• 2 months ago


00:00to the top and another wild card Ross Tester last year off for the freeride world tour
00:05Ross out of Tahoe had a season of coaching under his belt and now back in the start gate huge
00:11backflip to the start great great control as he shuts it down in that snow and I think he'll
00:17quickly be lining himself up for another transfer huge 360 beautiful skiing I mean he's got the
00:25whole package big tricks great technical riding yes such a strong skier Ross Tester continuing
00:33you can see it in his turns just how comfortably he he moves his skis his technique absolutely
00:38precise and another rider into a tuck they are trying to carry every ounce of speed they can
00:44to get up and over this rise and get above that rock band way out to the rider's right
00:49looks more like a racetrack now there's not a single turn track left in the snow this is what
00:54they're trying to get up and over and Ross successful using his edges using his skills
01:00to get up and over and now on to the lower middle section of this face so technical in here
01:06airing into the chute going out of sight we're going to see in a second he has stuck it
01:11so Ross picking up speed now into the wind lip oh just enormous this man travels with hot sauce
01:19both for his food but it looks like for his skiing as well clipping off that final feature
01:28and one more little hopper tails down and Ross Tester with a blazing run that was
01:35electric from top to bottom just really such a nice skier to watch
01:41yeah I think the foundation of that is this super solid technique Ross's technical
01:46skis second to none as we go back up to the top headline
01:50look at him just set himself perfectly for that enormous backflip
01:57that's some great control and steep steep terrain nice little ramp built up there and
02:02then this transfer 360 getting the grab so stylish styling it out Ross Tester everything
02:10he does looks good so clean you can see him push the legs apart to slow the rotation down
02:15at the end and then Ross Tester was not done this is the one we missed the angle of a huge air into
02:22the couloir and then he wasn't done taking all the speed into that again spread out slow rotation
02:29perfect landing he found the exact right transition on that air he's been back coaching juniors and
02:36he said he really found his love of skiing again and I think you see that in his line
02:40choice and just the way he skis you feel the fun that he's having
02:46hey mom my dad Tahoe friends Utah friends thank you for watching well thank you for
02:55skiing Ross because that was electric at 92.67 thank you brother he just said what no way
03:04loving it there for Ross Tester so
