• 18 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - La serie ExpertBook P di Asus ridefinisce il concetto di laptop professionale attraverso l'integrazione di tecnologie di ultima generazione, come l'intelligenza artificiale (AI) e i nuovi processori Intel Core Ultra. I modelli P1, P3 e P5 offrono soluzioni adattabili a diverse esigenze professionali, dalla routine giornaliera alle richieste dei top manager. Avanzate funzionalità AI rivoluzionano le riunioni virtuali e l'automazione di sistema, grazie a strumenti come AI ExpertMeet e ExpertPanel. In termini di sicurezza, la serie stabilisce nuovi standard, estendendo la protezione dal BIOS fino a complesse soluzioni software, inclusa una collaborazione con McAfee per l'integrazione di un rilevatore di deepfake basato su AI, garantendo una difesa superiore contro le minacce digitali. ASUS, con la serie ExpertBook P, fornisce strumenti per un'efficienza lavorativa in costante evoluzione.


00:00The pandemic has been a crucial moment for the laptop sector, pushing the market to exponential growth, with an estimated 70% increase between 2019 and 2020.
00:20This expansion has involved both the consumer sector and the corporate sector, identifying a radical change in technological requirements and work models.
00:29With the introduction of smart working during the lockdown, working habits have undergone a significant transformation.
00:37This has certainly changed the requirements for laptops, for example, looking for more and more resistant products, but at the same time light, transportable, which also guaranteed energy efficiency during the battery, while at the same time allowing remote assistance.
00:58The adoption of artificial intelligence has begun to play a fundamental role, improving efficiency and productivity in companies.
01:06Despite the fact that only a small number of companies have already implemented AI solutions, according to an ASUS research, the perceived potential is high, with expectations of a positive or significant impact from these technologies.
01:20ASUS has developed AI Expert Meet, a software that operates locally, without the need for internet connection or external cloud archiving, ensuring that data remains on the device, increasing security and performance.
01:37The ability of this tool is to be able to record a conference call and therefore automatically have a summary of what the conference was, to translate immediately during a presentation of a video from an English video to Italian, French, German, Spanish, so that the user can better understand what he has seen.
02:05In response to the challenges of a continuously evolving market, also for the impact of artificial intelligence, ASUS has accelerated the introduction of new technologies, ensuring that the most innovative devices are quickly available on the market.
02:20The commitment to sustainability is highlighted by the adoption of green certifications.
02:26We offer products only equipped with all the green certifications for energy savings and of course also for the recycling of materials, both in terms of product and also in terms of boxes, where the box is completely made of cardboard until it reaches the handle in cardboard.
02:41The ASUS Expert Book P series, with its certified military-grade robustness, also guarantees superior resistance to daily stress.
02:52Thanks to a network of certified partners that covers the entire Italian and European territory, we can, for example, provide the Next Business Day repair and warranty service covering all of Europe.
03:05Another very important thing is that we provide directly, as ASUS, a service that protects the product from accidental damage up to 5 years, putting the end user in absolute safety when using the device.
