• 2 months ago
PT Siloam Internasional Hospitals Tbk (SILO) berencana mencaplok aset rumah sakit First REIT di Indonesia.

Rencana tersebut sudah disampaikan SILO kepada First REIT Management Limited dalam kapasitasnya sebagai manajer dari First Real Estate Investment Trust melalui nota kesepahaman awal yang tidak mengikat (LOI) pada 13 Januari 2025.


00:00We go to PT Silom, International Hospitals TBK, Emitan Berkode, Silom husband, planning to split the assets of First Raid Hospital in Indonesia.
00:13The plan has been announced by Silom to First Raid Management Limited in its capacity as a manager of First Raid Asset Investment Trust through initial agreement, which did not bind on January 13, 2025.
00:31PT Silom, International Hospitals TBK, Emitan Berkode, Silom husband, planning to split the assets of First Raid Hospital in Indonesia.
00:39The plan has been announced by Silom to First Raid Management Limited in its capacity as a manager of First Raid Asset Investment Trust through initial agreement, which did not bind on January 13, 2025.
00:55Silom Management, in connection with the BAI formation, stated that in connection with the plan to split the assets of First Raid Hospital in Indonesia, the LOI has been accepted and confirmed by the manager on January 13, 2025.
01:13Moreover, Silom is the owner and operator of the portfolio of First Raid Hospital Assets in Indonesia.
01:20The action of the corporation is in line with the plan to expand the business and revenue strategy.
01:26Management ensures that the plan to split the assets of First Raid Hospital in Indonesia remains in line with the agreement on the finalization of the definitive transaction document, which will fall under commercial negotiations and conditions.
01:40Before the finalization of the agreement between the parties, the transaction plan will be implemented by observing all the rules of the law.
