• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Questo accordo è importante perché l'attività didattica deve” incontrare “la pratica. La medicina e l'odontoiatria devono nutrirsi di questo rapporto”, gli odontoiatri del terzo millennio, oltre alla teoria, devono “acquisire le capacità tecniche, esperienziali che possono essere attinte solo da strutture ospedaliere che svolgono questa attività quotidianamente”. Lo ha detto Domenico Scopelliti, direttore Unità organizzativa complessa di Chirurgia maxillo-facciale, Ospedale San Filippo Neri di Roma, alla presentazione del patto triennale, tra l’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma e l’Asl Roma 1, per la formazione professionale odontoiatrica degli studenti dell’ateneo.


00:00The didactic activity must find a moment of practical activity, in which obviously medicine and dentistry must feed on this relationship, which is not only a theory, but above all it must acquire these technical and experiential skills,
00:24not only from hospital structures that carry out this activity on a daily basis.
00:31It is an opportunity that has come to be realized between the Università Campus Biomedico and our company, ASL Roma1.
00:41In particular, I represent facial maxillofacial surgery and even more so, in particular, a singular activity that takes place among us, which is the surgery of facial malformations.
00:53We have carried out, in collaboration with the Lazio region and ASL Roma1, already in 2017, a Smile House, which deals with following children from prenatal diagnosis to the end of development, affected by the birth of facial malformations.
01:09The orthodontic activity that takes place is complementary to the multidisciplinary path that is offered to children born with facial malformations.
01:18It is a path that obviously intercepts orthodontic orthodontic needs during the early years, from birth, with dentofacial orthopedics, which will have to follow until the end of development.
01:31So it is a continuous interrelation between facial maxillofacial surgery and other disciplines, especially orthodontics, where various specialists have to coordinate to follow the child until the end of development, because the final goal is social integration.
