Salute: Cairo (Sidp), ‘con le istituzioni per migliorare gestione della parodontite’

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il ruolo della società scientifica è molto solido e nobile: portare all'attenzione di tutti l'impatto della parodontite, causa fondamentale non solo nell'edentulismo, quindi nella caduta dei denti, ma anche una concausa sostanziale di gravi malattie sistemiche come le patologie cardiovascolari, il diabete o alcune malattie reumatologiche. Come società scientifica possiamo fornire a colleghi e a pazienti strumenti per migliorare lo scenario in questione”, e “il confronto con le istituzioni è fondamentale”. Lo ha detto Francesco Cairo, professore di Parodontologia presso l'Università di Firenze e presidente della Società italiana di parodontologia e implantologia (Sidp), all’Adnkronos Salute, nel corso della Giornata nazionale della parodontite.


00:00What is the role of the National Paradontic Day?
00:04We believe that the National Paradontic Day is fundamental
00:09at the level of dissemination and knowledge,
00:12and that it is essentially at two levels.
00:14The comparison with colleagues,
00:16so the doctors who deal, like many others,
00:19with diagnosing and treating paradontics,
00:23and then at the other level, which is communication with patients.
00:26According to us, a scientific society must provide its colleagues
00:30with the structural and scientific elements
00:33to implement prevention, to improve diagnosis,
00:37to make therapy more fluid.
00:39But at the same time, it must be supportive
00:42through communication also to citizens.
00:45So, for example, provide tangible elements
00:48so that a person can recognize in the mirror,
00:51for example, the importance of the bleeding of the gums
00:54or of a tooth that moves, of a gum that changes shape.
00:57And that these elements are an alarm clock
01:00for our patients who can go to the dentist
01:03and ask for a visit of the gums, a paradontal visit.
01:06These elements, according to us, are protagonists today,
01:09in the sense that they will probably allow us
01:12to facilitate early diagnosis,
01:15for example, of very serious paradontal diseases,
01:18which, if treated on time, can be treated brilliantly,
01:22with great clinical effects,
01:25with extraordinary effects in the long term
01:28and low costs for patients.
01:31So the role that scientific society has in this context
01:34is, in our opinion, very solid and noble.
01:37And it is to bring to the center of everyone's attention today,
01:41on this day, the impact of paradontics,
01:44which is a fundamental cause not in dentistry,
01:49therefore in the fall of teeth,
01:52but also a substantial cause of serious systemic diseases,
01:56such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes,
01:59or some rheumatological diseases.
02:02So it is essential that today we can discuss paradontics
02:06as an emergency and we, as a scientific society,
02:09can provide colleagues and patients with tools
02:12to improve the scenario in question.
