PT Matahari Department Store Tbk (LPPF) menyiapkan sejumlah aksi korporasi dalam waktu dekat. Salah satunya pembagian dividen jumbo kepada para pemegang saham.
Dalam materi earnings call yang disampaikan Jumat (7/3/2025), manajemen LPPF mengusulkan dividen hingga Rp300 per saham. Dividen tersebut setara 81,7 persen dari laba bersih 2024 yang sebesar Rp366 per saham.
Dalam materi earnings call yang disampaikan Jumat (7/3/2025), manajemen LPPF mengusulkan dividen hingga Rp300 per saham. Dividen tersebut setara 81,7 persen dari laba bersih 2024 yang sebesar Rp366 per saham.
00:00PTMatahari Department Store, TBK, emits the LPPF shares with a dividend of 300 rupiahs per share from Laba Bersih Preserwan in 2024.
00:16The profit is delivered to the LPPF management in an earnings call on March 12, 2025.
00:24PTMatahari Department Store, TBK, emits the LPPF shares with a dividend of 300 rupiahs per share from Laba Bersih Preserwan in 2024.
00:37The profit is delivered to the LPPF management in an earnings call on March 12, 2025.
00:45As is known, the LPPF dividends attributed to the owner of Induk or Laba Bersih is 827.6 billion rupiahs.
00:53In 2024, it increased from the same period as the previous year to 675.3 billion rupiahs.
01:00Thus, the LPPF share price is 366 rupiahs in 2024 or up from 298 rupiahs per share at the end of 2023.
01:11If calculated, the LPPF dividend profit is as large as 300 rupiahs per share with a ratio of 81.96%.
01:20The LPPF dividend value for the year 2024 is as large as 678.3 billion rupiahs.
01:29Historically, the LPPF shares the final dividend of the year 2022 as large as 1.18 trillion rupiahs or 525 rupiahs per share on April 17, 2023.
01:41Next, the LPPF final dividend for the year 2023 is recorded as large as 451.86 billion rupiahs or 200 rupiahs per share which was shared on April 29, 2024.
01:54Previously, the Vice President Director of Matahari Department Store, Monish Mansukhani said,
01:59although the consumer consumption of the middle class is slowing down, the LPPF will continue to record earnings in 2024.
02:05In order to perfect the strategy for 2025, the investment continues to prioritize the fundamental economy of the company
02:12and perfect products to ensure sustainable growth.
02:16In 2025, the investment remains committed to carrying out an adaptive strategic initiative to face uncertain economic conditions.