at stake here.
24:49Plenty of pride.
24:50We talked about it on all the event centers building up to this event.
24:55UKPW favorites, Prince Dean, Cody Salahue and Jay Alexander.
25:05The crowd here are not happy about that.
25:07I think the crowd here are firmly behind the UK team here.
25:12They are not happy about this.
25:21So many.
25:33The Americans here are very confused by our audience.
25:36They don't blame them.
25:42I think it's our audience that are confused here.
25:45That is not the trash man.
25:46No, that's not the trash man.
25:47That is the veteran.
25:48It's the veteran.
25:49The veteran, Jack Vaughn.
25:52I mean, I might have to try and get trash man out here to prove that.
25:57The Americans can't even understand our British accents.
26:00I won't do an impression, but basically, guys, when you watch this back,
26:04the trash man was wrestling earlier and looks shockingly like Jack Vaughn.
26:09I'll tell you what, sometimes I can't understand the British accent either.
26:14A bit harsh.
26:16Okay, back to business, everyone.
26:17Okay, back to business.
26:18Representing the UK, we have Prince Dean in the lime yellow.
26:24We have Jay Alexander in the black and red.
26:26Cody in the black shorts.
26:28And in Team America, we have Jack Vaughn in the red.
26:32Jake Omen in the black and white shorts.
26:35And then we have Aaron Williams in the black and white.
26:39This is going to be an incredible contest.
26:43We don't see many six-man tags in UKPW.
26:46We've talked about it many a time before.
26:48The UKPW ring is 14 foot by 14 foot.
26:52It is slightly smaller than our American counterpart rings.
26:56This is going to be interesting to see if the Americans can change their way of wrestling.
27:01As they said earlier, the superior style of wrestling to the British style.
27:05Their words, their words.
27:07And Jay instantly showing how excellent British wrestling is
27:11when it comes to the grappling game.
27:14Top wrist lock rolls through. Nicely done.
27:17Oh, nice top wrist lock.
27:19The American's got game.
27:21American has got game.
27:25You know, when we think about wrestling.
27:30Rolls through.
27:33Oh, nice arm wringer.
27:35Now, Jay is just having fun here.
27:39Just having fun with Williams.
27:42Now, Williams again going to show his amazing wrestling skill into that headlock.
27:48USA here getting the early advantage here
27:51in this classic Team USA versus Team UK trio tag match.
27:56Shoulder tackle into the ropes. Here we go.
27:58Here comes some wrestling style.
28:00Rolls through back into the headlock.
28:02Nicely done.
28:04Just while we're here, just from a size comparison.
28:06Look at the size of Jack Thorne just standing there at the moment.
28:10Just ominous.
28:12Clearly the tallest man here.
28:14I thought we were going to see a hip toss.
28:16Watch the hip toss.
28:30Crowd firmly behind Jay Alexander.
28:36He's made the tag to Cody.
28:39Who is the son from the two-man day trip.
28:42The father and son team.
28:44Cody, this time last year, was in the semi-main event for the UKPW Championship.
28:51Big time deal here.
29:01Here we go. Nice common overtime here again.
29:04UK versus America.
29:07That's a big hit there.
29:14Look at this back and forth here.
29:16UK, USA just going back and forth.
29:19And Cody's got the advantage here.
29:29That power from USA.
29:31There's a miss.
29:32Drops under.
29:35Beautiful dropkick.
29:37Beautiful dropkick there by Cody.
29:41And that's a beautiful slap.
29:43Williams with a big slap there.
29:49Double leg Nelson.
29:51Cody not happy with that.
29:53Absolutely not.
29:54His father, Brent Steen, is coming to celebrate.
29:56Cody, what are you doing? That's your father.
29:59I can see the Americans are just baffled by Weiss.
30:03No, you're representing the UK.
30:07You're on the same team.
30:11Don't hit the referee.
30:14Referee Tristans.
30:16Don't get involved in the action here.
30:21Maybe they don't like the face paint of Tristans.
30:24He's got his face paint of a local artist.
30:27An artist from the USA.
30:29So dead ringer Aaron Williams is not sure what to make of Weiss.
30:33He's just witnessed in that corner.
30:35Here we go.
30:36Cody's walking off.
30:37Cody, where are you going?
30:41What are you doing, Cody?
30:49The young son of Brent Steen.
30:51You can tell it's the young.
30:55Thigh slappingly good time.
30:57That seems to have affected Brent Steen.
31:04Brent Steen thanking Jack Vaughn.
31:08Oh, did not accept.
31:10I think Jack Vaughn feels like Brent Steen is making fun of him.
31:14Oh my God.
31:15Look at the disrespect here.
31:22Oh no.
31:24Don't run into this.
31:26No, Jack, you're better than this.
31:34I don't think veterans go chasing, but they do go hitting.
31:38And that was a big hand there from the veteran Jack Vaughn.
31:43That was a thigh slappingly great punch.
31:45As we say here in Britain, he's knocked his absolute block off.
31:49That's right.
31:50Big Russian leg sweep.
31:53Here comes Brent Steen.
31:55Handspring and backwards elbow.
31:58Beautiful elbow there from Brent Steen.
32:01Jack Vaughn now in the corner.
32:06Oh no.
32:08I'm not sure Jack Vaughn's ready for the best wrestling move.
32:11Oh my God.
32:13The Bronco Buster on the veteran Jack Vaughn.
32:17Who would have thought it?
32:19Who would have thunk it?
32:20Thigh slapping.
32:21I was going to say a thigh slappingly great move there.
32:23But Jack Vaughn, the veteran, showing his veteran skills.
32:28Again, the crowd here not really sure what to make of these Americans.
32:32Oh, now that is an American style chop.
32:35I could see the face on Trey Alexander not wanting to get in the ring.
32:38I can't blame him.
32:40Oh my goodness.
32:42He just went straight into that.
32:44I was looking at the corner cam on that guy.
32:46It nearly fell off.
32:48Power there on the U.S. spectrum.
32:51Jack Vaughn.
32:52Here comes Dead Ringer Aaron Williams from Cincinnati, Ohio.
32:57Strong striking style.
32:58He's been wrestling for over 20 years.
33:00And today is experiencing UKPW in Falconwood.
33:06What's this Ohioan going to do?
33:09Oh my goodness.
33:11Guys, you're distracted like referee, like Tristan.
33:14I know there's a lot going on here.
33:16But this is just showing you why the Americans have just mastered wrestling.
33:20Like, look at these skills.
33:22Guys, you've got to get out.
33:25That was so good.
33:26That was so good from Team America.
33:28Well done, Jack Vaughn there.
33:29Now almost taunting with that tie.
33:34Incredible here.
33:36Now in here we've got Mr. International Jake Omen from Indianapolis, Indiana.
33:45Oh, I really thought we were going to get a three count there.
33:48That was a near pinfall there.
33:51Now Prince Dean has been acting as a bit of a mentor to Cody.
33:55However, Mr. International Jake Omen is also the head trainer.
33:58Oh, we've got some double team maneuvers here.
34:01Cutting the ring in half.
34:02Six man tags are just mad.
34:03There's just so many bodies doing so many things.
34:10What I'm enjoying here is that Aaron Williams seems to have got comfortable
34:13with this audience now.
34:15Oh, doing a European uppercut in Europe.
34:17I like it.
34:18I like what they're doing.
34:19They're mocking us without us realizing.
34:22I like it.
34:23And there's that classic American showmanship there.
34:26Just taking off the shirt.
34:27Showing the crowd what he's all about.
34:31More palm strikes.
34:32What's Prince Dean going to do?
34:33Step up into Gary.
34:35He's got the tag to his son Cody.
34:37What's Cody going to do?
34:39Sally Hugh with the clothesline.
34:41Second clothesline.
34:43Taking down Aaron.
34:46Here comes the slam on Williams.
34:48Down he goes.
34:49Beautiful slam there.
34:52Cody knowing that Williams' strong style is the strong style striking style.
34:57Sorry, I should say.
34:59Front facelock.
35:01Mr. International trying to get in there.
35:03Oh my goodness, the flexibility.
35:04Here's those strikes we were talking about.
35:06Watch out, Cody.
35:08Those are educated feet.
35:10Gary, I've never seen kicks like that.
35:13Here we go.
35:14Veteran Jack Vaughn back in the ring now.
35:16The veteran Jack Vaughn against the rookie Cody.
35:20It's absolutely right.
35:22And I was about to say, look at the size of Jack Vaughn.
35:25This body slam is going to be huge and it's not going to feel good.
35:30That's a long way down.
35:32The power there from the veteran Jack Vaughn.
35:34Nice little Fargo strut.
35:37Liking it.
35:39Big elbow.
35:41This could be it.
35:43Veteran with a two.
35:47Now, many people know the veteran from his Instagram and TikTok videos.
35:52Today, showing why the veteran.
35:54The wrestlers you see on UKPW are trained professionals and should not be copied.
36:18UKPW is very dangerous.
36:21The show you're watching has been organized with great preparation and should not be attempted by anyone.
36:33Wrestling may look fun, but the hazards are real.
36:42No matter who you are, whatever you do, please do not try this at home, school or anywhere.
36:50The style of wrestling is just far superior.
36:53Just having fun with this rookie, as you say.
36:55I mean, calling Cody a rookie is a bit harsh.
36:57Has been wrestling here for a while now, but in comparison to the veteran, absolutely.
37:02Being schooled here.
37:04And you can see Prince Dean sort of struggling to coach his son, Cody.
37:12Here comes Jake Omen.
37:14Front face lock.
37:15Oh, we're going to get a double team again.
37:17There we go.
37:18We've got a bit of an England chant going now.
37:20Oh my goodness.
37:22Double kicks.
37:23Double kicks again.
37:24Kick sandwich.
37:27Kick sandwich.
37:28Can you get those in the UK, kick sandwiches?
37:30Moonsault press.
37:33Aaron Williams with a big cover.
37:35Two and.
37:36Well done, Cody, for kicking out at two.
37:38So close to a three there.
37:42I can't believe this is a dangerous match for all the wrestlers in this one.
37:45So many different styles.
37:46I'm struggling to keep up.
37:47I'll be honest.
37:48You've got to remember what everyone can do.
37:50When they then do it, you go, wow, that's incredible.
37:52Knee to the gut.
37:54Into the butt.
37:56Cody has been in there for quite some time now.
37:58Oh my goodness.
37:59Straight to the floor there.
38:02This commentation station moved after that chop.
38:06The Americans have totally nailed the chops.
38:09Oh no.
38:10Taking off the shirt.
38:11We all know what that means.
38:12Serious business.
38:14Oh no, he's going to.
38:15Oh, he's got the hand.
38:17This surely can't be legal.
38:19What is he doing?
38:21Tristan is allowing it to happen.
38:24I suppose we don't want to end these matches in a disqualification.
38:26And the Americans here are absolutely pushing the boundaries.
38:31Mr. International there.
38:32Taking advantage of being in such a small ring there.
38:35Oh, J-Ax.
38:36I was getting involved.
38:37Tristan's having to keep him out here.
38:39And look at this.
38:40The teaming right here on Cody.
38:42The referee is distracted by Dean and Alexander.
38:45And the Americans here, they're taking full advantage of the situation.
38:49I mean, if I'm Cody, I would be very annoyed at my dad.
38:53Because Princeton has distracted the referee and allowed that triple team,
38:59not just a double team, a triple team to happen.
39:01Yeah, if I'm Cody, I'd be quite annoyed at my partner.
39:04Let alone partner Dan.
39:06And again, double teaming here from Team America.
39:10Excellent tag team wrestling style.
39:13Controlling the ring.
39:14Making sure he goes to a neutral corner.
39:16Cutting off the ring.
39:17So, oh my goodness.
39:19I love a head chop.
39:20These chops, they are just so good at chopping people.
39:23Those chops are coming all the way from the US of A.
39:27Yes, they are.
39:30Oh, here we go.
39:31England charm.
39:32England charm has broken out here at the Falconwood Community Center.
39:36Cody flies over.
39:38Cody flies over.
39:39Drop down.
39:40Goes for a cut.
39:41He's going to try and get the tag.
39:42Can't quite get the tag.
39:46There's the tag.
39:47He's got the tag to Jay Alexander.
39:49Here we go.
39:52Back elbow.
39:53Back elbow.
39:55What's Jay going to go for?
39:57He's got two Americans in a corner.
39:59Big forearm.
40:00Another forearm in the corner.
40:02Come on, Jay.
40:04Jay's got a big opportunity here.
40:05Representing England.
40:07Oh, no.
40:08We're going to see the double noggin knocker.
40:12Oh, no.
40:13Fifth round.
40:15We did get to see it.
40:17Oh, here we go.
40:18We've seen this before.
40:19Jay Alexander uses the momentum.
40:21Into a tornado DDT.
40:23Jay Alexander, who's the legal man?
40:25I think I've lost.
40:26I think there was a blind tag there.
40:28Oh, SGO.
40:30Did we see it?
40:31We did see the blind tag.
40:32We did see the blind tag.
40:33Jack Bourne has come in.
40:34And Princeton goes straight after him and kicks him right out.
40:38There we go.
40:39Jed Ringer with a big kick into the wheelbarrow.
40:41Up and under.
40:42Through we go.
40:44Flapjack position.
40:46Who's the legal man?
40:47Jack Bourne.
40:48Oh, my.
40:50That was incredible.
40:54The veteran taking over the ropes.
40:56What's Cody going to go for?
40:58Cody with the return.
41:00Oh, breaker.
41:01Nice lung blower there.
41:07Oh, my goodness.
41:10Shining wizard.
41:11That kicks Cody's head right off.
41:14I am loving the chants here from the Falconwood crowd.
41:17There's a real English pride here in this match.
41:19They are firmly behind this UK team.
41:24Everyone is down.
41:26Princeton's counting.
41:32All six men are on the floor.
41:36And they're all in the ring.
41:38I feel bad for Tristan because we've got six men all wanting to win.
41:44Hang on.
41:45What is happening here?
41:47We've got a stalemate.
41:50Three punches.
41:52Three returns.
41:54Oh, no.
42:04America have got the advantage.
42:08What's going on here?
42:09Oh, my.
42:10Good clothesline.
42:12And the vet with a big knee.
42:14Oh, no.
42:15That's how they go.
42:17Oh, my gosh.
42:18The veteran is left all alone there with Jay Alexander and Princeton.
42:22Oh, super kick.
42:24Jumping knee.
42:26Oh, wait.
42:28Oh, here comes Princeton with his triple.
42:30Oh, my goodness.
42:33Oh, my goodness.
42:36Oh, misses.
42:37Oh, Jay's going to get the pin.
42:38Jay's going to get the pin.
42:39Oh, that was so close.
42:40That was so close.
42:41Deep in there for the UK.
42:43There's IQ.
42:47That's knocked him out.
42:48That's knocked Jay out.
42:50That's it.
42:51All done.
42:52Team USA are winners.
42:54Oh, my goodness.
42:55Oh, my goodness.
42:57What did we just see?
42:58There was so much pandemonium there.
43:00Oh, my goodness.
43:01Your winners, Mr. International Jay Coburn, dead ringer Alan Williams,
43:07and the veteran, Jack Rohn.
43:15That was an incredible match.
43:16I'm so sorry, English Grapple fans.
43:19It was Team America that won.
43:21Let's have a look at some of these highlights.
43:23I mean, the ending of this match was incredible.
43:25Talk about positioning.
43:27Team America understanding the admission, really.
43:30Oh, hang on.
43:31So, let's come back live.
43:33There seems to be a bit of a breakdown in communication with the English team.
43:36Jay Alexander has eaten another loss here.
43:39It looks like Cody is not happy.
43:41Hang on.
43:42What's going on here?
43:43Well, guys, guys, come on.
43:44We're British.
43:45Come on.
43:46There's no need for another.
43:49Come on.
43:50Remember, England and America have a special relationship.
43:52There's no need for any international incident here at Tables Down to Scares.
44:00Oh, there we go.
44:04Thank you so much.
44:07Well, Jay Alexander, not happy, has instantly left the ring.
44:11That's very uncharacteristic of Jay Alexander.
44:14Not very – I don't know if our cameras can pick this up,
44:16but we've still got the two-man day trip in the ring.
44:18They're having some fun.
44:20But Jay Alexander has stormed off.
44:22I don't think any cameras picked that up.
44:23Jay Alexander has stormed off.
44:25And I think I'm getting word that there's an incident going on backstage.
44:30Can we – is there a camera back there?
44:34I am joined by Jay Alexander, who has just lost his match here at UKPW.
44:40How are you feeling?
44:43Bad, obviously.
44:45But not too bad, you know.
44:46It's not the first pinfall I've taken at UKPW.
44:48I'm kind of getting used to it by now, honestly.
44:50You know, I was losing singles matches.
44:52At least I was winning tag matches.
44:53But now I'm not even doing that.
44:55Really, you know, I'm starting to feel like the biggest loser in UKPW.
45:00And something has to change.
45:04Something has to change.
45:06Something has to change, Jay Alexander.
45:10Something has to change.
45:19Wait a minute.
45:22How about that, Grapple fans?
45:24What a face-off between Team UK and Team USA for our main event.
45:28Now, as you might imagine, we here at KenPro Wrestling
45:31may have had our favourites going into this contest.
45:33But in the end, Team USA, led by veteran Jack Vaughan,
45:37picks up the victory, but with a lovely, heartwarming display of mutual respect
45:41between all six competitors at the end of the contest.
45:44So in the end, do you know who wins, Grapple fans?
45:47That's right, professional wrestling and professional wrestling fans.
45:51That's you.
45:52But that about does it for us here at KenPro Wrestling for this one.
45:55But you're going to want to check us out next time,
45:57because not one, but two UKPW Championships are on the line
46:02with a heck of a match in between.
46:04Kira Chimera defends her UKPW Women's Championship
46:07against the Amazon, Aisha Raymond.
46:09We have big, wavy Roy Johnson taking on Rocco Garcia
46:13and representing the 8-7.
46:14And speaking of the 8-7, the Wolf of Brawl Street, Alexander Roth,
46:18defends his UKPW Championship in a five-man TLS match.
46:23He walks in the champion, but up against the Law Louis Basham,
46:27Scotty Rourke, the entertainer Theodore Powers, and Connor Mills.
46:31Does he leave the same way?
46:33You're going to have to wait till next time, Grapple fans.
46:36But from all of us here at KenPro Wrestling,
46:38thanks for watching, and bye for now.
