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Nilai tukar rupiah masih belum bertenaga terhadap dolar AS di tengah ancaman tarif baru yang disampaikan Presiden Amerika Serikat, Donald Trump. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan, Selasa (11/2), rupiah melemah tipis di 0,04% ke level Rp16.346 per USD.


00:00Let's move on to the other trading indicator, the PEMIRSA, where the exchange rate of rupiah is still not strong against the U.S. dollar amid the threat of a new tariff announced by the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
00:18According to the RTI data, until this afternoon's trading, rupiah fell by 0.04% to US$16,346, where rupiah managed to break the daily weakness at US$16,375.
00:35Previously, rupiah was opened at 0.01% at US$16,356 in the morning trading.
00:44The movement of rupiah is still shadowed by the US dollar index, which grew by 0.06% at US$108.38 in the morning.
00:54The strengthening of the dollar index happened after the President of the United States, Donald Trump, set a tariff of 25% from the previous 10% for all aluminum and tin imports universally.
01:05Meanwhile, on the other hand, market players are still waiting for the witness of Chairman of the Fed, Jerome Powell, in front of Congress on Wednesday afternoon to find the direction of the Federal Reserve.
01:16We will immediately update on the movement of the exchange rate of rupiah against a number of major currencies.
01:22You can see the graph on your television, viewers.
01:25The movement of the exchange rate of rupiah against the US dollar at US$16,396 seems to be getting closer to the level of US$16,400.
01:34Then to the euro at US$16,861.
01:38Pound Sterling at the level of US$20,254.
01:41Then to the Japanese yen at US$107.93.
