• last year
Emiten perhotelan, PT Eastparc Hotel Tbk (EAST) akan menebar dividen tunai interim senilai Rp6,18 miliar atau Rp1,5 per saham.

Dividen akan mengalir kepada pemegang 4,12 miliar saham yang beredar. Adapun porsi publik atau masyarakat mencapai 1,15 miliar atau 28,00% dari total saham yang dikeluarkan perusahaan.


00:00 The emittance of PT East Park Hotel TBK will increase the interim cash dividend to 6.18 billion or 1.5 rupiah per share.
00:10 Where the shareholder is the public or the community reaches 1.15 billion or 28% of the total share issued by the company.
00:23 PT East Park Hotel TBK or East will increase the interim cash dividend to 6.18 billion or 1.5 rupiah per share.
00:32 The dividend will flow to the holder of 4.12 billion shares.
00:38 Where the public or the community reaches 1.15 billion or 28% of the total share issued by the company.
00:48 The dividend comes from East's clean bank in Q1 2024 which reached 6.84 billion rupiah with the remaining bank balance of 19.48 billion rupiah.
00:59 Based on the information released, East is still holding a capital or equity worth 469.01 billion rupiah per March 2024.
01:10 The decision to divide the dividend is a policy of the board that has received the approval of the committee on May 21, 2024.
01:19 Investors who are entitled to the interim dividend are the shareholders, which was recorded the latest on June 6, 2024.
01:27 Tim Liputan, IDX Channel
01:29 [Music]
