• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Fino a qualche anno fa avevamo tre grandi pilastri per il trattamento del cancro: la chirurgia, la radioterapia e la chemioterapia. Oggi c'è anche la radiologia interventistica”. Lo ha detto Gianpaolo Carrafiello, presidente del 51° Congresso Nazionale Sirm - Società italiana di radiologia medica e interventistica, intervenendo sul ruolo del radiologo in oncologia, nel corso della terza giornata dell’evento che raduna 8mila specialisti al Mico di Milano.


00:00Until a few years ago, we had three main pillars for the treatment of cancer.
00:08Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
00:12Today there is also interventional radiology.
00:14How does it change?
00:15We have many ablation systems, that is, devices that allow,
00:20let's say, to ablate the tumor, to burn the tumor.
00:24This can be done with both heat and cold.
00:26We call it creablation or, for example, treatments with microwaves.
00:29But we also have non-thermal ablative treatments,
00:32which have the advantage of destroying only the tumor cells
00:36and not everything around them.
00:38So a very targeted therapy, very focused,
00:41which certainly avoids major complications
00:45and allows us to obtain results that today, in many areas,
00:50are superimposable to surgery itself.
00:53In particular, I am referring to the treatments of hepatic tumors,
00:56to the treatments of lung tumors, to the treatments of kidney tumors,
01:00to the treatments of pancreas tumors.
01:02Today, our therapies should not only be seen as isolated therapies,
01:06but within a patient's path, within a multidisciplinary assessment.
01:11But, moreover, our therapies also allow a boost to chemotherapy.
01:17So they not only have an elusive action against the tumor cell,
01:21but they also favor a better action of chemotherapy
01:24and immunotherapy in particular.
01:26We will probably bring our treatments to the people who need them
01:33and who need these treatments,
01:35and we will have more and more sharing with our clinical colleagues
01:38so that our therapies can be of help to the patients who need them.
01:42Today, as you well know, the patient is very informed.
01:45When he comes to us, he already knows many things.
01:48He is not only young, because even the youngest patient
01:51today is used to going to the Internet
01:55to consider other types of treatment.
01:58So the patient is already informed,
02:01but it is our duty and our ethics to inform him even better
02:05to make him understand the advantages and disadvantages of the procedures.
