Blackpool star Charlotte Dawson has given an update on life a week after giving birth to daughter Gigi.
00:00Okay, okay guys, this is postpartum. I've got my nappy on with my pad, oh sorry if that
00:09offends you, but it's life, love. I've got my nappy on, it's like I'm just, it's like
00:15I'm one of my babies. I've got my adult nappy on, I've got my maternity bra with me, breast
00:23pads. Then, I've got a bit of sick on, a bit of breast milk sick, it's not really sick
00:33but whatever you want to call it. That from that from last night. Oh, I'm definitely not
00:39going to drop that down. Oh, I'm definitely not going to drop that down. Jesus, it'll
00:44flop right out down to my bunions. I've got, I've had leaky tits all night, but look at
00:55this little girly whirly. You're worth it, aren't you? You constantly, constantly want
01:03me udders. You're always wanting them, even if I just go for a quick shower, you want
01:08them. Man, you've got hiccups because you've had so much udders. What would you do, sick
01:14cow? Can't stop milking me. Stinky cheese and onion pie, because you've got to bond
01:21with a baby, you know, you can't really be wearing like, you know, perfumes and stuff.
01:27Oh, no, that's what you think to that, don't you? Oh, cheese and onion pie. Your mum stinks
01:33of cheese and onion pie. Yes, she does. Oh, I still look preggo. Still got a fanny flop
01:43as a belly button. Tiger stripes are popping, but I'm extremely proud of my body. I've got
01:50to be kind to myself and just, yeah, not this old bounce back shit. This is me and this
01:58is me for a wee while, OK, to deal with it. If people don't like it, if all that, then
02:05chuff off. You know what I mean? Because this is me, baby. This is me. And also I'm supporting
02:16some black eyes. My eye bags are definitely not fabulous right now. We don't call them
02:27the Noah and Jude bags anymore. We call them the Gigi bags, don't we? Gigi bags. So, yeah,
02:35this is me. Well, I'm going to go and get, I'm going to go and get now another nappy
02:44for meself and a new maternity bra because it stinks. Well, actually, it doesn't stink
02:50because my udder belt don't stink, but I'm just sweaty. I'm just a sweaty betty. I'm
02:59always sweaty. Must be my hormones, but I'm always sweaty. Always got a bloody suit. It's
03:10not even summer yet. My hormones are flying. Right, another kid's crying. Another kid's
03:15crying. Right, to our life as a mum of three. Outnumbered. Absolute chaos. But we love it.
03:26So, yeah, that's an update from you all. I've got leaky udders. I've got a nappy on and I've
03:38got a fanny flap, so there's a belly button. I stink of cheese and onion pie. I look like
03:46Princess Fiona, don't I? Love you all. Oh, let's not forget. Down there, angry place.
03:59Don't even dare look. But to be fair, Gigi's recovery has been a lot better than Jude's. I
04:11had to have a lukewarm water by the toilet with Jude. Now I can just wee freely with no pain.
04:22That's what it is, but it's still an angry place. So, yeah, I think that'll be closed for a while.
04:29Not even guest list. We'll get you down there, Matthew. Not even VIP guest list. I do apologise.
04:35Oh, guys, how could I forget my outfit? These are my outfits for the foreseeable. Granny nighties
04:45for the chuffing, weren't it? They're cool, they're free, and they're just, they're comfort.
04:53They're so comfort. They're so comfort. They're so comfort. And they just have leaky, gone-off
05:03milk. Well, no, it's not gone-off. It's fabulous milk. Don't put myself down. It's lovely,
05:09fabulous milk all over me. Oh, lovely. What shall I eat now, a chippy? Chips and gravy
05:20for breakfast. Praise.