• 2 months ago


00:00when they see magic and they saw it there. We're back up to the top representing the Kiwi crew.
00:05Ben Richards, this man took the freeride world by storm last year taking the win in
00:10Viborgren with one of the smoothest runs we've ever seen. Ben Richards now on course.
00:16Oh, perfect setup. This is New Zealand style skiing. He's really good at mixed variable terrain.
00:22Beautiful big 360 off of that second cliff and into the shadow line he goes. Let's see what he
00:30does with this transfer. Ben Richards rarely ever takes his skis out of the fall line,
00:38never slows down. You know I used to say that Andrew Pollard had taken on the mantle of Drew
00:42Tabkey for the smoothest man on skis and I feel like without Andrew here this year we miss you
00:48for sure but Ben Richards has taken that on now. It's a passing down of the tradition of being
00:54ultra smooth and always finding transition. You hardly ever see his skis come out of the fall line
00:59and that is proof as he goes straight off the nose. So Ben Richards with a whole bunch of speed
01:05as he's now coming down into this wind lip section. Perfect 360 taking that torch of smoothness and
01:12taking the torch of being the only Kiwi on the tour this year and we love to see him ride.
01:17Well the Kiwis always producing some of the best freeriders on the planet
01:22and Ben Richards showing that heritage there as he flies through the finish line.
01:30Trying to catch the exchange there as we look back at Ben's run.
01:35I love the way they just so calmly and smoothly approach this top section. Yeah Ben taking that
01:42way more skiers right that cross-court approach and then perfect take off on this 360.
02:03All right well Ben I mean fluidity absolutely through the roof that was a beautiful run.
02:10Another rider with extremely honed technique.
02:14He just never looks like he puts a foot out of place so smooth so stylish and so happy.
02:29And a few words in the finish as the judge is getting to work on the score. Ben Richards now
02:34the score coming in it's moving up the thermometer and coming up just shy of Ross Tester so an 89
02:40run for Ben Richards. He said I'll take that.
