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(Adnkronos) - "La sostenibilità è un tema di grande interesse per la nostra società scientifica. Per quanto riguarda l’aspetto economico, combattiamo ogni giorno contro la medicina difensiva che costa al Sistema sanitario nazionale svariati miliardi di euro e che impedisce ai cittadini di fare un esame quando serve davvero ai fini diagnostici”. Lo ha detto ai microfoni dell’Adnkronos Salute Luca Brunese, presidente eletto della Società italiana di radiologia medica e interventistica (Sirm), intervistato a valle a margine del convegno 'Sostenibilità in radiologia: ricerca, innovazione e responsabilità', promosso a Roma da Sirm.


00:00Sustainability is a topic of great interest in our scientific society, because many times,
00:10many events, many discussions and debates, there are various aspects, those that concern
00:15not only the energy aspect, but also the economic aspect.
00:18We fight every day with disincentive medicine, which is an estimated cost of several thousand
00:23euros, and it is something that deprives citizens of the possibility of taking the exam, when
00:27the end diagnosis is really needed for that exam.
00:30The reasoning that must always be made for what concerns the validity of equipment
00:35is that the technological improvement, that is, the five years that are set for the replacement
00:39of equipment, actually means many things.
00:42It does not mean that until yesterday diagnosis was not done, and today it is done.
00:46Think of different aspects, such as the reduction of the dose of radiation in the TC exams,
00:51or the acceleration of the exam, reduction of the time, for example, of the magnetic
00:55resonance, which becomes much more sustainable for the patient who manages to take the exam,
01:00otherwise difficult for him.
01:02In our sector, then, artificial intelligence means many things, because it means optimizing,
01:08and therefore also optimizing the work program, trying to manage waiting lists through
01:13artificial intelligence, today it is a very popular topic.
01:16And this helps a lot, because in reality you can occupy spaces that are otherwise
01:21With regard to artificial intelligence, it always seems that we say that a diagnosis
01:25is an automatic diagnosis of the exam.
01:27It is not like that.
01:28However, for example, prospective studies that can help us establish the correct
01:32prognosis of a patient, this is something that we will see in just a few years.
