• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Non è così importante dare in mano uno smartphone a un figlio troppo piccolo, aspettiamo che abbia magari terminato la scuola primaria. Nel frattempo si può fare in modo che i bambini imparino un utilizzo guidato e, mano mano, bisognerà accompagnarli verso una loro autonomia, con una presenza costante, insegnando così passo passo i pericoli del mondo digitale”. Queste le parole di Elisabetta Scala, vice presidente di Moige, alla presentazione della campagna di Moige nelle scuole, lanciata in occasione del Safer Internet Day 2025, con la quale il movimento si impegna a contrastare il cyberbullismo.


00:00It is fundamental that every year, at least this time, we remember, thanks to the Safer Internet Day,
00:10that there is a very important and very current problem that concerns our children,
00:14security in the digital world.
00:17It is a huge challenge for us parents because technology is very fast
00:22and we struggle to spend time with our children and therefore to support them.
00:26Therefore, the appeal of parents is not to be discouraged in the face of technological difficulties,
00:31but to always update themselves, try to know how to best use this tool
00:37and always support our children, never leave them alone.
00:40I would say that it is not so important to give a smartphone to a too young child.
00:45We expect it to be at least pre-adolescent.
00:48Elementary school, for example, is not the phase in which it is so important that they have a personal tool,
00:55but that they may learn how to use it.
00:58Then, little by little, they will have to accompany their autonomy,
01:01always with a constant presence, teaching them the dangers step by step,
01:06because they are very good technologically,
01:09but very naive with respect to the dangers and risks of the network.
01:12And that is up to the parents to always keep an eye on.
01:15For any information that parents may wish, they can go to our website www.mojje.it
01:21and they will also find all the necessary material for training
01:25and to be able to have some help to guide their children in this difficult battle.
