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Nara Bhuvaneswari on Euphoria Musical Night Program: సమాజమే దేవాలయం ప్రజలే దేవుళ్లు అనే ఎన్టీఆర్ నినాదంతోనే ట్రస్టు కార్యక్రమాలు సాగుతున్నాయని ఎన్టీఆర్ ట్రస్ట్ మేనేజింగ్ ట్రస్టీ నారా భువనేశ్వరి వెల్లడించారు. ఎన్టీఆర్‌ ట్రస్టు ఆధ్వర్యంలో విజయవాడలో నిర్వహించనున్న యుఫోరియా మ్యూజికల్ నైట్ కార్యక్రమ వివరాలను ఆమె వెల్లడించారు. రక్తహీనత వల్ల తలసేమియా బాధితులు పడే ఇబ్బందుల్ని తొలగించేందుకే ఈ కార్యక్రమం చేపడుతున్నామన్నారు. చిన్నపిల్లలు ఎక్కువగా ఈ వ్యాధిన పడుతూ ఊపిరి తీసుకోవటానికి కూడా ఎన్నో ఇబ్బందులు పడుతున్నారన్న ఆమె, బ్లడ్ ట్రాన్స్మిషన్​కు కూడా రక్తం ఎంతో అవసరమని తెలిపారు.


00:00We wanted to open these thalassemia centers.
00:04As you all know, it takes a lot of money to open these centers.
00:10When we were thinking about how to do fundraising program,
00:15we thought of musical director Thamman.
00:20When Thamman and our team approached him,
00:24he didn't even think for a minute.
00:27He just said, which date do you want?
00:30I will be ready on that date.
00:33I will adjust the rest of the programs.
00:36Not everyone can do that.
00:38With such a big heart,
00:40he accepted our thoughts and ideas
00:45and said, I will take part in this musical night,
00:48this fundraising program.
00:53I will not take even a single rupee for this show.
00:59I am giving back to the society.
01:03With such a big heart,
01:05Thamman is taking this forward.
01:11What I want is that
01:13everyone should return to us
01:16and repay our debt to our Telugu mother.
01:21Why did you plan all this?
01:28At the end, I am Bhuvaneshwari.
01:31I don't care if I get elected or not.
01:35I have to stand on my own two feet.
01:40I will not ask for anything from Chandrababu Naidu.
01:43He will not give even if I ask.
01:46I will not give his trust or heritage.
01:50I will not give it.
01:52You stand on your own two feet and do it.
01:54Even now, he is not asking me what I am doing.
01:57He is afraid that I might ask for a donation from him.
02:02He just said, I am planning to do this musical night.
02:09Very good. You can do it. You will do it.
02:12That's all he said.
02:14I don't stress him out in asking anything for the trust or for heritage.
02:20You said you wanted to buy a ticket.
02:22Will you buy a ticket for CM Chandrababu or will he buy it?
02:26He bought the ticket.
02:28He gave 6 lakhs to 5 people from his personal account.
02:31He gave 6 lakhs to 5 people and bought a table from his personal account.
02:40I think once I met Ma'am Bhuvaneshwari Madam,
02:44my mindset completely changed.
02:46How all of them are giving back to the society in such a great way.
02:53How they are working day and night.
02:56Chandrababu Naidu is doing so much for the state.
03:00Ma'am is doing a lot of work internally to move this trust in a very big way.
03:08This blood donation or whatever it is.
03:11So it's a great thought.
03:13That thought moved me a lot.
03:15There are some learnings.
03:17So we accepted this show.
03:19How quickly we can take this forward.
03:22How great is Thalassemiya.
03:25How we can cure this disease from our state.
03:28We have to completely eradicate.
03:31How quickly we can cure this.
03:34So this is a very very important, very beautiful thought.
03:37Ma'am told us about this proposal.
03:39Our team immediately accepted and took over.
03:42So it's all that God's thing.
