• 2 months ago
"This sign of a weak and cowardly servant who leaves the field and runs away." Governor Faisal Karim
00:00Yesterday, we took an important interview of CM Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Ali Amin Gandapur
00:05and he himself told us a very important thing, that the army chief comes to Peshawar to talk
00:11to the political supporters and two important portfolios of officials, i.e. Ali Amin Gandapur
00:18and Faisal Karim Kundi, who is the governor of that province, have an argument and it
00:23goes to such an extent that the CM gets up and leaves, that I will not sit during your
00:28interview, and then he comes back. To know this other side of the story, we have given
00:32the trouble to Governor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Faisal Karim Kundi is with us.
00:37You can quickly see what words Ali Amin Gandapur said yesterday. Faisal Karim Kundi said that
00:43you say that our province did not even get a rupee in the NFC, which was to be added
00:47in the war against terrorism. See, this is the answer to the question. The National Assembly
00:51has given the answer, written by your government, that we should get 500 billion rupees. You
00:54say that we did not even get a rupee. The discussion started on this. See what the matter is.
00:57There is a governor of a province. He has come on the list. There is a party, which
01:01has a total of two or three MPs of Farm 47, and a governor of that party has come to
01:07Mandarban. He has come sitting in his province, in the car of that province. So, there is
01:11a limit to sabotage. But he is supporting his argument with facts. That's it. Or he
01:15is saying wrong. This fact that he is telling, there are two things in this fact. One money
01:21was yours, which you had to give, in which you were of infrastructure and development.
01:25Right. One was 1% against war and terror. We did not get 240 billion rupees on that.
01:31And he is saying that he has got 500 billion rupees, and he is using the word 1% of war
01:35and terror. So, when I started talking to him, I said, see, correct your statement.
01:41This is not like this. I have already debated this. Your figures are not right. He says
01:47that I am talking. I said, if you talk like this, then I am sitting here and representing
01:51the province. So, I will definitely correct it in this meeting, because this also becomes
01:55a part of the record. So, there is a little bit on that, that you cannot speak on my
01:59point. So, I said, okay, I don't even have the desire to listen to your nonsense here.
02:03So, I got up and left. I said, when you finish this, then let me know.
02:07So, this whole matter was like this, Governor Sir, yesterday, that is, the day before yesterday?
02:13Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Governor Sir, I heard your clip, and the thing is that when
02:21a person lies, then what can I say? When I told him that everywhere, I spoke in the
02:27meeting, that everywhere, the army does not want to work, that there is an earthquake,
02:31and there is rain, and there are polio drops, and everything is there, and the army does
02:35not want to do it in this province. So, what is the province government doing? The province
02:39government has no responsibility. Then we say, why is the army interfering in our work?
02:43When you can't do anything yourself, you are so useless and useless, that you do something.
02:47That is why I said, why didn't you upgrade the police? If you have received 500 rupees,
02:51there is an answer to something in the parliament, which you have been able to eat, you have
02:55kept an eye on your luxuries, you have kept an eye on your pain, then you should agree.
02:59If you did not get it, then you should sit and argue. This is the sign of a weak person
03:03and the sign of a cowardly person who leaves the field and runs away. They have always
03:07had the habit of running away from the field. So, they went to the meeting. It's been
03:11a long time, so he didn't even smoke a cigarette. He has a habit of smoking a lot of cigarettes.
03:15And you know that we will meet. So, they had to do that.
03:19But they are saying that…
03:23No, I heard that he went to smoke a cigarette.
03:25No, he said it himself.
03:26He went to smoke a cigarette. He didn't say anything else.
03:28No, he said it himself that he went to smoke a cigarette.
03:30So, he is helpless.
03:31But they are saying in detail that…
03:33He had informed you that it was not the time for prayer.
03:37Now, what is the right of every person in this?
03:42The right was that the chairman of his party also argued. The chairman of his party was
03:46sitting. Why was he sitting quietly? See, there is something. If you cannot defend
03:50something, then you have to run away. You are doing one thing. If you have met the
03:54volunteers, if you have met the police for the operation, if you have met the police
03:58for the support, if you have eaten that money, because here they have no other work
04:02than corruption.
04:03But sir, they are saying that they were talking about an additional Rs. 240 billion
04:07which they did not get. What is the answer to this? Tell us.
04:10Those who have met, what have they done to those who have met? First, tell us that.
04:14Those who have met will not get Rs. 240 billion. What have they done to those who have met?
04:17First, answer that. Those who have been eaten…
04:19This is a very open question. I am sitting in front of you.
04:22Today, if I say that the Sindh government has received Rs. 15,000 billion in the
04:27last 15 years, where has it gone? Tell us. This is an open question.
04:31Absolutely. It is a question. But when a person says that he has not received it,
04:35then he will have to answer that the government of loyalty has given you money,
04:38you have eaten it, or you have done corruption, because the police have not received it.
04:42You have come to war and terror. It is not for that that you should enjoy yourself,
04:45or use it for protests, or be eaten. You have not received it for this.
04:49You have received it so that you can upgrade the police of the province,
04:52spend on security forces. You have received money for this.
04:55The second thing is that you do not take care of your district.
04:58You see, from 2013 to today, in 2013, they had a complete plan.
05:02These scoundrels and scoundrels have destroyed this province.
05:05Today, look at the situation of this province.
05:07A person who cannot control his district, then look at the situation of the southern district.
05:11Today, you tell me, how will they support you?
05:14In the morning assembly, if there are articles against the army,
05:18if there are false statements against the army, if there are speeches,
05:23you expect them to come and fight with you in war and terror.
05:27These things they had to do, I have done them.
05:30The APC's job was that it was the job of the provincial government,
05:32to take the political parties on board.
05:34Till today, they have not taken the political parties on board,
05:36that what we have to do in the morning, what not to do.
05:38Let's not call the party, let's call our united parties, or the rest of the political parties.
05:42When their problems come, then they beg,
05:47when their Pashtoon ji was begging and calling everyone,
05:49their feet were falling, they were saying,
05:51come with us, get us out of these problems.
05:53We did not do politics.
05:55We went to them for the peace of the province.
