00:00category and two ski categories that have already run 27 years old sitting in
00:04fourth overall Nuria was below the cut jumped up above it in Fieberbrunnen with
00:10her performance there finds herself on the back and qualified for next year and
00:15the goofy footed rider you can see she's got her back sticking out of the start
00:19gate there because that's how it goes when you're a goofy footer she wants to
00:23be on the toeside edge to get this thing started and now Nuria getting her run
00:27going yeah coming from a coastal village loving snowboarding from day one
00:32and you can see the energy and the love pouring through her riding as she makes
00:37her way through this incredibly exposed steep section weaving around rocks the
00:43intensity of what Nuria is living right now is absolutely maxed off the scale
00:49it's so steep it's so scary and she now is into it and the snow looks relatively
00:56predictable on this side which I think is again a wise choice for line
01:00selection for Nuria riding over here instead of at a start to and making her
01:05way through this just absolute maze of rocks down the back to us sending slough
01:10down below her as she lines up her air into this section she's got to control
01:16her speed control the slough around her commits into it right back onto that
01:20heel side edge again like we said this side of the venue has more consistent
01:25snow I think the riders are able to really dig in and use it and know what's
01:29coming when they apply the pressure yeah I don't know if it's necessarily better
01:33snow you can see it's not that deep because the wind has had more effect on
01:37this side but it is consistent and predictable it doesn't have that weird
01:40crust on it that we saw on other parts of the face as Nuria now just clinging
01:45to the edge of this mountain with a single edge popping off this still has
01:49exposure below her flying off that and Nuria now motoring it down the bottom
01:55part here of the back there was she hasn't made a turn since that last air
01:59just keeping it pointed in the fall line I think at this point it's just like
02:03hurry up and get to the finish exactly making her way through enjoying a few
02:10extra last turns of this competitive season and through the start gate here
02:15in Verbier and a big reception there at the bottom as sketchy and gnarly and
02:26look at our screen that is exactly what I see peppered with rocks so steep
02:32requiring as Lolo wanted full commitment look at what is below her Derek yeah
02:38this this face just takes no prisoners Nuria popping off that feature and then
02:43turning it into a double going full fall line laying the tail of her board
02:48in to give her that control that she needed on the apron so Nuria Castanbaran
02:53the first one from snowboard women and safe and sound a clean run down the back
02:59and from there it was just a home run to the finish arch as Nuria Castanbaran
03:04taking a very direct line out of start three all the way down this face
03:13all right well the score coming in a 74 for Nuria so that's gonna set the bar