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(Adnkronos) - “L’amministrazione è fortunata perchè qui a Cisterna abbiamo delle scuole e degli istituti comprensivi che funzionano veramente bene, quindi diamo supporto a tutte le loro iniziative. Inoltre, abbiamo firmato un protocollo educativo di comunità con tutte le scuole già nel 2023 e lo stiamo portando avanti. Le scuole presentano tante iniziative molto interessanti, come quella di oggi che va assolutamente sostenuta”. Lo spiega Stefania Krilic, assessora alla Pubblica istruzione del Comune di Cisterna di Latina, alla presentazione della campagna di Moige - Movimento italiano genitori - nelle scuole, lanciata in occasione del Safer Internet Day 2025, con la quale il movimento si impegna a contrastare il cyberbullismo.


00:00What is the role of the local government in the fight against bullying?
00:04The local government is very sensitive to the issue of youth discomfort,
00:12and in particular to bullying and cyberbullying.
00:15Last February 7th, which was the national day,
00:19we had a meeting with the students of the Ramadu, the high school in Cisterna,
00:26with a neuropsychiatrist who talked to them about youth discomfort,
00:32in the sense of how to recognize bullying as a victim,
00:36and therefore what can be done to alleviate this phenomenon.
00:39The administration is lucky, in the sense that here in Cisterna
00:42we have schools and comprehensive institutes that work really well,
00:46so we support all their initiatives.
00:50We have signed a protocol of understanding,
00:52an educational protocol of community with all the schools already in 2023.
00:58We are carrying it forward.
00:59Schools present many very interesting initiatives,
01:02such as the one today, which absolutely must be supported.
01:05And also, one thing that we really wanted to do,
01:11is to sign a protocol with the Lazio region, with the Guarantee of Infancy,
01:15and with a center that deals with criminal mediation,
01:20on victims of crime, and therefore also victims of bullying.
01:25We will have a pool, now we have just signed a protocol,
01:28financed by the Lazio region, we will open a door
01:32where there will be a pool of lawyers, psychologists, psychotherapists,
01:35specialized in the phenomenon of youth discomfort,
01:38where we expect families and even the children themselves to make use of it,
01:44in short, to address it.
