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Emirati Sara Al Madani, 35, is a university dropout, yet that has not stopped her from attaining name, fame, and success in the UAE.

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#UAEnews #entrepreneur #business


00:00What makes me different than everybody else is those 24 hours I have per day,
00:04how I use them, is what makes me different than everyone else.
00:09I started my entrepreneurship journey at the age of 15.
00:14Wasn't easy, but I was way too mature for my age. I remember that for a fact.
00:19Now at the age of 35, I can tell you that as a woman who is a single mother,
00:26who's an entrepreneur, who's a public speaker, who has 24 hours like everyone else does in
00:32their life. It's not who you are that makes you different. You were not born with special
00:40talents. I was not born special. I'm not a magician. I'm just a normal person.
00:45What makes me different than everybody else is those 24 hours I have per day,
00:49how I use them, is what makes me different than everyone else. As simple as it gets.
00:54That's it. Have I failed? Yes, I failed. A lot. I've been bankrupt so many times.
01:00Businesses shut down, businesses open. Ideas die. Ideas come up. But failure is always an option.
01:09Giving up is not. Failure is the best school ever. I learned so much from failing more than
01:13success ever taught me. And plus, failing is a missing ingredient. You just pick it up and
01:18come back and start all over again. If you fail, you're not a failure. You're only a failure if
01:23you quit the minute you fail. My biggest advice to everyone out there is that entrepreneurship
01:28is not easy. You will lose money, time, days, people, but it's definitely worth it.
01:37Before you start your entrepreneurship journey, number one, make sure you free yourself from the
01:43expectation of society. You free yourself from the stereotype where people will think,
01:47what will they say? What if I do this? No. This is your own personal journey. Enjoy it.
01:54Love it. Create it for yourself. Don't create it just to satisfy others. That's so important.
02:02Second thing is prepare yourself mentally and physically because entrepreneurship is not easy.
02:06Third thing is find your purpose. Find your passion. Fourth thing is be innovative. Fifth
02:12thing is don't be intimidated by failure. We fail every day. Following your dreams
02:17and not being intimidated by failure is the same thing.
02:21Before you're buried too deep down the ground that you can't come out,
02:24make sure you're living a life that satisfies you. Make sure you're living a life that you want
02:29and you're not living a life to satisfy others. Live your dreams. Find out all the potentials
02:34you have. Explore. Exploit. Do whatever you can do to figure out what's your purpose,
02:40why you're here for. That's my advice to all the women and men out there.
02:44Last but not least is believe in yourself. You don't need anyone to believe in you.
02:49I never waited for someone to tap me on the shoulder to say thank you, to say I appreciate
02:53you, to say anything good to me. I was my own support system. You got it all in you. Stop
02:59looking outside. You got it all in here. Just find it. And this is the best advice I can give
03:04all of you. So much love. Sarah Naderi.
