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(Adnkronos) - “L’educazione alla cittadinanza digitale, considerato quanto tempo i nostri figli e i nostri ragazzi trascorrono online e sui social network, è necessaria e fondamentale. Bisogna responsabilizzare i ragazzi e renderli consapevoli non solo delle grandi opportunità che possono avere navigando nel mondo online, ma soprattutto dei rischi e dei pericoli”. Lo dichiara Fabiola Pagnanelli, dirigente scolastico dell'Istituto Plinio il Vecchio di Cisterna di Latina, a margine della presentazione della campagna di Moige nelle scuole, lanciata in occasione del Safer Internet Day 2025, con la quale il movimento si impegna a contrastare il cyberbullismo.


00:00What are the main tasks of the school?
00:04Among the main tasks of the school is to promote the acquisition of the necessary skills
00:10for the exercise of a conscious digital citizenship.
00:14The Law 92 of 2019, which concerns the teaching of civic education,
00:20transversal education, provides for the education of digital citizenship.
00:25Considering how long our children spend online and on social networks,
00:31it is necessary to make them aware not only of the great opportunities they have
00:38in the online world, but above all of the risks and dangers.
00:42That is why we joined with great enthusiasm the Young Ambassadors Project
00:48for Digital Citizenship against Cyberbullying and Cyberrisk
00:52of the Italian Parents' Movement, MOIJ.
00:55The heart of this project is the training of some students
01:00who are chosen in the third grades of our primary school
01:04for particular sensitivity and empathic abilities.
01:09What are the actions that we put on the field?
01:11There is a first part of training.
01:13These students are trained in the e-learning platform of MOIJ.
01:18Then they become trainees through the peer education model of their peers.
01:28This year, for example, our students are now starting the training
01:34with the first grades of the primary school and also with the youngest,
01:38with the fifth grades of our primary school.
01:41The goal is to promote a culture of respect,
01:45of legality, of safety on the Internet
01:48and therefore to make them aware of the various risks that occur
01:52in the digital world.
01:54We have reached the fifth edition of this project
01:59and it has become a point of strength of our school.
02:04The lessons are informative and informative, but also participatory,
02:09and the students have the opportunity to participate in very important events,
02:13such as last November 19th,
02:15when we went together with other delegations from all over Italy
02:19to the Chamber's Parliamentary Groups.
02:22The students were able to make their proposals
02:25and even dialogue with some exponents of the institutions.
02:29So the students are trainees and also become sentries.
02:33What does it mean to be a sentry?
02:35Sentries are those who are points of reference for their peers
02:40and collect signals about acts of violence or bullying
02:45that can occur in the school.
02:48So for this reason we thank the MoIJ.
02:50We are really excited to participate in this project
02:53and we thank the MoIJ, which for years has been carrying out a social commitment
02:58to protect minors and also to support parenthood.
03:02A special thank you also goes to the reference of our Institute for Bullying and Cyberbullying,
03:06Professor Maria Teresa Asuglia, who guides the students on this path.
