• 2 months ago
00:00Now back to Stiney and guru on 95 7 the game. All right crossover time
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00:15Gentlemen, yeah, what's going on? Well in dibs. Yeah, how's everybody doing today? What's up Rugu? Dude? Yeah, man
00:22He came down your road. He did this. Okay shit. Yeah that one over my head
00:26One to mess up they called
00:29Called him Rugu Rugo intentionally to try to get to him. Then he called him a homer like five different times about the Warriors
00:36You took it you are not a homer. You're not I don't believe you're a homer
00:41I'm not so and there's nothing wrong with it, but I'll say this
00:44I don't know what that was last night in Toronto that to me was rock-bottom
00:49And I feel like with the chef who I've been fighting for like Captain America and Draymond to mortgage the future
00:56And I told sounding we started the show with this. I felt like hearing him say and Draymond
01:01Worrying about when they're not here
01:04Yeah, I could come in you that but the LeBron's the Jordans the guys I believe that Steph are
01:09They're like get me in Malcolm X any means necessary. So I felt like Willard and it was kind of a
01:15Verbal white flag or is there something going on? We don't know about I didn't take it as a white flag
01:21And I've listened to you guys a lot today and I get where you're coming from
01:26With why it felt like that, but my argument would be and Steiny
01:29I think you started to allude to this. I like when I hear Steph do what he did last night. I think he's a hero
01:36So Evan called him that hero because he is self-aware
01:41Why would you want what but why would you want him to treat his organization like LeBron treats his organizations?
01:48Because I thought you still think you're that close from being a threat, but we've ripped LeBron for 20 years
01:55For running through organizations being the GM being irresponsible leaving his team in a lurch
02:02We've criticized him for that and I understand where you're coming from where you want Steph to be that dude
02:08But a I did not take yesterday to be the ultimate white flag
02:13I took it to be the exact same comment that Draymond made in the offseason. We don't make a bad deal
02:20We're not saying don't make a deal
02:22We're not saying don't create an avenue if it's there, but we're not here to be
02:28Narcissistic about the the remainder of what we've got. I don't know. That's how I took it
02:34It's a white flag
02:35I mean and it should be you've lost 17 to 24 and you go to Toronto in a game where you have rest and
02:43They stink they've lost 16 to 17 and you had a 10-point lead you can't score you can't close you can't win
02:50So it's not a total white flag like, you know
02:53Steph's gonna now go into full load management and Draymond won't play again
02:57but I do think there was a realization in that moment of look if we can't win this game in this spot and
03:04Andrew Wiggins and a big homecoming. He can't do it and you know the rest of your team
03:10Buddy healed is lost. He nearly airballed a shot to tie the game
03:15Schroeder does not fit and the rest of your guys are borderline G leaguers and second-round picks
03:21You're not good enough. And so it's not a white flag like Steph saying I quit I won't try but I do think it's a
03:28Realization sensation where you understand who you are and where you are
03:33I'm trying to figure out because I know there's got to be something more to it
03:37You know Draymond Steph and Kerr all
03:40relayed the same sentiment about
03:43Not mortgaging the future and I think this was coordinated. I just don't think it came out of thin air
03:49You're probably right. So I I wonder if there is a new backstory and maybe they just kind of know that
03:56Maybe there's there's nothing there between now and the end the deadline. What do you guys think about this? I wonder if there's sort of a
04:03An adjustment that's happening and maybe it's for the benefit of all of us the fans and the media whatnot to where
04:11And I can't wait to ask Steve's gonna be all with us in two hours. Oh, yeah. Yes. Do you know?
04:15I really want to ask him
04:18What what sounds like a dumb question, which is what's your goal this year?
04:22But I want to hear what words he chooses to answer that I want to hear if the word
04:27Championship comes out of his mouth
04:28Because what what I'm hearing Steve saying this goes all the way back to the the Tim Kuhn
04:34Feature article that you guys talked so much about. I don't hear Steve
04:39Saying that the goal is to win Steph's fifth ring
04:44What I hear everyone saying now is we're here to do our best to create an avenue for Steph
04:51That just means an avenue and then Steph is responsible for what happens from there
04:56so if that means because I still do think that this team could
05:01Realistically make a move or to get healthier and still be a playoff team
05:05I like I don't know where that goes
05:08But I sort of think that Steph thinks look if we make the playoffs then the responsibilities mine
05:14You mean seven be there? Yeah. Well, give me the resources to to give me my best shot to get there
05:21But when you hear him start when I and now back to Steve Kerr when you hear him start talking about
05:26Like we're here to entertain the fans and well, it's like give them thrill right give the fans
05:32Well, that's different than when he was on your show. He was and I cited this to Stony real quick
05:37He said when you asked him point-blank range where Steph is at and what he has left
05:42It's their responsibility to try to get him in the best position to get number five
05:47I asked him is it realistic that a 36 37 year old and had it in my wrong when he asked player on a
05:54Championship team and he said yes, he said yes, but again
05:59This is also like today today. We all feel like crap. I don't I don't know
06:03How are you gonna feel if they win but tomorrow?
06:05Do you know what I mean?
06:06Like this is this is this moment in time and I think that they they're Stein you're probably right some sort of a coordinated
06:12Messaging I do wonder like man. Yeah, it's like maybe this isn't about a championship
06:17Maybe this is creating an avenue for Steph in a dignified way to do whatever it is
06:21He's gonna do on the way out and all of us get on that bus and experience that ride
06:27But but not let that ride
06:30destroy the organization
06:33No, I that's all I'm and that's what they're wrestling with clearly
06:39you know, what would be too much to give up down the line and
06:44It does feel like and I remember Lake have said something like this
06:48Felt feels like about six months ago that look we're not gonna be giving away first-round picks willy-nilly
06:54So they've got to find it. They want to make a deal, but they want to make a deal that won't hamstring them in
07:012027 but I think they're finding that that's
07:05Hard if not impossible for the guy for a guy they want right and I do think that the comments last night and dream on
07:12The day before talking about that very thing like about
07:15Responsibility and even Steve Kerr's comments yesterday talking about dignity and you know
07:21Competitiveness and basically what I heard Steve say is no matter what you have to play hard
07:26you have to compete and you have to play with dignity and even if this doesn't result in a
07:31Playoff berth or even a play in berth. There's the right way to play
07:35There's the right right way to be a professional basketball player
07:38And I do think they're more focused on that now than they are about like, you know
07:43We're just one guy away or we need to make a big swing and and all the rest of it
07:46The reality is you're now 19 and 20. So we are almost halfway through the year
07:51We're two games away from the halfway point and you are
07:55Mediocre and you were great at 12 and 3 and now you've lost 17 to 24
07:59So are you then are you now you're both the bottom line is you're 19 and 20 and what I hear Steve talk about is
08:07Things that are more about like how you play not about who you want to be
08:12Yeah, and I asked Donnie and the listeners is you guys tell me what you think?
08:16The Warriors said hey Jonathan, we're uncomfortable or we don't know what you're worth
08:21so we'll get to it later, but him being away from the team just from a an
08:27Eye-candy visual when I watch this team
08:29I mean he is missed like nobody even the Warriors were saying and in Dre like this
08:35John think of Mingus time and curry and curve, but I think he's you might disagree
08:39I think he's making some money by what we're watching without him
08:46Probably but I mean, you know, like we're not in the last chapter of the book either
08:50Like assuming he does stay and I think he will then all of those games matter, too
08:56You know like I would I still sit here today and this is what I'm getting at about like I don't take it as a
09:01White flag. I wasn't really thinking that this was going to head for the look for June anyway
09:06But I don't take it as a white flag because what if what if two weeks from today, let's go three
09:12How about three weeks from today?
09:15They put a starting lineup out there where?
09:18Draymond is on it. He's healthier. Steph Curry's on it. Okay, Vujovic is on it
09:24Oh Jonathan coming is on it Dennis Schroeder has sort of figured out a slot a little bit better
09:30You know, like I don't think that that's crazy talk and I don't know what that team does
09:35Does that team go on a run and win 8 of 11?
09:38I would expect it to make the playoffs because that has lowered my
09:41Like I don't know if this is gonna swing back the other direction like it did early in the year. Maybe yeah
09:47I would say no, I mean, I mean Dennis Schroeder is not fit and you know Vujovic
09:52There's no guarantee that he quote-unquote fits and also he's not a very good defensive player
09:57So you bring him in and now you bring in another shooter and a guy who can score
10:01He's a stretch five, but he's not a great rim protect
10:04Well, hey, don't we can rebound but he doesn't shoot the ball very well
10:08And you know mark left off buddy healed who I guess would still be here maybe in this scenario
10:13It would be you know
10:14whatever it'd be GP to and come on and maybe buddy and picks and whatever it would be and you get
10:20Vujovic and then your team is maybe a little bit better
10:24But I look at where you are now and you're the 11th seed and you know
10:28You've got Steph coming up on being 37 and Draymond's got a back issue and Andrew
10:33Andrew Wiggins is back to k-wig days
10:36If you want to put the rat on the table brought to you by ADCO pest control
10:40Which you put a lot of rats on the table this week. That's one rat. That's not been put out there
10:45He's back k-wig is back as a form. Are you bothered by him last night? I'm not good. He's fine
10:52He's fine, but the last time you need to be a good player
10:57You need him to be a good player. He was not a takeover the game
11:03When when you made it to the NBA Finals, okay, he was a
11:13Because he's a number one overall
11:17Trade him five years 250 million dollars
11:19That's why Sam Donald's been on four different teams one time and he did somebody rings to Sam Donald have mark
11:26How many all-star appearances Sam Donald have the answer is zero you actually should be leading the charge that I'm saying
11:32I'm leading the charge for the reality of what we're doing with Andrew Wiggins you ever
11:39Andrew Wiggins to go be a dog
11:41I don't expect it, but all of you want to hold on to this dream of either. Hey, we can trade Andrew
11:47Nobody wants him you keep Andrew
11:49Very good. Well, what are you good? He's not a dog. He's mediocre at a dog
11:56he's a 22 million dollar a year guy who's gonna get you 12 and 5 in a loss and
12:03When he is a positive as we mentioned to 20 plus minus. What was his plus mine? I don't know who cares
12:09I can't like because as I mentioned yesterday when he's a plus they win when he's a minus they lose and you don't have
12:17Draymond you don't have Kaminga. You don't have pods. That's a game where he needs to have 26 and 13 and you win the game
12:25He's a plus four and they lost
12:27Anyway, he was wrong. Yes, you are. You just said when he's a plus they win
12:31He was a plus 13 and three going to the last night was a plot. He was good last night
12:35He was super duper. No, he was Andrew Wiggins, right? You're crazy
12:39If you're expecting something different, you're crazy
12:42If you're expecting this team to add Vucevich and be a playoff team
12:48Why yeah, that's not crazy at all. It's crazy in my opinion
12:53Good enough. You're listening to 95 7 the game KGM Z FM and HD 1, San Francisco
12:58Always live on the free Odyssey app twitching YouTube powered by first NorCal credit union January tradition
13:05Writes everything off. Well, I'll say this you did this three years ago
13:08Yeah, and I still I held on that text forever and last year. Well, oh you're before you do it every year
13:14You're gonna be right. Sometimes more often than not. Yes, you're right. No, you don't win a ring
13:19Don't just go back to the one time. I was wrong, but you're allowed to
13:23It and I did it last year and I did it last year and what happened you didn't make it out of the play
13:31Two months ago
13:33You can go to that all you want. I told you two months ago. They had real problems and you said oh
13:38Twelve and three. They're this team. What team are they and I told you back then that they had real problems
13:44And here we are and they've lost 17 to 20
13:48Put the Viking loss on me you're gonna tell me I respect on what I told you eight weeks ago. I'm great
13:54We respect you dibs who can't don't like whatever what you're gonna tell me
13:58I thought the Warriors gonna want to ring this year or something like when did I ever say that?
14:02No, okay right now, what are we talking about warrior playoff wins at three and a half this what do you want?
14:08You're a dismissal. I'm a guy who looks at things in a real way and I don't just simply go. You know, what?
14:14They're great. I'm not criticizing it. It's who you are. You are a dismissal. Don't pigeonhole me into
14:21Thing I don't dismiss
14:31Said they'd be 12 and 5. I don't know what record you said. They would be I'm telling you you didn't I told you
14:37They'd be 12 and 5 over under was 11 and I took the over and we both took the other
14:41That's just incorrect and you can revisionist history all you want. I told you I thought they'd be 12 and 5
14:47I told you that there were schedule losses the Buffalo game and it was
14:5112 and 5 they won six games. So I'm a dismissal. Yes false. Yes fact when you when you
14:58Now, yeah Giants 101 wins mark the tape
15:06You're dismissal unless you're big. I'm a Giants fan. Yeah, there it is. Yeah. All right. Anyway, you know
15:12One thing I was thinking about
15:15Yeah current the what time four o'clock four o'clock in Tim Calcommia three, yeah
15:21So remember when Draymond Green they were in the pursuit of marketing and that's the first time Draymond Green said
15:28Yeah, I'd be stupid to give up right? That's a bad trade, right? So that tells me that
15:36Draymond Green would be okay with mortgaging the future
15:41But it's got to be the right guy like I'm now I'm looking back at marketing and I think Draymond was probably like he's not
15:48That good like he's not we can't pay him 40 million and give up
15:55We can't pay him 40 million give up some players and draft picks because like he's not that guy
16:01But didn't he say correct me if I'm trying to get both didn't he say in that quote it would be good for me
16:07He did but that's a bad trade he did like I don't know man
16:11I get where you guys are coming from, but I really think that Draymond and Stafford
16:15This is self-awareness that I like I like that
16:18They're saying we're not trying to rip the Warriors jerseys off of them as we leave
16:24Do you know what I mean? We're not trying to leave them like I'm hearing about Bron Bron real quick
16:30Yeah, I love there's a lot of things. I don't like about Bron Bron, but Willard
16:35I guess in on the guru computer. I never came down his road of trying to
16:40Get the organization to do something for the NOW that right now
16:45To get him in a position to win another title
16:47I think that kind of comes with it and maybe that's why I have problems
16:51Even if they were kind of just having wordplay with this is what it is
16:55What happened to when you were in Vegas Steph and you were like things change it was cryptic and it went viral
17:00And I was like yeah hold them to that standard it might they might not meet it
17:04But yeah, but to hear that last night like yeah, I'm like why are you guys they sounded like fat cats?
17:11Like you know what we Draymond's got his check, and he's got a spine issue a disc issue
17:16Curry's getting 62 and a half for this year and to hear you say it kind of was like we're calling the dogs off if
17:23We don't get it. You know we want this team to like I wasn't ready for that because I've been programmed by you all
17:30the players and incurred joining you guys saying
17:34Darnit we're going all in and then that sounded different right
17:38But I wonder what that is going all in and I wonder what you want to do everyone who wants to go all in for
17:44Steph do you want to get Jimmy Butler and give up whatever 46 million dollars worth of player and
17:51Probably a pick or two do you want to get Zion a guy who yeah?
17:55He actually played the basketball game recently, but I missed half of his games in his career
17:59Do you want to get Brandon Ingram who nobody likes do you want to get Zach Levine who doesn't defend and only shoots?
18:05I mean, what do we want to do for the the all-in crowd?
18:09I wonder what you want to do and that to me is where I stop short of what makes sense right now
18:15Between here and the deadline in 23 days. What would you do?
18:18I would make an incremental move to get a little bit better if it's Vujovic or cam Johnson
18:24And you give up expirings and a couple of second round picks or a first round pick in
18:292031 it would give up a future first
18:31I would rather not but if I did it would be a pick that is
18:34Six years down the road a pick that you know Steve's not gonna be around for and Steph and dream on and maybe by then
18:40You're good again, and that pick is not a lottery pick
18:44No, I'm doing it to get better between now and October because I think even if you crawl in the playoffs this year
18:52Look at the West there are three if not four teams that are clearly better than you
18:56so even if you get in the play-in and you emerge and you get Steph a
19:01Precious series you're getting run out. You're getting motorboated
19:05and so for me if you're gonna make a trade you're gonna get a little bit better between now and
19:10October and then you get to the offseason and you have a coming a decision
19:14Decision rather and you've got maybe some room to go out and get a free agent and then Steph gets his real run at
19:21One last chance of being better. That's for me. I don't think between now and
19:2623 days from now
19:27there's no player out there for me or two players that makes you good enough or
19:32Better enough to be an actual threat this year. I don't see it and
19:37I'm here for it. I'm here to be wrong and I know that I'm the naysayer guy
19:41And you know, I'm the guy counting everyone out and I get that
19:45But I just I would love to see
19:47And I would love to hear what those moves are that make you go from what you are
19:51Which is mediocre to being like whoa heads up. Okay. See well if it's not Butler or Levine, there's nothing at the basketball Walmart
19:59Like probably not maybe that's maybe that's the coordinated discussion that I heard yesterday
20:05Wow, that's that's what they're they know that
20:09like I mean, I
20:11Don't know all of the stuff that we've played with
20:14Over the last two months did any of those even when they're just
20:19You and your trade machine at 11 p.m. Did any of them make you go?
20:25Now we're playing in June
20:27like for real
20:29Did it did anyone feel that way? Well, I had my seven for four trade last week. Remember that one was fun
20:35Yeah, that one was you got to give it to me. I can't even remember
20:40Everybody left and some new they got valentine's and they got like, you know, I might have in Brooklyn or Washington
20:46I can't remember. It was so cockamamie
20:49The trade machine is fun because we can all dream like, you know
20:53I don't know man. Their words all say the same thing to me like just
20:59Didn't you guys say it earlier if there was a move that could get him to five to the six you do it
21:03Yeah, I like that's the thing. There's just
21:06And if they have to do it out of the play and do it out of the play and but I
21:10Honestly think that that's the way that they're thinking right now is can you create a lane?
21:16For Steph in the playoffs and if you can then we'll take what we get out of that
21:23But this whole like is there something that you can do on?
21:28February 3rd that makes you the big bad dog of the West
21:32When was that a thing you don't hear LeBron screaming at the Lakers to get him his man, do you?
21:38He not like nobody even asks him anymore and they're ahead of the Warriors
21:44So well, I wonder why D'Angelo Russell got traded that feels to me like everybody hates him, right?
21:49Everywhere he goes they want him gone. That feels to me like LeBron was probably like yo
21:54We need to you know, get him out of here. Get me Dorian Finney Smith
21:57Get me Dorian Finney Smith and so boom that was done
22:00but do the Lakers go from with D low to without D low they go from being a
22:067 seed to maybe a 6 seed. I don't think that the Warriors from where they are the 11 seed
22:11I don't think that they can do anything to go from where they are to being a real like
22:16Top four top five in the West a real threat. So for me, it's about you know
22:21Taking this year and kind of eating it because D Anthony Melton was a guy who could really help you and he's gone
22:28Slow-mo can't even get off the bench. Buddy. He'll can no longer make a basket and no shock
22:34Schroeder Dennis Schroeder has not fit ball sticks
22:37Yeah, but I I also hear and I like him by the way when I call you a dismisser
22:42It's with this background. I am absolutely flawed in the other direction and I know that but let's use the Kings as an example
22:50What happened they can't lose
22:53What happened they didn't make any changes to the roster at all. They can't lose. Do you blame Mike Brown? I asked Donny this
23:00No, I don't I don't know
23:02Going on, but it's curious. The timing was interesting for sure and now they've won seven
23:08That's what I'm saying. Like I that that's just the way I watch sports to
23:13Eight days ago. The Vikings were 14 and 2 now they suck. I don't know what happened
23:20And and and I will always turn on the Warriors
23:24I mean look if the roster was just total junk, but I will turn on the game again tomorrow night. I don't know
23:32Maybe it's gonna click tonight. Yeah, maybe maybe Schroeder's gonna make sense tonight. Maybe maybe maybe Draymond's gonna be back
23:40Maybe it's gonna look different. Do you know that five weeks ago you beat the Celtics in the Thunder?
23:45I don't know man. Like could you why does anyone know? Why are the Kings won seven in a row?
23:51Because Darren Fox now actually cares about playing basketball again. Is it that some players said they're not practicing as much as they did under
23:59Mike Brown. I find that just a crock. I'm not an NBA player. But what if that's legit?
24:06Go ahead
24:08I was like, come on
24:12Doug Christie better than Mike Brown. Oh, no doubt. Well, I mean for right now coach of the year Mike Brown
24:18I'm just right. Yeah, I don't think much of Mike Brown is a head coach
24:21I just don't he got fired from the Lakers after like a year. Didn't he get fired from Cleveland?
24:27Yeah, but he took he might have taken the worst during the NBA Finals
24:31Anybody who coaches LeBron, yeah, but that is curious is they fire him and they've won and they just click
24:38And I mean, it's not even weak to look at the Milwaukee. Did not get right Lee. Look at who they've been playing Austin
24:45Yeah, they just
24:48Yeah, they did that was a
24:53Thing to tell me three o'clock you have to say something before you go about I don't know an opinion about something
24:59Like if when I talk about not giving up picks you want to give up a pick down the road give up a pick
25:06multiple picks I'm out
25:08I'm out like
25:09Honestly, if you get Vucevich in here, could you get from 10 or 11 to 6?
25:14Maybe like I don't think that's outside the realm of possibility, but I can't be given up multiple picks. It's one in 2029. That's it
25:22That's me. I'm 90. I agree with that on 95 7 the game. Mm-hmm