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PT Daya Intiguna Yasa Tbk (MDIY) resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada Kamis, 18 Desember 2024. Listing perdana MDIY sekaligus menandai gelaran IPO terakhir sepanjang tahun ini.

Dalam penawaran umum perdana saham atau Intial Public Offering (IPO) ini, perseroan menawarkan sebanyak 2,51 miliar saham, yang terdiri 2,26 miliar saham milik Azara Alpina Sdn Bhd yang mewakili 9 persen.


00:05Thank you again with Papir, a company that sells home appliances and accessories.
00:10Mr. DIY, also known as MDI, will host an IPO in Indonesian Effects today.
00:16Mr. DIY is known for the initial public offering price, or IPO, of IDR 1,650 per share.
00:25Thus, Perseron has raised IDR 4,150,000,000,000 through this offering.
00:38MDI, Mr. DIY's managing partner,
00:43has received a total of 1,04 times more than requested,
00:48aka over-subscribed, in the general public offering price.
00:55MDI is known for the initial public offering price of IDR 1,650 per share.
01:01Thus, Perseron has raised IDR 4,150,000,000,000 through this offering.
01:09All proceeds after reducing the cost of emissions will be used by Perseron for three purposes.
01:15First, about 60% will be used to pay some of the debt to PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk.
01:24Second, about 30% of the IPO funds will be used by Perseron's employees
01:29to open a new shop based on the cost of the rental deposit,
01:34renovation, maintenance, and shop equipment.
01:40Third, about 10% of the IPO funds will be used by companies for operational work models,
01:47such as purchasing supplies, logistics costs, and so on.
01:53MDI, Mr. DIY's managing partner,
