00:00Barbarian Barbarian Elena Kohler has brought the thunder this year she's got
00:05two podiums to her name already riding for peak performance and Scott the free
00:10ride world tour sponsors dream athlete coming on as a rookie but not skiing
00:16like a rookie multiple podiums in in her first year on tour and Lena Kohler
00:21dropping in at a start to straight into this steep technical section and that's
00:26gotten pretty eat up now by all the men Lena making her way through finding
00:31that entrance right above the closeout she's got one air to hit above yeah this
00:38air you know don't play it short it's super committing because there's nothing
00:42under you but cliffs Lena Kohler making short work of that in full control now
00:46gonna be looking to get the right angle Oh going for the upper deck is she gonna
00:50be able to hold it bouncing out of the backslap and she's up no down again that
00:55angle has been really really difficult today we saw Ben Richards going down on
01:00that one and a few others in the ski men and Lena Kohler another victim to that
01:04takeoff angle on the fashion at closeout cliff you know it's really challenging
01:09they have so much 30 years of historical data but the athletes still have to make
01:14adjustments to the conditions as they are and that is stuff that you'll see
01:18the rookies struggle with a little bit and the veterans really understand yeah
01:22exactly so Lena Kohler now skipping that heartbreak hotel feature that took
01:27down so many of the other athletes you can see just by the way she's moving on
01:31the snow this section of the face that was in the Sun earlier it's almost
01:34directly east-facing there's a crust on the surface for a skier that good to be
01:40looking that tentative in it just as I said it it grabs her ski there so it's
01:44tricky snow over on the lower left side of the petit back not the day this
01:49rookie wanted but for someone that was coming in just excited to ski she's done
01:55studying potentially she's yeah kind of looked like she was holding her leg
02:00there and that could also account for the way Lana skied the lower section
02:04that one may have have yeah she's she's got some discomfort in her leg but she's
02:10down she's safe and sound after her first trip down the back for many of
02:14these riders just getting that first one under the belt is key yeah just
02:19coming down off the back we'll see here's that top again like this air is
02:25huge you've got so much exposure down below you setting herself up and again
02:30she took the biggest way down oh that landing is just rough and Lena getting
02:36bounced and then trying to stop I think maybe that's where the leg discomfort
02:40came from getting the skis across the ball and she had the option there and
02:44you only have a split second to decide do what Ross Tester did and Elizabeth
02:48Gerritsen back in the day point it and then you just got to wait and and you're
02:53at gravity's mercy or you try to turn and slow down in the snow on that skiers
02:56left side is grabby it's thick and it's dense and it's not able to get the speed
03:01back under control with that turn so Lana Kohler going down big dock on
03:05control but her skis didn't come up so she will be at least one ahead of Lily
03:08Bradley from that with the rest of the ski women's field still up top all right
03:15well the judges would have had their say and the score for Lana Kohler of 48 3 3
03:20so she will take on