• 2 months ago
"Negotiations and dialogue should continue, and I believe that..." Irshad Bhatti
00:00The first thing is that the negotiations should continue.
00:02The talks should continue.
00:04And will they continue?
00:06Yes, I think they will continue.
00:08There should be patience on both sides.
00:10I have already said about Pakistan Tariq-e-Insaaf,
00:12that a good positive response is that
00:14on 26th November, it was a tense situation.
00:16Immediately after that,
00:18Imran Khan said, let's have negotiations.
00:20And these are thieves, these are robbers,
00:22we don't want to talk to them,
00:24we want to talk to the powerful,
00:26let's step back from them.
00:28He created a Negotiating Committee.
00:30And then Imran Khan clearly said,
00:32let's step back from the deal,
00:34the deal of NRO.
00:36He said, leave me alone.
00:38Whether Trump comes,
00:40or there are negotiations,
00:42I have to take leave from the courts.
00:44This is what Imran Khan is saying again and again.
00:46And I don't want to beg,
00:48we want to have negotiations.
00:50The third thing is that
00:52the negotiations should continue.
00:54I was just thinking,
00:56when Ashish's Panama Leaks came out,
00:58before going to the Supreme Court,
01:00there were 8 months of TORZ
01:02in the Parliament.
01:04So this is a long game.
01:06If this is so long,
01:08then you will also ask for timelines
01:10for the commission.
01:12And the second thing is that
01:14there is no commission report in this country.
01:16Make another commission.
01:18From the Hammud Armaan Commission
01:20to the Abbottabad Commission,
01:22and from the Hammud Armaan Commission
01:24I am sure that
01:26even if there is a commission,
01:28the PTI will not say,
01:30when the decision is made.
01:32They will say, in the TORZ of the commission,
01:34or in the SOPs,
01:36that in the next 90 days,
01:38or in the next 120 days,
01:40the decision has to be made.
01:42Do you know where the deadline is?
01:44The deadline is to decide
01:46who will be the head of the commission.
01:48Because they are their own judges.
01:50And if it takes a lot of time,
01:52then who can be the judge?
01:54You give the names of your own judges.
01:56I think you should have a basic principle.
02:00There can be two things.
02:02You can agree on three or four judges.
02:04Or you can pick up the most senior judges.
02:08Pick them up.
02:10Pick them up.
02:12Pick them up.
02:14This is the trend of today.
02:16Meaning Mansoor Al-Nishasa,
02:18Meaning Gul Bakhtar.
