• 2 months ago
00:00Hey Quentin, let me ask you about going from your hometown Amsterdam to like Mississippi State. Was there any like culture shock in that?
00:09Man, I had never eaten no fried pickles. Now back to Stiney and Guru on
00:1695.7 The Game. Yuck. Guru really got to the bottom of that one. Oh fried pickles. Yeah. Yeah
00:22I'm trying to question. Hold on
00:25It's a good question. Oh, it's it's a crossover with Willard and Debs. Happy birthday, Will. Yeah
00:30We had a hater on the show here earlier, but it's your birthday. Yeah, he's been eating. What'd he say?
00:38Let's do it this way. Don't put your hand up at me, old man.
00:42Who's got that Louisville slugger? Yeah, that's what you would need.
00:46Put some respect on my name. Here's one of the reasons I like Willard. Oh God. I'm afraid of Willard.
00:52Here's one of the reasons I like Willard.
00:54Today is your birthday, right? Yes. Okay. You're 50 years old, correct? Today is my 50th birthday. Let me guess.
01:00I'll bet you're not taking a birthday week.
01:04What do you mean by a birthday week? You're not gonna celebrate
01:07for seven days. I don't even know if we're gonna make it to tomorrow. Thank you. Because my son's 18th birthday is Sunday.
01:14Yeah. This is gonna transition into his birthday. Like I've spent a good majority of my birthday already running errands for him.
01:21Right. For his birthday. Exactly.
01:24Exactly. But we had a local rapper on, Mr. Fab, earlier. Yeah. And it's his birthday week.
01:29He does the week thing. Some do months. Well, he's a... No doubt. He's got everything. Bowling.
01:35Yeah. Yeah. He's like, who doesn't? Some people do months. We're gonna get after it this weekend. Okay, I believe so. Tonight. Tonight. Yeah.
01:43I'm with you. I have made fun of people in the past who feel like their birthday means
01:49that they need to be showered by like eight different friend groups.
01:53It's like you don't, you don't get eight different meals that last three weeks. Or you shouldn't.
02:00Not for me. I agree. Yeah. I agree. But whatever, you know, we've all got one. Whatever. Today happens to be mine.
02:07And let's go have some fun. Mine is in 22 days.
02:13My man! Your half birthday. Thank you, Mark, for knowing my half birthday. What's that mean?
02:17That means you've got six months left to get me something. That's what that means.
02:22But today... Means he's closer to 60 than he is to 50.
02:25I already am, Mark. And today is a day that I celebrate, not only for him, but for what he now is.
02:32He's in the club. You can find me in the club. You can find me in the club.
02:36Hot on full above. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah. You look good, baby.
02:41I got... 50 to new 40. I got my AARP note in the mail two days ago.
02:47Well, they'll do that when you turn 50. Won't you?
02:49Like, for me, though, they didn't even wait. I'm like, you can wait till it happens.
02:53Still hooping. Don't be the pregame party.
02:57And that's a moment. That's a moment when that piece of mail comes in the mail.
03:01I love it. And you look at it and you open it up and
03:03you're like, wait a minute. A trunk organizer for $16 a year?
03:07Yeah. And hotel discounts?
03:09This is great. Maybe this 50 thing ain't so bad.
03:12The AARP is better than what Stiney and I get, which is the AARIP.
03:18That's not bad. That's a four.
03:19That is not bad. I mean, it's a little bit of a different
03:22society, but instead of like, hey, get a discount. It's like, you know what?
03:26You may want to get your plot now. Hey, coffin sales, Black Friday.
03:30That's like the Pete Kelby. Who wants an urn? Anybody need an urn?
03:35AARIP. I just made that up.
03:37I may go cremation. I didn't think I was going to.
03:40That's not a shocker at all. Not a shocker at all, my man.
03:46For most of my life, I've been like, yeah, I'm not doing that.
03:48It would be a cremation sensation. Let us celebrate you, Stiney.
03:52You can still do it if you want. Yeah.
03:53You know what I want to be? Two words.
03:56Sedated? Green bin.
03:59Put your boy in the green bin. You know what I mean, compost?
04:03Just toss me in the green bin. Don't play like that, man.
04:05I'm not playing, goo. We want to celebrate you, man.
04:07I don't want to be on somebody's mantle. I don't want to be spread out here either
04:12at one of the 19 jobs I've had. Just toss me in the green bin.
04:18Willer, he's saying that. Come on, man.
04:2050th birthday got morbid real fast. I'm not dying.
04:24Well, let's break something positive. If there is a God, then there's reincarnation.
04:31You know what that would be? You know what?
04:34I'd like after this life, let me just see. Next slide.
04:38Just get a butterfly. There's a guru up there, too, Stiney.
04:41There's going to be a guru up there. What do you want to be?
04:43Just get a butterfly. Now, why a butterfly?
04:46A bird. I don't care.
04:47I've heard a butterfly's life is real short, real short.
04:51Too short. Well, you go caterpillar first.
04:53Yes. And then you go butterfly.
04:55But you're technically not a butterfly until you are a butterfly.
04:58Yeah. After you get cocooned.
05:00Wow. I feel like cocooned.
05:02Great movie. Thank you.
05:05You're hot today. I feel like I heard that
05:07on one of them animal planet shows once upon a time.
05:09I don't even know if what I'm saying is true.
05:12But I feel like after the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, its days are numbered.
05:17I don't think they get a whole lot of time, those butterflies.
05:19No, it's a short run. Yeah.
05:21It's a beautiful run. It is gorgeous.
05:23Yeah. Wow.
05:24Yeah. I'm going to look that up.
05:25Lifespan of a butterfly. I want to be a raccoon.
05:29And then a whale. You already are.
05:32I want to rummage through garbage.
05:33And I want to straight up terrorize lesser animals.
05:36Dude. And I want to scare you.
05:38Raccoons are vicious.
05:40Oh, yeah. Dude, they're cute.
05:41They're very cute. Yeah.
05:42It's just a problem. You got to back them up in a corner.
05:44It's a problem. Kind of like a dibber.
05:45Yeah, exactly. Some people eat them.
05:49Really? Yeah, your boy from the Carolina
05:50Panthers. Oh, Ligette.
05:51He eats everything. Yeah.
05:53Well, so did your guy, Jerry Jones.
05:55Raccoon? Yeah, he's from Arkansas.
05:57I mean, I've had deer, pig, but not frogs or raccoons.
06:00Are you ready for this? Are you ready for what you just chose?
06:03Sure. You want to be a butterfly?
06:05Seven days. Most adult butterflies
06:09live for one to two weeks. Oh, boy.
06:13I don't think that's right.
06:14But some species can last all the way to a few months. That's it.
06:21Every time you see a butterfly, stop taking pictures.
06:24Tell them, rest in peace.
06:26It's about to die. Yeah, totally.
06:29Speak of the AARP. And then we'll be a whale.
06:31And then after that, we'll be a bison.
06:33You could be a whale now. Just go to Vegas and open up your wallet.
06:36Dibs, I know how you feel about the Warriors in totality.
06:41Like, you know, they're not going to go on a run.
06:43Right. I whispered to Willard on his birthday
06:45that I feel like I'm getting vibes of Casey Schmidt when he first got called up in Bad 400
06:50for about a month. Okay.
06:51And then Ramos. Yeah.
06:53I'm excited just about what I'm seeing from Post and Santos.
06:59It may not last. Right.
07:01But please, when Kaminga and Dre come back, don't let it just disappear.
07:05Well, two things about this, because I've had a very, very, very hard week emotionally.
07:12But every time you say the name Quentin Post, that's become my my keyword to bring me back
07:20because I heard about it on might have been Wednesday.
07:23And then yesterday you mentioned Quentin Post.
07:25And I looked at my my dear, dear friend, Matt Steinmetz,
07:28and the look that he has in his face, the level of disgust.
07:31Yeah, that's what it was over your pom poms for let's be honest,
07:36a seven foot nobody who's had a couple of night games.
07:39Nice game. So when you say Quentin Post,
07:41if you could say that throughout the rest of this crossover, you're cheering me up.
07:45Now, we just had him on and studies.
07:48We were supposed to get him, but, you know, Evan.
07:51Yeah, you're in. Oh, wow.
07:56Yeah, you're welcome.
07:57Got it done. The other part of it is,
07:59and this is something that we're going to get into because you remember the narrative of
08:03Steve Kerr hates the young players when you get slow mo back and Draymond back
08:09and Kaminga, who he's still young, but he's a four year vet.
08:12I think I know where you're going.
08:13If Guy and Quentin suddenly go back to the G League and buried on the bench,
08:18fans are going to be OK. That's all. That's it.
08:20You know, right. Right or wrong.
08:22I think that narrative mark becomes a little bit more.
08:25And he had a quote last night about the minutes when that happened.
08:27You're right. I had you back when I heard you guys hours ago talking about this.
08:31And I don't know. Did you end up getting the audio?
08:33Steve did say, Yeah, yeah, we got it.
08:35OK, Steve, they have my trust now.
08:38It's just a question of once we're healthy and J.K. and Draymond are back,
08:43you know, are there minutes? So that's the question.
08:47Fans are like, all I can tell you is how that felt like inside my body.
08:54Get ready for when I heard him say that.
08:57I have to be authentic because I'm with all of you.
09:00It was one game. I'm not going to do this.
09:02We're not going to put Quentin Post in the Hall of Fame.
09:05Guy Santos is nine of his last eleven threes.
09:09That's stupid. He's not going to keep doing that for the rest of his career.
09:12He's allowed to. He's allowed to.
09:13But he's not going to be the greatest shooter who's ever lived.
09:15That's my prediction. I'll stand by it.
09:18Stand on what I say. Thank you.
09:19Stand on what I do. But I will say what it felt like when I heard him say that.
09:26It felt disappointing.
09:29I love it.
09:29Felt disappointing because it felt like something that's new and exciting
09:35is probably got numbered days and is going to get taken sort of back from us.
09:41And I wonder not about the individuals involved, but more of the concept.
09:46Doesn't it look like all the teams that are beating the Warriors on a nightly basis
09:49have one or two really good players? And what do they surround them with?
09:52Young and athletic people who can shoot.
09:55And there's just too many Warriors around Steph Currier who can't shoot.
10:01And literally, he's naming them as he tells us who's coming back.
10:07So if you surround Steph with Draymond, Kyle Anderson, and even Jonathan Kaminga,
10:13and the Andrew Wiggins of the world, and Dennis Schroeder, if you want to do that,
10:17then whenever he creates space, a little bit of it, and kicks out to one of those guys,
10:23what do you got?
10:24But it looks very different if the four people around him on certain nights,
10:29and again, interchangeable names, but skill set of Post, Santos,
10:35say Buddy Heald, and Moses Moody.
10:37And it's different.
10:39And that's what other teams are doing.
10:40And it's got my curiosity.
10:42I'll put it that way.
10:43Love it.
10:43Well, I feel like there's been points in the Warriors history the last three or four or five
10:50years where it felt like there have been moments where you could...
10:53When I say move off of Draymond, I don't mean trade him necessarily,
10:56but just disengage from him a little.
10:59And I think we're at another point now with that.
11:02Like, I don't want to see Draymond be healthy and just be put back in the starting lineup
11:11with Looney, and Wiggins, and Kaminga, or Heald, and Curry.
11:15Like, and I feel like for the first time, Warrior fans would be okay if
11:23we really integrate Draymond back in slowly.
11:28I feel like fans are there now.
11:30It looks like three of us will dip the turn.
11:32I'm with him.
11:33Everything you just said, man.
11:34And the idea of like trade Draymond has...
11:37And you guys threw out earlier about the idea of trading Draymond.
11:41And I know that Steph would have to sign off on it.
11:43And I don't think it happens.
11:45But if you look at what this team can be with Moody playing the four.
11:50I know he doesn't play the four a lot, but he can.
11:52And if Quentin Post is your stretch five, and you've got TJD and Kavon,
11:57and you've got Schroeder and Buddy.
11:59And all of a sudden now the things that Draymond does really, really well,
12:04which is still defend at a high level.
12:06That's about it.
12:09All righty.
12:09You're listening to 95.7 The Game, KGMZ FM and HD1 San Francisco.
12:14Live on the free Odyssey app, Twitch and YouTube powered by First NorCal Credit Union.
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12:46We like to fade the Deborah.
12:48I also want to fade whoever predicted it was going to be freezing this January.
12:51This is the most beautiful January I think I can ever remember.
12:54We'll talk to my kinfolk in Houston.
12:56Well, yeah, but we don't live there.
12:57I live here.
12:58And talk to us in the La Mirinda Valley where you go outside your house at 830 in the morning.
13:05It's 34 degrees.
13:06Oh, sure.
13:06No, it's still freezing in the morning.
13:08You know, late at night, but like this is a clean January, man.
13:12Yeah, so far.
13:12It is clean.
13:13My long range forecast tells me that we've got rain coming in about a week.
13:18Yeah, but.
13:19End of January, but.
13:20I was going to say in about a week, that's called February.
13:22Like this is January.
13:24It was good.
13:25It was good.
13:26I'll go first.
13:28Mine is, it's not totally frivolous, but it's a little bit off topic.
13:32And what's bugging me is stupid fans.
13:36And we can think about all the stupid fans out there.
13:39But today I'm going to drill down on you, Australia, Australian open fans where Novak
13:47Djokovic, the greatest men's tennis player in the history of the game, he's got the most
13:53He's still playing at 37.
13:54He played a four set masterpiece in the quarterfinals and beat Carlos Alcaraz, who is 16
14:01years his junior.
14:02And he did it with a muscle tear.
14:05And he goes out and plays in the semis earlier today or yesterday, Australia time.
14:10I don't even know against Zverev, one of the best players in the world.
14:14He lost the first set and he had to retire because the muscle tear that he has, not a
14:20cramp, not a little owie.
14:22He's got a muscle tear.
14:24And so he goes up, shakes the hand and he retires and the crowd boos him.
14:28You're booing Novak Djokovic, a guy who's given 20 years to the sport.
14:34He's won your tournament more times than any player in history.
14:38And you boo him.
14:39I get it.
14:40You want four sets.
14:41You want five sets.
14:42You want a full day of amazing tennis, but understand injury and shut your mouth.
14:49You don't boo a legend at 37 for retiring when he's got a muscle tear.
14:55That's what's bugging me.
14:57Stupid fans.
14:59You might as well be Philadelphia, Australia.
15:02I'll go after you because I think that's where I'm going.
15:04It's our society.
15:05I'm sorry to do this on your birthday, Will, but congratulations to Pete Carroll.
15:09He's 73.
15:10He'll be 74, the new head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders.
15:14And on my timeline and coming into work, he's getting killed.
15:18He's too old.
15:19I saw a meme.
15:20Pete Carroll likes to pass instead of run past me to not be with this.
15:25And I'm like, oh, the team said and identified him.
15:28He's got all his things about him.
15:32Let's celebrate him and see if he can do the job.
15:34When did ageism kick in to the point to where we're making fun of a guy?
15:39He can still coach.
15:41He's vibrant.
15:41I like him.
15:42And I think one of three coaches doing a Super Bowl and a national championship at college.
15:47Let's celebrate the job that he's doing and kick him because he's 73.
15:51Like, you know, I got to be around Pete a lot when I was doing stuff at USC.
15:55He was the coach there.
15:57And Pete at 73 is probably probably like you, Stiney.
16:03Like, he's probably like a normal 60 year old.
16:06And honestly, like, Pete is a young spirit.
16:09He was a little bit better.
16:12Was he angry?
16:16His 73 is another man.
16:21Maybe it was another man's 50.
16:23He looks like he's that guy.
16:25So, like, whatever, you know, do we care in general, by the way?
16:29And this is why I got into an argument, not an argument.
16:32But Dibs and I have been debating the last two days.
16:35I didn't even care or think that Brandon Staley was going to be the defensive coordinator of the
16:41But I wasn't like I wasn't down on the idea because people will hold against a coach what
16:50happened in the past or their perception about what they were doing when they did another job.
16:55To me, largely, like, I'm not saying you're not allowed to be mad at a coaching hire,
17:01but save the anger for when it doesn't go well, because it might go well.
17:05Yeah, it might go well.
17:08Pete Carroll in Vegas.
17:10I'll put the over under on playoff appearances at point zero zero zero zero zero one down.
17:15Well, he's in the Raiders.
17:17He needs a quarterback.
17:17He's got three years.
17:18His division's a complete.
17:21I mean, it's a stairway to heaven, but that's a rivalry with him and Harbaugh's.
17:25That's great.
17:26It's phenomenal.
17:27This is a septuagenarian cash grab, and I'm not mad at it.
17:32Yeah, like Tom Brady's behind this.
17:35Tom Brady's behind this.
17:37And does that change everyone's thought on it?
17:39What a track record he's had as an owner.
17:41Well, but somebody who can quarterback till he's 45 probably thinks somebody can coach
17:46till he's 85.
17:47Maybe he comes back in quarterbacks for Pete Carroll.
17:50Maybe, you know, maybe.
17:53By the way, I'll go next because I.
17:54How are you going to do it?
17:55I got nothing.
17:56There's absolutely nothing bugging me.
17:59I love you guys.
18:00I love everything that has unfolded today.
18:04My beautiful future wife brought over my beautiful.
18:08We'll see her here shortly.
18:09It's been out and about.
18:10Yeah, we're getting married in July.
18:12You need to follow him on Instagram.
18:14You know your coach, your friends.
18:16But my beautiful future wife brought over my beautiful future stepdaughters and my kids,
18:22and we started the day with just unbelievable stuff and had an awesome morning there.
18:29My sister and brother-in-law and their son are about to get on a plane to come
18:34up here and see us and celebrate.
18:36Also, my son's 18th on Sunday.
18:39My parents aren't going to be here because they don't move so well,
18:41but they're here and they're together.
18:43And I love being here with you guys.
18:45And there's great food in the other room.
18:47And we're getting drinks tonight.
18:48Yeah, we are.
18:49And I'm not bothered by this number at all.
18:51I am so, so beyond blessed.
18:55I cannot believe that I reached this milestone and this many things
18:59are part of my life that I hope for.
19:01And I could not be a happier person.
19:04Mark Willard, ladies and gentlemen.
19:05That hit me in the heart.
19:07Thank you, Randy.
19:08It's beautiful.
19:10It's making me try to get between now and 557.
19:13You're going to get after me now.
19:14I'm going to make sure that I get something to do for four hours for me.
19:18I wish I wasn't that guy.
19:20But when I have somebody around me this happy, my default,
19:24knock it down just a little bit.
19:26You two are alike.
19:28He and I are cut from the same cloth.
19:30Our fathers were the same men.
19:33His dad, my dad, both rest in peace.
19:35But when I met his dad, I wanted to hug him.
19:39But I knew that his dad didn't want to be hugged like my dad didn't want to be hugged.
19:42His dad, my dad cut from the same cloth.
19:45If we could bottle up Stiney facial expressions during the crossover
19:49and sell them for Halloween, we would make a mint.
19:52You know what, if Atko could bottle that, that would be the new pesticide.
19:57What you got, Stiney?
19:59Come on now.
20:00You know what's bugging me?
20:01Big finish.
20:02Talk to him.
20:04How could the Texans fire Bobby Slowick?
20:07Speak on it.
20:10Stand and fire Bobby Slowick.
20:13Because he didn't do a good job.
20:15They regressed.
20:17CJ Stroud went backwards.
20:18This is what's bugging me.
20:20Guru, you're not bugging me.
20:23I'm going to throw some games at you.
20:24What do you think about it?
20:26In the NBA.
20:27Miami, Milwaukee.
20:29I'll watch.
20:31Philly, Denver.
20:33I'll watch.
20:35Denver, Minnesota.
20:36I'll watch.
20:37These are all part of NBA rivalry week games.
20:39Okay, got you.
20:42Go ahead.
20:43Philly, Denver.
20:45Why is Philly, Denver a rivalry?
20:46It was supposed to be the rivalry of the two best big men in the game.
20:49It's the Allen Iverson revenge game.
20:52That's nice.
20:52But it was Iguodala.
20:54Iguodala played for both.
20:55It's supposed to be Embiid versus Yoki, so I kind of get that one.
20:58Oh, yeah, it's a big rivalry.
21:00Yeah, yeah.
21:00What was the other one?
21:01Didn't they just play already this week?
21:03Yeah, these are the rivalry games.
21:04Knicks, Nets.
21:05Yeah, they already played.
21:06Warriors, Kings.
21:07Knicks, New York.
21:08Miami, Milwaukee.
21:10They both start with M.
21:11Boston, LA.
21:13Now, that uniform scheme was off the hook last night.
21:18I forgot about this one.
21:20The war on the Gulf.
21:21The Pelicans against the Grizzlies.
21:23It's big.
21:23Yeah, that's a big one.
21:25Nuggets, T-Wolves.
21:28It's cosmetic crap.
21:32The rivalry week.
21:33The league's wearing you down.
21:34It is.
21:34You're having a hard time this year.
21:35And we're only at the halfway point now.
21:37I know.
21:38I mean, if you think about it right now and put aside your history and mine,
21:42when we talked about rivalries in the 80s, Lakers-Celtics, Celtics-Sixers,
21:50This is all pre-Jordan.
21:51And then you get like Pistons-Boston.
21:54And, you know, whatever you could concoct back then, it was real.
21:58Right now, around the room, what's the biggest real rivalry in the association?
22:04I'd argue there are none.
22:05But what would be the biggest?
22:06Like, if you think about a game where it's like, oh yeah, rivalry.
22:10Like actually gets under people's skin on the two sides.
22:16Or has a little bit of that edge.
22:18I mean, the Warriors-Grizzlies?
22:20Not bad.
22:21Memphis-Minnesota, they don't like each other.
22:23No, but if you're talking current, because we're not far removed from when I do think
22:28the Warriors and Rockets.
22:30That was, I loved it.
22:31Yeah, but that was James Harden and he's like three teams removed.
22:35Yeah, like if you're talking about something that sort of stands the test of time and roster
22:39change, I guess it's the Lakers and Celtics.
22:43That's historic.
22:44I'm just thinking about right now, like outside of the Warriors, if there was a game, if there
22:49was one game, it's like, ooh, team X is playing team Y.
22:54I want to see that because there's either like bad blood or good history or whatever
22:59they might have.
23:01I'm hard-pressed, guys.
23:02Now I'm with you, Dibbs.
23:03I'm trying to.
23:03Yeah, Paul Presley.
23:05I'm hard-pressed.
23:05I would go Curry-Lebron, so it would be Lakers-Warriors.
23:09Which is why it was on the marquee spot on Christmas.
23:11And that, I mean, too.
23:12And tomorrow night, ABC game.
23:14I would argue in all of sport, it has the fewest rivalries of any of them.
23:19No doubt.
23:19That's a problem.
23:20I don't think it's really a rivalry-type sport.
23:23No Yankees-Red Sox.
23:24No, no.
23:25Or, you know, college football has great rivalries.
23:28Jimmy Butler against his own team.
23:30The NFL moves and shakes a little bit with that, but like, you know, we have that, like
23:34who's the Niners' biggest rival?
23:36Who do you think it is?
23:37Right now?
23:38Probably the Rams.
23:40The Rams.
23:41Because the Rams got them twice this year.
23:42I would say the Chiefs.
23:45Well, they won't play for, I mean, who knows how long now.
23:48Kind of under their thumb.
23:48Cowboys, that always stands a little bit.
23:51Yeah, but they play the Rams twice a year.
23:53And, you know, Sean Nick Flex has now beaten you twice in a row.
23:57Yep, yep.
23:59Stein, are you all right?
24:01I, you're not, are we gonna see you later?
24:03I gotta go to the bathroom.
24:04Oh, okay, gotcha.
24:04So bad right now, I can't tell you.
24:06I gotcha.
24:07I love that you just, yeah.
24:08That is why, that's a human thing.
24:10Let me ask you, when the urination sensation happens, where will it happen?
24:15It'll happen in the vestibule of 95, well, in the bathroom.
24:19I got, guys, gotta go.
24:24We have a bathroom at 95.7, the game.