• last month
00:00Now, back to Stiney and Guru on 95.7 The Game.
00:05All right, the crossover is brought to you
00:07by Abundant Life Weight Loss.
00:09They know the secret to losing up
00:10to one pound of fat every day.
00:12Go to AbundantLifeWeightLoss.com.
00:15Coming up in the next 20 minutes,
00:17your chance to win tickets to Friday's
00:19Rising Stars game at Chase and Saturday's
00:23All-Star practice at the arena in Oakland
00:26when you hear this sounder, Jimmy Buckets.
00:32Caller number four to the contest line
00:34will be going to those two events,
00:37the Rising Stars game on Friday
00:39and practice at Oakland Arena.
00:41So when you hear the Jimmy Buckets sounder,
00:44be caller number four to 415-523-4652
00:49and you'll be going to those events.
00:50Let's welcome in Dibbs and Wilton.
00:52What's going on, gentlemen?
00:53How you doing?
00:54Woo, Buckets!
00:55What do you guys think?
00:56I wanna hear your review.
00:59It's incredible.
01:00You tipped me off because you did it
01:01when you guys were here last week on your IG
01:03as you gave us a tour.
01:05I could sleep here and I'm thinking about Dibbs
01:07having my 40th here.
01:11You can have a 40 there.
01:14I don't know about your 40th.
01:16You can tip a Mickey if you want.
01:19I think what Guru was talking about
01:21was celebrating his 40th pound loss
01:23because I'm looking at you now, Guru,
01:26with a blazer that I don't know if I've seen.
01:28How long has it been since you've been able to fit
01:31into that jacket?
01:32Shout out Phil Collins, no jacket required,
01:34but the jacket is required
01:36because you're looking good right now, brother.
01:37Hey, Dibbs, it's been about a year and a half, man,
01:39so I'll just tell you about 18 months.
01:42I'm feeling good, slim in the waist, pretty in the face,
01:44and I'm not done.
01:46The goal is Operation 30-pound weight loss.
01:49Shout out Abundant Life.
01:51Maybe we can celebrate your 30th,
01:53not birthday, but your pound day
01:57when you get to 30 pounds
01:58because I tell you, you look good,
02:00and Steini, you always look gorgeous,
02:02but I just was struck right now by Guru
02:06and just how good you look
02:07thanks to Abundant Life weight loss.
02:09I mean, you're looking fantastic.
02:11I'm excited, and I'm going to keep going,
02:12and you know the number.
02:14You can give it to them, Dibbs,
02:15where people can call and start their journey,
02:17but right now, let's go!
02:19It's 925-854-5140, and tell them that Dibbs sent you.
02:25Guru sent you.
02:26Yeah, tell them Guru sent you.
02:27But you know that the OG on this bit
02:29is the Dib or Dibber clause,
02:30so say what you need to say,
02:32but you know Dibbs is the one generating the leads.
02:34That's all.
02:35All right, I'm done laying out,
02:36so now that you guys got that.
02:38It's hard for you!
02:38That was a record.
02:39Now that you guys got that laid out,
02:41did you eat any of the food at Splash?
02:44Come on, come on!
02:46I actually didn't.
02:47As you know, I have my breakfast sandwich every morning.
02:50Had I known they were going to serve flapjacks
02:53and omelets, I would have foregone breakfast,
02:58but that's the way it goes.
03:00And I went Nancy Reagan.
03:02I just said no,
03:03because I'm a disabundant life weight loss,
03:06but I saw Tim Jordan, Evan, and the boss.
03:09Oh, they were treated to a spread.
03:10Yeah, dude, I tell you what, that place will get you.
03:13They'll sneak up on you,
03:14because the same thing happened to us last week.
03:17I, as you guys well know,
03:19I bring food with me wherever I go.
03:21That's just kind of how I roll.
03:23I bring food.
03:24And so I brought food last week to Splash.
03:27And an hour later,
03:28there was a spicy smash burger right in front of our faces.
03:33But I don't have the maturity that you guys have.
03:36I was full and I ate it anyway.
03:39Look at him.
03:40Yeah, dude.
03:41The food there was good.
03:42Did you hear any of today's interviews?
03:45Did you hear the one with Kirk Lakem?
03:48I heard a little bit of it.
03:49We were doing our pre-show.
03:50We were in the green room.
03:52Give me a note from me, dawg.
03:53And I actually, I got into Lucas' studio,
03:56which is really Matt's studio,
03:58but when Matt Nahegian, our boss, has gone.
04:00I love it.
04:01Lucas squats like, I mean,
04:04Mount Squatmore, like Buster Posey today.
04:07The squat.
04:08Yeah, Lucas is in the squat.
04:09And so I just looked at the camera,
04:11and he looked good in that puffer jacket now, Kirk Lakem.
04:15Yeah, I mean, he kind of put championship back on the table.
04:20He said, you know, we want to win a championship this year,
04:23and we think this at least gives us a chance.
04:26He used the phrase, this year?
04:29And he actually said,
04:30Steph's not even worried about his fifth.
04:32He's worried about his sixth and seventh.
04:33Well, he did say it.
04:34Well, I mean, look, I don't get triggered
04:38when those people think that way,
04:41and I'm talking about Steph Curry,
04:43because when you're that kind of an odds breaker in life,
04:46I have no problem with, like,
04:48you think that that's normal.
04:50Sure, Steph could win eight championships.
04:54Like, why wouldn't he think that way?
04:57Every college in America told him no,
04:58and he's one of the top 10 players who's ever lived.
05:01So why wouldn't you think that way?
05:02I got no problem with that, but also, come on.
05:06Yeah, come on.
05:07Stiney, do you know how many players
05:09outside of the Celtics dynasty
05:12have ever won seven NBA championships?
05:15There is one man, one man.
05:19Robert O'Rourke.
05:22So you've got one, two, three, four, five, six,
05:24eight guys who were part of the Celtics dynasty,
05:27including Bill Russell, who won 11.
05:31It goes to 11, and the group who had seven,
05:34Jim Loskatov.
05:36Loskatov, yeah.
05:38He's a good player.
05:38I like the player I like to pick.
05:40Frank Ramsey and Robert Ory.
05:42So yeah, Chef, go ahead and climb up
05:45and join Robert Ory among the non-Celtics with seven.
05:49Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to tonight's game,
05:52not just to see the Warriors again with Jimmy Butler,
05:54but I want to see what the atmosphere's like
05:57inside that building because, boy,
06:00it didn't look good the other night,
06:01and I'm just thinking of Klay Thompson
06:04sitting in Dallas right now,
06:06just in the middle of this firestorm,
06:09and wondering, man, how did things get so bad
06:12so quickly for the Mavericks?
06:15It's actually kind of amazing
06:18when you look at the trade deadline,
06:19and I didn't think of this really until maybe last night,
06:23and it wasn't even the Mavericks I was thinking about
06:25because they didn't play last night,
06:26but there's an extended byproduct of the trade deadline
06:31that will favor the Warriors,
06:33and one of them is their opponent tonight.
06:35Like, this whole thing where they're all jumbled up
06:38in the play-in tournament,
06:40three of the teams that they're battling for position
06:43just had their soul ripped out of their belly,
06:45right in the middle of the trade deadline.
06:47The Mavericks had, I mean,
06:49their fans will be booing upon arrival tonight, right?
06:54So that's one.
06:55I don't know if y'all have watched
06:57the Phoenix Suns play recently.
06:58Last night.
06:59But that locker room is cooked,
07:02and if there was ever gonna be any fight in them,
07:05last night was the night,
07:06because they were home,
07:08Durant returned from injury,
07:09and was gonna cross the 30,000-point mark.
07:12All those things happened,
07:13and they still never threatened Memphis
07:16in that basketball game.
07:18And then I'm adding Sacramento to it, too,
07:20because they weren't very good.
07:21They were mediocre before.
07:23Their best player is gone.
07:25They've got some wins lately,
07:27but it's against really weak competition.
07:29I think those three teams are gonna get up out the way.
07:35I mean, that seems to be where they're trending right now.
07:39That's for sure.
07:40I'm interested, you think that Steve Kerr's
07:43gonna play Steph and Draymond
07:46both sides of this back-to-back,
07:47because they do have some time off coming?
07:51I think so, and it's largely because
07:53Steph has chosen to sit on Saturday,
07:56so Steph won't have to put on the sneakers on Saturday
07:59for the three-point shootout.
08:01He's got other things he's got going on,
08:03so if you're Steph, you play both these games,
08:06and then you get, what, a week off?
08:09And I do think that you look at this spot,
08:11and you think about stacking wins,
08:12and Houston is one of those teams
08:14you have to catch, as is Dallas,
08:16so if you win tonight, you jump over Dallas,
08:19and then if you beat Houston,
08:21you don't jump Houston, but you get closer.
08:24Stiney, I was doing a little research
08:26about what it takes to be the sixth,
08:27and over the last 20 years, the average is 48 wins,
08:31and the range is between 45 and 41,
08:35and you pointed this out before, Stiney,
08:37last year, this team was right where they are now,
08:4027 and 26, and last year, they wound up the year 19 and 10,
08:45and so I asked Mark earlier,
08:47if you look at this team right now,
08:49is this team better than last year's team after 53?
08:53Yes, you would think.
08:55I agree, yeah.
08:56Yeah, you would think.
08:57And the schedule is kind of the same,
08:59where you've got some weak sisters,
09:00you've got some winnable games,
09:02so can they go better than 19 and 10,
09:04and if they do, and you win 47 or 48,
09:08you should be right there for the sixth.
09:09And I'd also say, remember last year,
09:12and this happens every year,
09:14when you are trying to get in
09:16versus the teams that are trying to tank,
09:18those last two to three weeks of the regular season,
09:20you're able to really stack some wins.
09:22That's what the Warriors were able to do
09:23the last couple of years, in fact,
09:25just to get into the play-in tournament,
09:28but they're able to stack those wins,
09:30because you'll go up against teams
09:31that are literally trying to lose.
09:33And so, we look at it right now,
09:35go, they're one game over 500,
09:37are they really gonna end up with north of 45 wins?
09:40I would argue absolutely,
09:42because especially, not only are they
09:44a better team right now,
09:46and obviously just bolstered their roster,
09:47but you're gonna get to the end of the year,
09:49and you're probably gonna be able
09:50to roll up a bunch of wins.
09:53The other thing Kirk Lakob talked about is,
09:57and Anthony Slater wrote about it today in The Athletic,
10:01I'm sure you guys have seen it,
10:02the questions about what happens to Jonathan Cominga
10:05now that Butler's under contract,
10:07and like I said, we just had Kirk Lakob here,
10:10and I said,
10:13looks like you guys are gonna go back into the tax
10:15if you have to for Cominga,
10:17and he said, yeah, I think that's a safe assumption.
10:20So, the Warriors seem to think that
10:23they're gonna be able to hold on to Cominga,
10:26that was certainly the message
10:27that Joe Lakob sent to Anthony Slater,
10:32basically saying, don't sweat it.
10:34He said so, we'll figure it out.
10:38Hey, real quick, you're listening to 95.7 The Game,
10:40KGMZ, FMN, HD1, San Francisco,
10:43always live on the free Odyssey app,
10:44Twitch, and YouTube,
10:45powered by First NorCal Credit Union.
10:47Beauty, fuck it!
10:49All right, there it is,
10:50caller number one to the contest line
10:54at 415-523-4652,
10:58caller, I'm sorry, caller number four,
10:59caller number four,
11:01you get tickets to the Rising Stars game on Friday at Chase,
11:04tickets to the All-Star practice on Saturday
11:07at the Arena in Oakland,
11:08caller number four to 415-523-4652,
11:13two tickets apiece to the Rising Stars game on Friday
11:16at All-Star practice on Saturday in Oakland.
11:19Hey, Steiny, since I stepped on it,
11:21will you do it again live?
11:22Do your little sounder.
11:25Yeah, do it.
11:26Oh, you mean live?
11:27Yes, do it.
11:28Yeah, I don't feel like it.
11:29Oh, come on.
11:30Jimmy Buckets!
11:33That was guru.
11:34It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it works.
11:36It was a four.
11:36It worked, yeah, I'm all in on you.
11:38Yeah, but I think, Steiny,
11:40you're underselling the way Joe Lakob
11:44talked about Jonathan Cominga.
11:47He made it sound like all of us were morons
11:50for considering anything else.
11:52Like, for those of you who didn't read the piece
11:54in The Athletic from Anthony Slater,
11:56Joe Lakob literally would not let Anthony
11:58finish his questions.
12:00He's just like, of course we're re-signing Jonathan.
12:03We love that guy.
12:04Are you nuts?
12:05Of course we're gonna re-sign him.
12:07And I believe him, Willard, I believe him.
12:09I mean, how can you not?
12:10If you're gonna take that tone,
12:11then you better follow through with it,
12:13or else then you look nuts.
12:14No doubt.
12:16Anyway, that was interesting.
12:17Hey, I don't know if you guys,
12:18where you're at at 10.45,
12:19we had the pleasure to be joined by Tiffany Williams,
12:22the COO for 30 Inc.
12:24She works with Curry,
12:25and Steiny is so special,
12:29I told her, like you did, Dibs,
12:31on What's Bugging Your Friday,
12:32because it hit me in the cardiac muscle,
12:34about Curry not participating.
12:36And Steiny goes, goo,
12:37because I said, Tiffany, why is he not doing it?
12:40And she was real quiet and reserved,
12:42and she goes, we'll see.
12:44And Steiny goes,
12:46could you imagine,
12:47I said, there have to be rules
12:49for the other contestants,
12:50and Steph just came out of nowhere.
12:52It was in the competition, Willard,
12:54or is that allowed?
12:56Steiny's saying, nobody,
12:57you didn't owe them nothing.
12:59So could we see Curry maybe doing it to last second?
13:02Anything's allowed.
13:04I mean, the NBA can do whatever they want.
13:06Could somebody who's currently on the list
13:10suddenly come up with a sore wrist?
13:13I can't buy that.
13:15And then, I mean, Willis Reed,
13:17here comes Steph to sum in.
13:20Well, if the NBA,
13:22I will say this,
13:23the NBA should know
13:25that they need to put on a show this weekend.
13:28They put on a crappy show last year.
13:31It was a terrible, terrible show.
13:34Adam Silver has admitted it publicly.
13:36They know it.
13:37They know it's a bit,
13:38it was a terrible show.
13:40And so this year,
13:41they've got to put on a better show.
13:43And Dibbs and I were looking at the rosters
13:46for the, you know,
13:46you got the three rosters,
13:48Shaq, Kenny, and Chuck.
13:50And then you got the rising stars winner
13:51that's going to play as the fourth team in this.
13:54Well, you look at the roster,
13:56you can already tell that this is,
13:58there's a script.
13:59There's a script involved, I think.
14:01And then the NBA,
14:02like look at Shaq's team.
14:04Shaq's team is the old guys.
14:06It's Durant and LeBron and Curry.
14:09They made it look like they drafted them,
14:10but they were told who to pick.
14:12It's clear to me.
14:14And Chuck has a team that kind of has
14:15sort of the younger rising guys
14:17who really have that thing,
14:20the Wimbinyamas and the Shea Gilgeous Alexanders.
14:23Those two teams are going to play in the finals.
14:25Like there's a script here
14:26because they've got to put on a better show.
14:28So Gu, if they're doing that with Steph,
14:31more power to them.
14:32That'd be great.
14:33Yeah, no doubt.
14:34My partner would get the victory lap
14:36for hearing her say that
14:38when she said, we'll see.
14:39She didn't say no.
14:41I mean, there are no rules
14:43when it comes to all-star weekend.
14:44I mean, if they could theoretically
14:47just announce before the game,
14:48we've got a special guest player
14:51in the three-point contest, Steph Curry,
14:53and he just joins the field.
14:56I think that's possible too.
14:58Yeah, it's also possible that the whole idea
15:01of you got to beat the champ to be the champ.
15:03And so you go through the bracket
15:05and whoever wins the final,
15:07but wait, there's one more.
15:09And then you bring him out
15:11in some sort of a rickshaw.
15:13You bring him out in like an elevated chariot
15:15with the crown on top and the crowd goes wild.
15:18And now you've got to beat the chef to be the champ.
15:21You never know.
15:22It's all theatrics.
15:23And Mark's right.
15:24The one thing that we have lacked for a number of years
15:26is the theatrics.
15:28And all of the slam dunk,
15:31Mack McClung going for his third title.
15:34Oh, and the three-point shootout without the chef.
15:38And now we have a four-team tournament
15:39for the actual game.
15:41The NBA needs to try harder
15:43to make us actually really be interested in this.
15:48Yeah, I mean-
15:48That's a big ask, James.
15:49I hear you, man.
15:50You're right about last year was not very good.
15:54And it'll be tough to be that bad again this year,
16:01even if they try it.
16:02But we're talking,
16:05what do you think about the next two games
16:06for the Golden State Warriors?
16:08Well, you asked if Steph and Dre are going to play
16:10in both of them.
16:11And the only way I can answer that,
16:13I certainly hope so.
16:15These feel like really big games.
16:18And I'm sure that they don't want to do cart before horse.
16:21You got to get through tonight
16:23and see how everyone's feeling.
16:24And if someone's not feeling well, then okay.
16:27But I don't know, man.
16:28There's optics to it.
16:30Like you guys just said,
16:31the all-star game is this weekend.
16:32Steph is participating in the all-star game.
16:35And hell, you guys are breaking the-
16:37Maybe he's participating on Saturday night too.
16:41And you do then get a bunch of time off.
16:44They don't play another game until a week from Friday.
16:48So with all of that,
16:49if you can't do the Texas two-step these next two nights,
16:54man, I would think and hope with the momentum
16:58that they've built with this acquisition
16:59that they're all in for these next 30 hours
17:03and try to win two more basketball games.
17:07I tend to lean that way too,
17:09especially because I think the last time
17:11Curry played a back-to-back,
17:12he did play both, if I'm not mistaken.
17:15And obviously we'll see if they can handle Dallas
17:20and maybe rest up for tomorrow's game
17:23without counting a chicken before you should.
17:27But I mean, I just look at that Dallas team,
17:29they're decimated right now.
17:31Rockets are struggling.
17:32We'll see.
17:33We'll see what happens.
17:33Hey, can I, starting before we get out of here,
17:36because you lived it,
17:37but you two are my guys, man.
17:39I just want to share something that happened to me today
17:41and I'm still dealing with it.
17:43And when I walk to the car, I'll be dealing with it.
17:44So Kirk Laker pulled up on us.
17:46Stani asked him about the buyout market
17:49and he said, they're a player
17:50and they got another roster spot.
17:53So, you know, I like to joke with the best of them.
17:55So I then followed up,
17:56hey Kirk, I got my shoes in the car, right?
17:59Everybody laughed.
18:01But he then went on and proceeded to say,
18:03we've seen you play in the Warriors World Tournament.
18:07What do you suggest he was meaning with that?
18:10I think that he was referring to the fact that
18:13in your career, you are, I think, two for 71 from the floor.
18:18Willer, don't laugh.
18:19It is not like that.
18:20I didn't.
18:21I have a completely different take on this, Goo.
18:24Two for 70.
18:25I didn't like we seen you play.
18:27I was guarding him.
18:28He was guarding me.
18:29Here's my thing.
18:30But to say that, Goo.
18:31What are you saying?
18:31And they've won it twice in a row, haven't they?
18:35Bottom line, Goo, I was driving around earlier
18:38and you told the story
18:39of getting out of your car before the show
18:41and you ran into a listener.
18:43And the listener's like, I love your show.
18:46And then the next thing the listener said was,
18:49Goo, is that really you?
18:51Hurt my heart, man.
18:52Which for the listeners understand,
18:54the person already knew
18:56that Guru was standing in front of him.
18:58What he didn't know is if Goo was authentic.
19:01Oh, that hurt me, Willer.
19:03First of all, let us tell everybody,
19:05this is the most authentic man I know.
19:10But I have to say something to you, Goo.
19:13Go ahead.
19:13I'm right here, baby.
19:14Because you were bothered by that
19:15in the first half of the show
19:17and you're bothered by Kirk Lakob's assessment
19:20of your game in the second half of the show.
19:22Where are you going, Will?
19:23I want you to be more confident, Goo.
19:25I want you to stick your chest out
19:27and stop worrying about what other people say to you.
19:31You're in your 50s.
19:33You're a wildly successful human being.
19:35Hey, Will, slow down.
19:36No, you do you and you let what these other people say
19:41bounce the hell off of that now smaller belly.
19:43There we go.
19:44You bounce that off of there
19:45and let that fly out onto the Thrive City patio.
19:49I love it, Willard.
19:50Let's go, baby.
19:51Yeah, I just closed my eyes, Stiney,
19:53and I was picturing Guru as a warrior
19:55and he checks in for the first time
19:57at the four minute mark.
19:58You got to go out there and be tough.
19:59And he's the first guy ever to go into an NBA game
20:02with a picture of Steph and a Sharpie.
20:04Oh, stop, boy.
20:07He's the guy you do it, Johnson.
20:09And he's got a pen.
20:14All right, Johnson.
20:17I'm parked on the street out here,
20:19so I'm going to see if my car's still there.
20:22$13.50 for five hours.
20:26Safe, wonderful area, Stiney.
20:28You'll be fine.
20:29We have expense reports here at 95.7 The Game.
20:33You're going to be okay.
20:35Don't complain.
20:36The whole world listening would love to be in your shoes.
20:38So just wave to the world.
20:41Go get a bite to eat and everything's going to be just fine.
20:44Hey, what time is Buster Posey?
20:46Buster Posey's at 4.15 today.
20:48Greg Cosell's got to come in
20:50and Pat Dibbs on the head at 3.15 first.
20:54All right, gents.
20:55Well, have a great show.
20:56We'll catch up with you tomorrow on 95.7.
20:59The Game, whoo!
21:00Jimmy Buckets!