• last month
00:00Guys, I know I haven't shared this with you, but every Friday at 5 a.m. I play pickup basketball
00:05Now back to Stiney and guru on 95 7th the game
00:12I mean, why was that played? Oh
00:15Evan Stein he's really he's got to you the guy juice that was played because that was a tall tale
00:22Is that why that was replayed 5 a.m. I told you at Berkeley high we do it in Berkeley. We're doing it now. What's it?
00:29You know, what I don't even know what to do
00:33Pictures of my night out without people
00:39Today was Valentine's Day
00:4315 pounds and I've been hooping and I've been feeling good. That's why I said I play this morning
00:47I'm gonna say this after a long night. I mean on behalf of abundant life. You look gorgeous. No, you don't mean it
00:54No, I mean I'm staring at your midsection and I
00:57Don't know what I normally have seen in the past. I'm not
01:04Well, I mean I look you got a nice warrior shirt on and normally it's like
01:08You know a couple of tears like the waves in your hair and used to have waves in your belly, too
01:13But you don't need more the hair is waves, but the belly is gone
01:17I'm not saying that you're like team washboard, but you look good. That's all I'm gonna say. Thank you abundant life weight loss
01:23And Tom did sent you yeah, what'd you think of the game lesson? Yeah. Hey Willard, how you doing, buddy? Oh, I'm good
01:30Hi boys. Hey, I love you both
01:34No, I I was very impressed I thought that was impressive really I did I did
01:41Are the Rockets not 34 and 20?
01:44Were were they not at home were the Warriors not at the end of a four-game road trip?
01:48And were they not playing their second game in less than 24 hours. Hey real quick
01:52Does anybody know so is Houston does anybody know if they got in late to Houston or not?
01:58Yeah, let us know did anybody know they did I heard I heard I heard something about it
02:03I heard something about your baby. No, but but what like why?
02:08How many NBA games do we need to watch before people realize the other team is coming back?
02:15They're gonna make a run at you
02:19More than half of the games in the NBA this year are clutch games. Oh, they're gonna make
02:26Why like do we really need to come the next day and be like I know that they want a tough game on the road
02:32Third time in four games
02:34But remember that six minutes where it sucked in the other team that get that gets paid to play basketball actually scored
02:41I got worries. I'm pretty worried like what's wrong with us. That was awesome
02:48Great game great win great win
02:52Dibs, that's all well
02:53I mean for me you look at the last two days a warrior basketball and that's who they are
02:59You lose to Dallas when you should have won you beat Houston when you should have lost and you go to the break and you
03:05Are 500 so if anyone wants to look at Houston and say oh boy, we're back
03:10Moses Jimmy the chef all the rest of it
03:14Okay, but just make sure you set yourself up for the next time that they play a game like Dallas, but that's your one over
03:25You beat a team that Mark was saying is
03:28Reeling this is not a team that's lost like seven of the last ten the Oklahoma City Thunder play last night
03:33I've watched we decide that they suck now. No, this is the Frippwood NBA, right?
03:40Casey's record are they 28 and 27? Oh
03:44They're much better. So they're allowed to have a hiccup when you're the Warriors and you have a hiccup against Dallas
03:49I mean, you don't get to have it. Although you do don't even know that that was a hiccup
03:53We decided before the game started that it was a hiccup. It was a hiccup. They're great
03:57We had re clay and no one right but their hiccup
04:01Was tucked into the fact that their all-time great future Hall of Famer went off and they beat you
04:07Yeah in their home building on the same way. You're allowed to guard him
04:13Awesome, too. He's really good
04:15Like I'm just I'm not gonna do this with if the Warriors are three and one since Jimmy arrived
04:21I'm not gonna sit here and pick the seven minutes
04:25Seven minute windows that we didn't like and decide that something's wrong with the Warriors. The other team is professional
04:32They're very very good. They made a run at him right Warriors held him off. I'm not
04:37Night, I'm picking at 55 games where you've won one more than you've lost and I'm not picking at it
04:43I'm just I'm highlighting the reality of who they are
04:45Why would we look at a brand new look warrior team and then look at 55 games?
04:51There are new that's not them anymore, right? This is a complete their core changed
04:56So wait, but the record hasn't changed. You know how to start the record over. Okay. Now we're oh, no
05:02Jimmy and so let's go to the NBA standings and let's start with oh, no
05:06They not three and one all on the road since he started playing they are okay, but does that matter? Yes
05:12Does it matter to the standings? Yes, so it so there's three in one with Jimmy
05:17So now they're the two seed because we wipe out the other
05:222051 games I'd like to have actual conversation with you about this. I'm having it. No, you're being like wildly sarcastic
05:29You're being super
05:33Glasses have full
05:36Completely out of the play and when he came and now they're in it. Yeah, like three and one
05:42No, I'm with you look better or no, they look better. Okay. There you go. There you go, right?
05:47But you're 28 and 27
05:50You look better, but it doesn't mean you're suddenly like, you know, not four seed. Nobody said that I said, right?
05:56I said that last night was impressive and that the road trip was impressive last night was good. Yeah
06:00Yeah, you beat a team that in your words from earlier this week. Yeah, they're struggling you
06:06Stronger than that
06:09Houston was not one of the teams I ruled out get the earwax out Phoenix, Dallas
06:15Sacramento, but what did you say about Houston before yesterday? They're struggling. It was stronger than struggling. They're really struggling
06:21They'd won two in a row prior to that. They lost six in a row. They're vulnerable
06:26But the Warriors went in there and for three quarters embarrassed them embarrassed them, right? Okay, and then they made a run
06:33Whoopee, and they also were on the second half of a back-to-back Houston one right in their own beds
06:39Now in a game that was played earlier than the Warriors and they are all 25
06:4535 yeah. Okay. You don't need to be impressed. I am I'm not about an impressed or not impressed
06:51It is cuz I mean I made Quinton's 25 and you know pods is less than 25
06:57And so if you want to talk about who's 25 don't be impressed
07:00Yeah, I can be impressed, but I don't have to be as impressed as you nobody asked you to be no
07:05And I'm not going to be I'm not sit
07:07I'm not gonna sit here and I'm not gonna be that impressed because I look at 55 games and yeah, Jimmy you're better
07:13You're 28 and 27. So, okay. Now, what can you do? Can you go 20 and they're doing it? I guess
07:2120 and 10. They're doing it. Okay. Yeah
07:24We're going to do this. Hold on. I would tell you guru texted
07:28He you know before the game last night, I like the Warriors, but he wasn't yeah, I said plus 100
07:34Yeah, I said the Rockets won last night at home. They stabilized and they all went out last night
07:41The Rockets are young and immature
07:44Draymond and Jimmy Butler gonna lower the boom tonight
07:48So I was right on the money. Yeah
07:51They're young and immature. They were all out and about in Houston last night. Good call
07:56They don't they didn't have a curfew because they were at home
07:59No, and I said this Willard and dibs. I don't know if you agree with it
08:02I don't know what it is and I can't take this from a young rocket team
08:06But what I've learned I got shout out Dave Fleming because something's in my throats coming
08:10But what I've learned is if you play hard, that's half the battle if you got athleticism
08:16That's another portion of it
08:18and I think the Rockets have used that to get to their record but as somehow the Warriors handled their business and got into the
08:24Playoffs, I would love
08:28Rocket team to wear the p-word as I be calling it mark the pedigree of the Warriors know how
08:34They would you know what? I mean, but right now you were hold the Rockets
08:37But hey, I can't hate it what they've done. But man, that's somebody I would love for if the Warriors got their dibs
08:44Could go seven games with him. Well
08:47Let's see. The Rockets are now half game ahead of the Lakers. So
08:52Yeah, no warriors not gonna play the Rockets. Yeah, that's
08:58The number doesn't work the number doesn't work even if they somehow climbed up Houston how they gonna do that
09:05Warriors would almost have it would almost have to be four against five
09:08Like the Warriors would have to like five, correct?
09:11And I actually don't even I don't love Houston's chances to hold on to the four right now
09:14Yeah, but they're not gonna pass Denver like I know that would shock me
09:20Anyway, yeah, I'm with you in concept. Yeah. Yeah, I don't love I don't love Houston's chance
09:25I'm in the playoffs against all these teams that have experienced stars. I
09:30Know they're this is their
09:33So here's what a lot here's what sometimes happens to a team like Houston
09:36They'll get to the playoffs and they'll win a round
09:39Then they'll get beat in the second round and then next year
09:42They'll come back to earth and they won't like the Kings kind of no not the Kings the Timberwolves
09:47they made the Western Conference finals and it was the year before like they
09:53They were better than they should have been a year early and it sets up it gets the expectations out of whack
09:59Washington commanders next year exactly
10:04Golden State Warriors with Steph where you want a series and then the next year you lost to the Clippers and then
10:10The year after you went out and won the title. I didn't see that coming. I know it was they lost in seven
10:15Yeah, well Jackson's last year coaching. I was with you actually at Dana's house watching that that game that game seven and
10:23Clippers. Yeah. Yep. We're outside. Yep. They did lose
10:26So that was the game where the picture surfaced of
10:29Meyers and Lake of like looking at Mark Jackson. Yeah
10:34Wow, and we were watching that game together and you were saying the whole time like, you know
10:39And the Clippers are better. The Clippers are gonna win. The Clippers are just better
10:45Yeah, I was right about something well
10:47Yeah last time played a horn sounder. Well, yeah, and apparently last year you had the like the best year ever
10:54Was that the year before?
10:59Hey that we believe comp Stiney was great
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11:47All right, who wants to start?
11:52Okay, I
11:55Would but I have a feeling that mine's gonna well you two already
12:07What's bugging me it's who's bugging me and I'll save it
12:14I don't know if you guys have noticed
12:18Throughout the BART stations, they have changed the entrances. Yep. Many of them. They've gone away from the
12:28What whatever that thing is that I got up to they now have a door you must oh and
12:35this was unbelievably costly and it is unbelievably expensive and
12:41It did not solve the problem. Oh boy
12:44It is so easy for people just to follow you. Yeah through the through the doors
12:51It's it's all my laugh. It's almost easier for
12:55People to fare evade now then before they put the doors in and I'll tell you why did you get gravy trained?
13:01yes, and I and like
13:04You know
13:05You're you feel tough for about a minute and then you're like, yeah, don't do anything. Yeah, it's fine. Okay, but anyway, it's just
13:13It's it's easier now because at least the last time you had to jump over
13:19The the door and you could get your foot caught in there and it could be or it's just really easy to see
13:24Exactly, right. I've actually never understood what is going on. I'd have never understood why this is the thing
13:29Do you guys know anybody who lives in a gated community or do you live in gated communities? My brother-in-law does okay?
13:35I know I don't understand them. Well, who the hell do you think is being kept out?
13:39Like the riff-raff, but they're not they just wait and go in when someone goes in
13:45It just stand like oh my god, my little my sister lives in a gated community
13:50It's a huge gated community. So if you can't get in just sit there for five said let's say a burglar didn't have time
13:56He'd probably go somewhere where he could get easy access
13:59Or he can wait
14:01Walked in once you got there you can walk right out. It's unlocked on the way out pretty fun
14:07Who do you think that you're keeping out of this place?
14:11I'm gonna leave the names out of this but dibs you'll remember this remember our old building remember who just showed up
14:17Yeah, nobody had a key card. Nope. Somebody we did not want here. Whoop right up to the third floor
14:24Yep, just right there in the common area. What the hell are you doing in here? How did you get here? No
14:32Nobody's holding anybody out of anywhere that you don't if you want to get in you're in
14:38So it's a great point. Well, but to study
14:41the old modality, which was it was a
14:44Like waist-high thing where you scan it and the little like crotch level barrier would open and you go in
14:52If you're somebody who wants to fair evade
14:54You don't have to victimize a person because you can just jump over
14:59But now when you have the the barrier, that's like as tall as guru or taller now
15:04If you want a fair evade
15:06you have to go in behind somebody and it happened to me to down in Montgomery where I
15:11Scan and I step through and somebody right behind me. And so as you get through
15:19It's dangerous out here. I'm being real and you got to be careful to be like they got no
15:23No dibs dibs will pull over and try to fight people twice as well
15:28Mark doesn't know is that I pick my spots like, okay
15:31if somebody's gonna fair evade behind me and I swivel around knowing that somebody's come up behind me if it's somebody where a
15:40Sensation makes sense and I'm in the mood then I'll go that route
15:44But normally the fair evader if you're gonna fair evade you probably you're a little bit bigger
15:51Stronger tougher more aggressive than me. So like Stiney said like it's no skin off my
15:57Clipper card because I'm paying and it's not like it's gonna double charge me
16:02It's somebody who is just gonna make it so that the price goes up. It's fair evasion
16:07Just another person another scofflaw try to get over on the system. So I'm with you Stiney
16:13What's happened is the fair evader is no longer helped them. They're no longer evading Bart
16:20They're now impinging on us
16:22Because to get through you have to find somebody and you have to press up on them
16:27And so it becomes more of a personal fair evasion and let me tell you that what doesn't with you. What doesn't work is
16:35Scanning your card and waiting a second. It's iffy. You can't do that. Oh, it'll just it's it might close on your crotch. Exactly
16:44Exactly. Who's next? I have a grandie. You don't take part. All right
16:48This isn't yeah, this isn't something that's actually bugging me, but it just kind of I think it might bug some people
16:55So I wanted to like bring it to the light and have a conversation with you guys about this
16:58I really want to know what what you think because it's Valentine's Day and
17:03I have no judgment or care whatsoever
17:07What anybody wants to identify as or who you think is hot and sexy in life good good for you
17:13I happen to be a heterosexual male. Okay, and so on Valentine's Day
17:19I I get something for my girl
17:22Okay, and and I don't really care if I get anything in return because what people give each other for
17:31Valentine's Day
17:32Doesn't really do much for me. I don't want flowers. What am I? What am I gonna do with flowers?
17:38Put them up in my bedroom and ooh
17:40It looks foofy and hit like that's that's not me
17:43So I reached out to the lovely Christy earlier today because we're going out tomorrow night not tonight because I'm exhausted on Friday night
17:50It's love it. She's cooking the meal though. Just cooking a meal tonight, and then we'll go to bed. That's it. That's Valentine's Day
17:56We're going out tomorrow. So I text her I said, hey, do you want your gift tonight?
18:00Do you want your gift tomorrow when we're going on an outing and what do you think her response was?
18:05I want it tonight. No, her response was oh crap. You didn't need to get me anything
18:09I didn't get anything for you, right and I immediately thought to myself. I
18:15Don't care
18:18Valentine's Day is not
18:20I'm sorry, if this is painting with a broad brush and it offends anybody. Valentine's Day is not for the dude
18:28It's it's not for me. It's not for the dude
18:31I don't I don't care if you got anything for me for Valentine's Day. It's Valentine's Day
18:38I got you a little something. I brought her some flowers this morning. Look at my man
18:42That's it. But I know that this I know that this bothers some people. Oh, yeah
18:48Yeah, you know they should change the name to Admiral Akbar day because it's a trap is what it is
18:56So Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day is about love, right?
19:01And it's about a day where you express your love for one another and in this modern day and age in which we live
19:082025 with all of the gender and the pronouns and everything that we all live with which is wonderful
19:14it we still hold on to this construct of man gets gift for female and
19:21Personally I don't buy it and also goo and Stiney and I know you want to go home and it's a payday Friday
19:27No, no, it's too late for me this idea of a
19:32February 14th
19:34Construct created by Hallmark so they can sell cards and if you go into CBS or Safeway
19:40And I love it and I'll see you in the aisles later because apparently I have to get flowers
19:43I've been there three times up against it. But the idea of this construct of
19:49Hallmark and all the corporations saying today's the day it's red
19:53It's pink and you men have to pony up for the woman, but the woman doesn't have to pony up for the man
20:00I'm not here for any of it. I'm with you Valentine's Day is a bunch of crap. Um, it's a bunch of crap
20:07I'm not buying it and you know, maybe on my own home front and as I check my phone to see if she's listening
20:14Apparently she's not but you know this morning there was a conversation about what did you get and
20:21my response
20:22What I wanted to respond was
20:25What did you get but I didn't go because I understand you say what did you say? I took it
20:31I took it you just sat there and took it. My phone's blown up. Okay. Oh, wow. Thankfully. No, it's my
20:40It's my other wife
20:43It's my side piece scam likely is calling me hold on scam likely I'll get to you scammy
20:50You know what? I said, I didn't say a gosh-darn thing. I took it like Mike Tyson did against Buster Douglas
20:57I just took it and I wore it because the real response is what'd you get me?
21:02And then it's what do you mean? What did I get you? I mean, what did you get me? What did you get me?
21:08What did you get me?
21:10Stupid you know what Hallmark, you know what America Valentine's Day is make-believe
21:17I don't believe in monsters under the bed and I don't believe in your fake holiday
21:22So you and your lovely Christy like what you do every day is Valentine's Day
21:27You take a picture and then she shares it and then you share it and then you comment and she comments
21:32You guys don't need Valentine's Day. Your whole world is Valentine's Day
21:36And for the rest of us, you know what Hallmark leave me the f alone, yeah
21:43All right. Anyway
21:55Star your kiddies. You always got a party to go to tonight
21:58Do I can I can lead the rest of the crossover if you want to go?
22:01Right, I want him to hear this man. I haven't even said what's bugging me. Yeah, everybody
22:07Why are you always in a mood wasn't your what's bugging you everything's bugging me didn't hear the beginning
22:14Okay, it's your turn you got a minute
22:19Like he's really bothered
22:24Last night I was invited to a party at the caribou and Alameda shout out Mark Spears for the NABJ
22:31Associated Black Journalist had a great time saw Sal some other people great time great people
22:36so I tried to expand my horizon and
22:40diversify my portfolio
22:42No hard liquor. They had wine
22:45So are your boys into red wine? I had cab out of bed. I know how to hold it. Yeah
22:51And this goes out to the person the hater
22:56that all night
22:57Monitored my poor which I didn't pour and deemed it too heavy
23:04Oh and the whole night Willard every time we came in contact
23:08That's a heavy pour
23:10That's a heavy pour and I didn't say what I wanted to say worry about what's in your cup
23:16Yeah, I didn't go pour it myself
23:18They must like me or something
23:21But the person kept saying like just
23:24Disgusted you poor they didn't look they did this with the hand your poor should be this
23:29You got a heavy pour if it was the old Union City goo. I would have lost it
23:35Yeah, but I was on good behavior, but this is just a PSA
23:39Mind your own poor. Yep, and if somebody happens to get a heavier pour don't hate congratulate
23:47But it kind of messed up my mood, but I sipped it every time up
23:53Does that who monitors how much?
23:56Heavy poor I didn't know what that was until I heard him
24:00And how weird is that? It's weird, especially because heavy poor it was like open bar, right? Yes. No, no yet. Hey
24:07Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I saw you in your picture with champagne about that
24:12So I mean I saw you with champagne and you had some red
24:16Mean no, but Bundy life, you'd have three glasses of wine. I had no champagne. It was all okay
24:21It was all but are they are they three heavy pour glasses of wine?
24:26Must be four and a half
24:29Does this all right? Well, I got to get down to the fan experience
24:33Can we let all of the people who aren't on YouTube know that that guru did that entire thing?
24:38With you having your forehead on your microphone
24:41Oh my god, yeah, I put on a show for the people on YouTube
24:51All right, Jen, all right coming up next Chalamet's way on what's bugging you
24:58Do I need to stay?
25:00Now you guys I let it out. Yeah, you're good. Wait, it's 90 95 7 the what?
25:06The all-star game. Oh, I
25:08Happen to be a heterosexual male, okay