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Avatar of the Nobel laureate is modelled on how he looked during his university years

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#UAEnews #Expo2020 #Dubai


00:00Welcome to ETH Zurich, we're here at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich,
00:29Switzerland, in front of the Einstein Locker.
00:32Albert Einstein is one of our most famous Nobel laureates.
00:36He was a student here in 1896 to 1900, and later returned as a professor, and we have
00:42the honor of displaying the digital Einstein at the Expo Dubai coming up.
00:48In addition to Einstein, we will have projects that highlight climate change, biodiversity
00:54in the Swiss Pavilion, and several other events that are in the planning.
00:58I'm Riccardo Roveri, I'm a co-founder of Animatico, we're a spin-off from ETH Zurich, and we
01:04create interactive avatars.
01:06It's 3D characters that you can talk to, and they answer you in public spaces like museums,
01:12hotels, or restaurants.
01:14In this case, we have a project with the ETH, in particular with the Computer Graphics Lab
01:20and the Game Technology Center with Professor Marcus Gross, and we're bringing back to life
01:25Albert Einstein in a digital form, and the idea is that you can sit down, have a coffee
01:30with him, and learn about his life by asking him any question you have.
