Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) menerbitkan kebijakan Pelaksanaan Pembelian Kembali Saham yang Dikeluarkan oleh Perusahaan Terbuka dalam Kondisi Pasar yang Berfluktuasi Secara Signifikan atau buyback saham tanpa melalui Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS).
Kebijakan ini dikeluarkan dengan pertimbangan perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) sejak 19 September 2024 yang mengalami tekanan dengan indikasi penurunan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) per 18 Maret 2025 sebesar 1.682 poin atau minus 21,28 persen dari Highest to Date.
Kebijakan ini dikeluarkan dengan pertimbangan perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) sejak 19 September 2024 yang mengalami tekanan dengan indikasi penurunan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) per 18 Maret 2025 sebesar 1.682 poin atau minus 21,28 persen dari Highest to Date.
00:00Indonesian Stock Exchange
00:05We are still in IDX Season Closing.
00:07Let's go to the topic of your choice,
00:09where the Financial Services Authority
00:11officially re-buy or buy-back the stock
00:14without having to consult with the Stock Holders Association or RUPS,
00:18where the policy as a response to the heavy pressure
00:21that has hit the stock trade in the Indonesian stock exchange since September last year.
00:26Financial Services Authority
00:29The Financial Services Authority issued a special regulation
00:32that allows open companies to re-buy or buy-back the stock
00:36without the consent of the Stock Holders Association.
00:39The relaxation was carried out especially in an extreme market situation.
00:43This policy is considered not a new thing,
00:46but it has been tested at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
00:52The Executive Head of the Capital Market Supervision,
00:54Derivative Finance and Carbon Exchange,
00:56Financial Services Authority, Inar Nojayadi,
00:58said that the situation in the market is fluctuating,
01:01meaning it has been going on for six months
01:03since the date was issued, which is March 18, 2025.
01:08Then we announced the policy that
01:12open companies can re-buy the stock or buy-back
01:19without the consent of the Stock Holders Association
01:23in accordance with Regulation No. 7 of POJK No. 13 of 2023.
01:31The implementation of buy-back without RUPS
01:33must also comply with Regulation No. 29 of POJK No. 2023
01:41on the re-buy of the stock issued by open companies.
01:47As we know, many banks will buy-back their stocks
01:51in the middle of the index of joint stock prices that fell in the last few days.
01:56Some of them are
01:57PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero TBK or BBRI,
02:00PT Bank Mandiri Persero TBK or BMRI,
02:03PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero TBK or BBNI,
02:06PT Bank CNB Niaga TBK or BNGA,
02:10and PT Bank OCBC NISP TBK or NISP.
02:15This is a positive sign that stockholders are committed
02:18to implementing deregulation
02:20as well as de-bureaucratization
02:22in the implementation of buy-back without RUPS.
02:26With the existence of buy-back,
02:28it is expected to be able to increase liquidity in the real estate market,
02:31especially if the stock has good fundamental performance
02:34but the movement of the stock is below fair value.
02:37Not only that, the relaxation policy of buy-back without RUPS
02:40is also expected by OJK and BI to give a positive signal
02:44that the company has good fundamentals
02:46and gives market confidence to investors.