• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "L’accordo tra la Asl Roma 1 e Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma sulla formazione, i tirocini e l’orientamento rappresenta una concreta opportunità per creare un esempio di ecosistema virtuoso, una forte connessione tra pubblico e privato” Così Giuseppe Quintavalle, direttore generale Asl Roma 1, durante la presentazione dell’accordo triennale tra l’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma e la Asl Roma 1, presso l’Auditorium Cu.Bo. dell’Ateneo capitolino.


00:00Let's start from the assumption that we, I have already collaborated with the Campus Foundation,
00:10so I am really at ease in these three years that we have signed.
00:16And the novelty for us is that we will bring young people and we will guide them in an intergenerational exchange
00:25to build the odontology of the future because we need it.
00:29And in this case, we will not only do orientation and training,
00:33but they will have the opportunity through our tutors to perform evaluative practical surgeries,
00:40therefore technically competent.
00:42This means that they will put their hands on the patients,
00:46they will be evaluated and they will also be measured based on their skills.
00:50This is the novelty.
00:52Secondly, let's say that these three years start in this way,
00:57but then during the three years we will evaluate together with Professor Rossi and the whole Faculty
01:02what can be best applied.
01:07It is also considered that at San Filippo we have the Smile Foundation,
01:11therefore odontology, odontology surgery and maxillofacial surgery can also make giant steps together,
01:18together with otolaryngology.
01:20The synergies between ASLs and universities are fundamental.
01:24I have been working for many years as head of various ASLs,
01:28both in territories far from the city and in cities,
01:32and the first thing we have to do is the commitments.
01:36So ASL makes a commitment to the product,
01:39but it also makes a commitment to research and people to train,
01:45so that through their training they can become structured and stable within the ASLs.
01:50Well, I have to thank the Lazio region for choosing me.
01:54It was two years of commissioning,
01:56but I am really proud to be head of Roma 1 and I hope to do a good job.
02:03This year there is the Jubilee Challenge.
02:05We inaugurated the two ambulances on December 24th,
02:09so this is the first challenge.
02:13Of course, the other challenge is the reorganization of the territory through the corporate act,
02:19a corporate act that should arrive in a few days,
02:22and so we will start to review everything that is the transformation
02:26through the operational centers of the territory,
02:29the community hospitals,
02:31that is, how to make our services better for the user
02:37and how to take care of our patients.
