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PT Sejahteraraya Anugrahjaya Tbk (SRAJ) akan kedatangan investor strategis baru asal AS, Bain Capital. Untuk memfasilitasi hal itu, pengelola Mayapada Hospital tersebut melakukan private placement.

Corporate Secretary SRAJ, Arie Farisandi mengatakan, perseroan akan menerbitkan sekitar 238,25 juta saham baru atau sekitar 1,95 persen dari total saham. Setelah aksi korporasi itu, jumlah modal ditempatkan dan disetor perseroan meningkat menjadi 12,24 miliar saham atau setara Rp1,22 triliun.


00:00We will give you more information where PT Sejahtera Raya Anugrah Jaya TBK.
00:10We will give you more information where PT Sejahtera Raya Anugrah Jaya TBK.
00:15And to facilitate that, the management at the hospital will do a private placement.
00:21We will give you more information where PT Sejahtera Raya Anugrah Jaya TBK.
00:27And to facilitate that, the management at the hospital will do a private placement.
00:35PT Sejahtera Raya Anugrah Jaya TBK emits a share of SRAJ,
00:39a new strategic investor from the United States, Bain Capital.
00:43And to facilitate that, the management at the hospital will do a private placement.
00:49SRAJ Corporate Secretary Ari Farisandi said,
00:53the share will be around 238.25 million new shares or around 1.95% of the total shares.
01:03After the action of the corporation, the amount of capital allocated and distributed by the shareholders
01:07increased to 12.24 billion shares or around 1.22 trillion rupiah.
01:12All the new shares will be taken by BCSS Maverick ALP
01:18which is not affiliated with the shareholders.
01:23The shareholders will receive around 524.16 billion rupiah from the private placement
01:28with an assumption of a price settlement of 2,200 rupiah per share.
01:34The money will be used to pay SRAJ debt to the shareholder of PT Surya Cipta Inti Cemerlang or SCIC.
01:42Based on the timeline created,
01:44the allocation and distribution of new shares will be done on February 20
01:48and will be recorded in the Indonesian Stock Exchange on February 21.
01:53The allocation of new shares has been approved in the General Meeting of Independent Shareholders
01:57on August 21, 2024.
02:00This step is part of the allocation plan of 1.2 billion new shares through private placement.
02:06In addition to entering through the scheme of new share allocation,
02:09Bain Capital will also enter the hospital through a loan letter.
02:13Both parties have signed an agreement on the issuance of a loan letter
02:17denominated USD worth USD 157 million at the end of November 2024.
02:24From the total share of this corporation,
02:26SRAJ is estimated to collect funds up to 2.74 trillion rupiah.
02:31In addition to paying debts,
02:32the money will be used to develop the Perserwan Hospital,
02:35one of which is to build the Apollo Batam International Hospital.
02:43Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
