Growing up, Emirati student Mansoor Mohamed Bin Shamekh Al Marzooqi never imagined he would pursue his higher education in Israel. Today, he has made history by becoming the first Emirati student to get admission in an Israeli university.
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#UAEnews #Israel #education
00:00Education has the undisputed ability to enlighten people and promote a peaceful coexistence
00:12based on the shared beliefs in unity, mutual respect, and goodwill for all nations, which
00:20is a key to pave the way to a sustainable world.
00:23I see this shared belief in Mansoor and Dimitri today, coupled with the spirit of IDC University
00:32to empower innovation through multilateral collaboration amongst its international diverse
00:38base of students, which is commendable, and I wish all of them grow in wisdom and stature
00:47and in favor with God and man.
00:49It is my absolute pleasure to be a part of this historic event today.
00:53I have to revert my thanks to our leadership and the government to give us this opportunity
00:58to be able to sit together and discuss our future events.
01:02I have to thank the ambassador, Mr. Elan, ambassador of Israel in Dubai, as well as
01:08Mr. Merzi, the head of IFIICC, and my father, to give us encouragement and motivation to
01:16continue under this path.
01:17I take it under myself and my brother, Dimitri Asselin, for us to pave the pathway to peace,
01:25prosperity, and tolerance in the world by sharing our values in the United Arab Emirates
01:31as well as Israel.
01:32I hope my son will represent an Emirati's feeling and viewing to spread peace around
01:41the world.
01:42We hope all the best for all the Israelis and for my son and all Emiratis, and I hope
01:49will be a good example for other nations to take the same step.
01:53I want to congratulate Mansour for being accepted to the IDC and to going to Israel.
02:00He's going to do history now, and I hope this is not going to be the first only, but one
02:06of many students of the Emiratis to come into Israel, and many students of Israel coming
02:12to the Emiratis.