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World renowned escape artist Andrew Basso has a message for the people of Lancashire.


00:00Hi, I'm digital reporter Amy Seddon. The world-renowned escape artist Andrew Basso
00:07is heading to Blackpool on Monday February 17th to perform his signature and quite frankly
00:12terrifying stunt live on a comedy carpet. Before his arrival in Blackpool I spoke to
00:19Andrew all about the stunt and his career which you can find on our website. At the
00:25end of our interview he then had a little message for the people of Lancashire. Take
00:30a look at that next.
00:33Hello to all the friends of Lancashire, here is Andrew Basso, escapeologist, escape artist.
00:38I'm very looking forward to come to Blackpool February 17th at 5pm. I'm going to be at the
00:44comedy carpet performing my signature act, the water torture cell. I will be handcuffed,
00:51hang upside down and then lowered into a tank of a thousand litres of water and I
00:56will have to escape in front of your very eyes. So come to see me live and ciao.
