• 2 months ago


00:00had the opportunity to watch his film project Circle of Madness that he did
00:03with Marcus Eder this year it is absolutely bonkers Victor De La Rue
00:08he's the current and reigning world champion of freeride snowboard in six
00:13seasons on the freeride world tour best ever results well he's got a bunch of
00:17them and they all are the number one as Victor De La Rue getting his final look
00:21here and the De La Rue name synonymous with freeride around the globe as we
00:28wait here for everyone to be ready we got the drone in the air we got cameras
00:32on the ground all eyes are on the world champ as he gets set to kick out of the
00:37gate yeah and again he's regular rider so he'll be on that heel side edge which
00:43feels a little precarious I think when it's that steep and and we'll see where
00:46he goes is he gonna follow that fall line or is he gonna try to be a little
00:50bit more creative and head riders left towards those other couloirs yeah
00:54there's definitely plenty of options we've seen well we've seen one so far as
01:00we as we're anxiously awaiting the start of De La Rue's premier run he's pulled
01:08way back on for a border cross start there popping himself out of the gate
01:12nailed it going out riders right straight out of the gate
01:18which oh you're gonna come in with a lot of speed and heat and you'll see he's
01:24really good at controlling that speed and shutting it down when he needs to
01:27white watering white washing himself a little bit and throwing his first trick
01:31of the day yeah Victor spinning right away using that heel side edge to
01:36control the speed as he gets himself set and airing off that as well so in the
01:41steepest part of the face and you can see his boards getting bounced around
01:44Victor De La Rue getting set for a toe side turn he's gonna stay heel side and
01:48pop off this long feature so Victor already with three big features in and
01:53now just trying to slow down yeah I mean it didn't take him too long here's
01:57another trick and already he's close to the bottom part of the features he's
02:02doing quick quick work of this venue oh and flying over that roller Victor De
02:07La Rue making short work of this face absolutely cooking as I think he was
02:13looking to get as much speed as he could yes he is to get up and over this rock
02:18band so this is a section as of yet untapped oh we're Victor De La Rue yeah
02:23and checking his takeoff it's pretty rocky here let's see where he navigates
02:27through this section oh he's got great he really just puts the board where he
02:32wants it and commits to that line yeah and clearly knowing exactly where he's
02:36going right off the nose of that one Victor De La Rue now into the wind lips
02:41with a backflip stomped so Victor now catching another air he is just stacking
02:47up the line score not a single section of this run has gone unmarked yeah he's
02:55he's putting his mark on the canvas and and through the finish line I think he's
03:00gonna feel pretty good about that run hosing the finish line cameraman there
03:05Victor De La Rue absolutely blazing trail down the La Bamba face finding all
03:12kinds of airs the judges talked about this before that there are opportunities
03:16to do so many things along the way you don't have to have a lot of dead spots
03:19as we look back in the replay yeah and you'll see it from right out of the gate
03:23he is jumping he's jumping everything and and again you see that six years of
03:28experience nothing's gonna be massive but he's picking them all up as he goes
03:32along and I think that's a really smart strategy yeah and it kind of looked like
03:37he was he was heelside sliding but what you figure out after is he's actually
03:41getting direction to go to the next move each one a little further left
03:45right off the nose of that one laying the tail of the board into the snow
03:49first to prevent any opportunity of a punch front from the from the nose going
03:53under and then just pumping off you know feature after feature as he approached
03:58the finish line and even catching this little bonus air right at the end yeah
04:01and it seems like that variable snow for him was pretty good it he turned where
04:06he needed to turn and let the board ride when he didn't need to yeah ultra fall
04:10lining at that crossover section to get himself up on top of the rocks for the
04:14for that cross through features hard to tell from the camera angle exactly where
04:18he was going like he was just heading towards doom but Victor always knows
04:22where he's going as he is posted up now in the finish and waiting for his scores
04:31and the judges have had their say the number going up 83 3 3 4 Victor de la
04:41rue the judges setting the bar there it's
