• 2 days ago


00:00Title is off, but she still feels the pressure of wanting to deliver her best performance on this face
00:06That's what drives these riders. It's what fuels the fire that gives them the the ability to do these superhuman things
00:14And Noemi Aki, the Freeride World Tour champion is on the back
00:18You can tell why she's champion already. Look at the pace that she had coming out of the start gate, moving so quickly
00:25She's the rider that she can really move side to side on her board
00:29She's so strong making big sweeping turns like we've just seen
00:34Full commitment in this really steep part of the venue
00:37This has been one of the hallmarks of Noemi's riding all season long just the intensity that she goes out of the gate with
00:43She keeps it moving. She keeps the pace going going off the nose of that feature getting control immediately with the heel side edge
00:50She has the big mountain chops. She comes from the freestyle background. She was on the French slope style team
00:56So we've seen her delivering 360s across the season and Noemi Aki now proving the big mountain chops that she has
01:03Riding out of Val Thorens, France and really I mean this this view
01:09Below her it really tells the story of how intense this face is. It's so steep
01:14It's so committing and again, it's all about speed control here
01:17You got to make your way through these features around these like really
01:21Sharp rocks and be able to control that speed stay right on top of your board stay super square
01:26so Noemi following the tracks that we saw from Anna Martinez earlier and
01:31Making her way still down a little bit of a pause there control is everything up on this face
01:36She's been riding for a while, but she's still so high on the mountain and there's so much exposure below her
01:42So keeping things in check is absolutely critical and Noemi doing a masterful job of that so far
01:47We can see her making her way down. There's this big looming double below her
01:53As she lines up popping one full release to the fall line
01:58Noemi Aki holds it. That was so committed. The judges said they want a commitment
02:03Noemi just gave it to them on a platter full speed full throttle approach
02:09She had to line it up perfectly to have the trajectory and then executed it like a world champion
02:15Exactly, you know, you saw her speaking to Geraldine this morning, and I don't know if
02:19Which icon was more impressed with which other icon we saw that with Lily and in
02:25Fever Broon with Nadine and you could see it now just the generations and how the women have just taken what has been done before them
02:31And then amplified it
02:36Well relief there from Noemi Aki as we look back here Hadley at this replay again
02:43The fastest one out of the start gate
02:45She goes full commitment and then setting up for this double. Oh, no, this is the top
02:52Just a single a bunch of exposure and here is that double full gas
02:57She didn't waver her board at all out of the fall line
03:01And you could see there in her bomb hole of the second drop on the double just rock
03:08Exposed pressed her tail over it. No problem
03:11The snowpack is a bit well a quite a bit thinner than in other years so exposing rock
03:16They're landing next to Nuria's bomb hole with which also
03:20Exposed rock and you can see it there
03:21But no problem for Noemi Aki, but Kayla Davis me and sitting in the hot seat loving it these riders
03:28They want to see each other be successful. Of course, they want to win. They want to stand on that top step
03:33Especially here more than ever, but they also want to see the other riders deliver and then we just leave it with the judges
03:42We have the easy job everyone else has the hard job here comes the score coming in for the current champ
03:5089.67 so backing up her world title with a win
