Everything about this burger was perfection - it’s the ultimate McDonald’s burger, and I can’t believe it’s limited edition…
00:00Hi guys, my name is Jack Marshall. I'm a digital food and drink reporter and welcome to another
00:04one of our food review series. And I really don't know how to start this video apart from
00:08just saying coming out and saying I think I've just had the best Mackey's burger McDonald's
00:12burger I have ever had. Now, I've tried a fair few Mackey's burgers in my time, we've
00:16all had the classics, we've all had a Big Mac, we've all had Happy Meals when we were
00:20younger, we've all had Quarter Pounders, we've all had a basher, some of the more seasonal
00:23stuff earlier this year or late last year, I think it was I tried like a combo of not
00:28a combo, a competition between like the barbecue smokehouse stack and something else, just
00:35all the new stuff comes out periodically, you always have a bit of a try if you go into
00:38Mackey's and you fancy it. You know, we're pretty familiar with what kind of stuff they
00:42do. But this, which is the one behind me, the Philly cheese stack blew me away. It was
00:47the nicest burger I've ever tried from Mackey's. Like I say, it was just everything about it
00:52just was perfect. I loved it. It was it was great. It had me reacting to a McDonald's
00:57burger how you'd normally react to like, I almost said a proper burger there, but like
01:01a burger from an independent burger place where, you know, let's be honest, they put
01:04a bit more care and attention to stuff like ingredients and everything like that, where
01:08it isn't really fast food. It's an actually gourmet version of a fast food food item.
01:13So yeah, the Philly cheese stack is two patties with a cheese sauce, a melted cheese layer,
01:18some crispy onions. I just think everything about it worked. And the thing which impressed
01:22me the most, which I really didn't think I'd I'd kind of like rate at all, was the
01:27cheese sauce. It was it was brilliant. I loved every bit of it. It was great. I'm literally
01:32some of it was in the in the little carton afterwards. I was picking it up on my finger
01:36and I was eating that. I couldn't get enough of it. It was absolutely delicious. The two
01:40patties were great. I'm a big fan of doubling up on things like the burgers. And, you know,
01:44when you get a double cheeseburger, all that kind of stuff, you've got to go two patties
01:46because just one is just too thin. So the two burgers were great. The melted cheese
01:52layer and the cheese sauce, in my mind, I was thinking they'll just merge into one big
01:56congealed morass of cheese like substance. But they were genuinely distinctive. They
02:01were completely different flavors and they were different consistencies altogether because
02:04you had a very creamy, very almost not liquidy, but very kind of gloopy cheese sauce. And then
02:09the thin layer of cheese was actually I did have a slight bite to it. Don't get me wrong.
02:13I got this burger and then brought it back here to our office. So it had kind of melted
02:17a little bit, but it was distinct in its texture and in its kind of substance. So that was good.
02:23And then you've got the crispy onions as well, which added a lot to it. Really, really nice.
02:27I love crispy onions on everything on hot dogs. If you can get like dried crispy onions in a
02:32biryani or anything like that on top of a biryani with a bit of raita. It's such a good flavor
02:37profile to add to a different meal. So loved that. That was really good. And then obviously
02:41you've got things like the classic pickles, which I mean, pickles on a burger, just perfection.
02:45I absolutely love them. But yeah, I genuinely went into this not expecting to have my socks
02:51blown off as they've been blown off. So really thrilled by that. Really, really thrilled. I'm
02:56not thrilled. It's a Mackey's burger. Really impressed by that. So yeah, really, really
03:00taken aback by just how good it was. So yeah, you have to let us know if you've tried the Philly
03:04stack, Philly cheese stack. Let us know what you think. Let us know if you hate it. Let us know if
03:08like me, you were completely converted. And next time you go to Mackey's, you're likely to order
03:12this. So long as it's in the limited time window, hopefully they'll bring it back as a permanent
03:17edition because I thought it was absolutely stunning. But yeah, that's enough Mackey's
03:20chat for today. Thanks for watching. Cheers. Transcribed by https://otter.ai