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Standing on flooring made out of mushrooms, next to a water harvesting system that extracts 800 litres of water from UAE’s desert air every day, the Dutch presented their sustainability-centred pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai on Tuesday to the media.

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#UAEnews #Expo2020 #Dubai


00:00Hello everyone, I'm Falah Gulzar from the social media team at Gulf News and we're here
00:20at Expo 2020 Dubai and we're here at the Netherlands pavilion today morning to see what the whole
00:26pavilion is really about and how they're promoting the concept of sustainability.
00:32And what you see here is a beautiful canopy which is made of bio based textile also from
00:41a Dutch artist called Bureau Belen and they always, the artists, they always work with
00:47textile and they were able to make a textile which is selective, which is smart meaning
00:54that it selects the part of the of the sun rays which are good for you, which provide
01:01vitamin D, but they block the part of the sun which is not good for you, which even
01:07causes skin cancer for instance.
01:10So a very smart use of material and it's all bio based and I think that's how we stand
01:17here for the Dutch pavilion is very two important parts of construction.
01:23It's either you do it circular, we give back the steel structure or do you do it bio based.
01:43So the carbon oxide which is produced by the mushrooms is used of course in this space
01:48to provide food for the plants and these plants through photosynthesis, they transfer
01:56that carbon oxide into oxygen, again a very simple but smart natural phenomena.
02:03If you look up, you see in the glass roof, you see beautiful coloured solar panels made
02:11by a Dutch artist Marjan van Aubel and she produces this in an organic foil.
02:17So this is an organic, again bio, solar panel and what it does, it's also smart, it's selective.
02:26So it lets through the rays of light which are used for the photosynthesis for the plants
02:31to grow, but it transfers the rays of sunlight which is used for electrical power into electrical
02:41So again there, there's a smart technology which makes a split.
02:45You see it works like a machine, but you see also how we use the carbon oxide to let
02:53the plant grow.
02:54Here you see how we suck in the air and we create water and how we create this draft
03:00of air so the hot air goes out and here you see also our descent from the hot into the
03:06cold just by descending four metres down.
03:13I think also here if you look up you see these big steel tubes, again these tubes are
03:18used in the local building industry for civil engineering constructions.
03:25I think that's so important about the Dutch Pavilion, of course it's the message and the
03:30proof that we can connect water, energy and food and we can harvest those three elements
03:36even in the middle of the desert.
03:38We can make it rain in the desert, we can grow food in the desert, but we also have
03:43a clear concept about construction, about minimising our footprint and using less material
03:50and think in a circular way.
04:12So the Expo Dubai 2020 is a wonderful platform to share our knowledge as the Netherlands
04:19and we are focusing on connecting water, energy and food.
04:25With population growth, the demand for food, the water scarcity and the demand for energy
04:32will grow.
04:33What we are trying to do is by connecting these three elements and adding a lot of innovation
04:40and new ideas in order to create more efficiency and more sustainability.
04:46We are showcasing it here in our pavilion which is basically a small version of the
04:57world within a context in which there is a lot of scarcity of water and food.
05:04The most important idea that people should have when they go through our pavilion is
05:10first the connection between the three elements, so water, energy, food, and that they can
05:17see that innovation and new ideas are possible and that there is an environment in which
05:25you can basically with all your sensors see that, feel that, smell it, taste it and it
05:34has to inspire people.
05:35The Netherlands is well known because of the way that we deal with water, water management.
05:43You know, a big part of the Netherlands is under sea level so we really have to find
05:48solutions for water challenges.
05:50At the same time, the Netherlands is known because of agricultural production, second
05:55exporter of the world after the United States and we have only been able to do that because
06:02of innovation, collaboration, and thinking out of the box and that's something you will
06:08find also here in this pavilion so it's really Dutch.
06:11So this has been a project of about three years and the creators of the project they
06:18had a vision but the technologies were not there yet or they were partly there.
06:23So in these three years what has happened is that this vision has been realized so the
06:28technologies, the combination of all these technologies, they are here right now.
06:34So in terms of scaling it even more up or applying it for instance here in Dubai, I
06:41think there is a possibility of doing that.
06:43So I hope sincerely that this Dutch pavilion will also have its spin off on Dubai and in
06:52the region.
06:53We have a lot of performances.
06:56Most of them are related to the theme of the pavilion.
06:58So a lot of everything to do with sustainability and innovation.
07:03So like one of them, I'll give you one example.
07:10This is an artist from the Netherlands that creates out of PVC structures animals that
07:19move by themselves.
07:21We call them the Beach Beast.
07:23So these Beast Beasts will be walking also here in the desert.
