• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "L'accordo con l'Asl Roma 1 è fondamentale per la nostra Università proprio perché odontoiatria è un corso di laurea abilitante, quindi è importante la preparazione pratica dei ragazzi e il lavoro in team.” Queste le parole di Andrea Rossi, amministratore delegato e direttore generale Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, alla presentazione dell’accordo triennale tra Asl Roma1 e l’Ateneo della capitale per la formazione, i tirocini e l’orientamento degli studenti nelle strutture pubbliche dell’Azienda sanitaria romana.


00:00The agreement with ASN Roma 1 is a fundamental agreement for our university,
00:08precisely because, as we have said today on various occasions, this is an enabling degree course,
00:15so the practical preparation of the students is fundamental, and in the practical preparation
00:21there are obviously many components, also the whole part of soft skills, which today is fundamental,
00:27so this course was essential to do it with a quality structure, and ASN Roma 1 is,
00:33especially in the pediatric field, with the presidiums that historically exist,
00:38which are known and which are valid from this point of view,
00:43so this collaboration is certainly fundamental.
00:46The other very beautiful and important element, as it is always at the heart of our university,
00:52is the whole issue of human training, empathy, humanization of care and patient relationship.
00:58The fact that ASN Roma 1 has this important agreement with the Smilehouse Foundation
01:05is fundamental to be able to make our students also have a service experience for others,
01:11which certainly shapes the person, and in this, also certainly,
01:16our collaboration with the Association Scopriamo l'Autismo
01:21to treat children in the autistic spectrum,
01:24can be a fundamental element of service to others and of training of our students.
01:31So, this agreement is fundamental, two structures, certainly of excellence,
01:37which together join for a service to young people and students.
01:42In addition, we can also provide the technologies, which are a fundamental component today,
01:48our Simulation Center, our Saratoga simulators,
01:52to create that recipe that we hope can give the expected training.
