• 2 months ago
PT Hero Global Investment Tbk resmi melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Emiten berkode saham HGII ini menerbitkan saham baru sebanyak 1,3 miliar saham atau setara 20% dari total modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh setelah IPO. Adapun harga saham yang ditawarkan ke publik sebesar Rp200 per saham. Dengan demikian, HGII meraih dana segar sebesar Rp260 miliar.

Emiten yang bergerak di bidang usaha utama menjalankan aktivitas perusahaan holding di bidang energi baru terbarukan ini, akan menggunakan dana hasil IPO sekitar 66,82% untuk setoran modal kepada perusahaan anak yaitu PT Siantar Sitanduk Energi. Nantinya dana digunakan untuk pengembangan usaha Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) dengan kapasitas 25 MW di wilayah Sumatra Utara.

Kemudian, sekitar 31,45% akan digunakan untuk setoran modal kepada perusahaan anak PT Multiprima Hidro Energi. Dana tersebut sebagai belanja modal untuk pengembangan usaha Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro (PLTM) berkapasitas 10 MW di wilayah Sumatra Utara.

Sementara sisanya sekitar 1,73% akan digunakan sebagai modal kerja perseroan dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan usaha utama grup perseroan, untuk pembayaran biaya operasional perseroan. Dana tersebut termasuk dan tidak terbatas untuk mendukung kegiatan eksplorasi sampai dengan biaya studi awal (pre-feasibility study) terkait dengan penentuan investasi dalam proyek energi baru terbarukan tenaga air maupun EBT lainnya, seperti biomassa, biogas maupun surya.


00:00Indonesia's Global Investment Hero
00:13PT Hero Global Investment Tbk officially became a listed company in Indonesia's FEC
00:18and the emission of HGE shares released 1.3 billion new shares with an offering price of 200 rupiah per share
00:26Thus, the share price will be as high as 260 billion rupiah
00:36PT Hero Global Investment Tbk officially became a listed company in Indonesia's FEC
00:41and the emission of HGE shares released 1.3 billion new shares with an offering price of 200 rupiah per share
00:52Thus, the share price will be as high as 260 billion rupiah
01:02The emission of HGE shares released 1.3 billion new shares with an offering price of 260 billion rupiah
01:16The fund will be used for the development of hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 25 MW in North Sumatra
01:27The fund will be used for the development of hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 10 MW in North Sumatra
01:46The remaining 1.73% will be used as a fundraising fund in order to support the main business activities of the fundraising group for the operating cost of the fundraising
01:57The fund is included and is not limited to support the activities of exploration up to the initial budget
02:02or pre-feasibility study related to the determination of investment in the new energy flag of hydroelectric power plants and other facilities
02:09such as biomass, biogas, and solar
02:13Jakarta Timiputan IT Action
02:16PT Hero Global Investment Tbk
02:20Our topic this time is related to the IPO of PT Hero Global Investment Tbk
02:25We have with us in the IDX channel, Mr. Robin Sunyoto, who is the main director of PT Hero Global Investment Tbk
02:32and Mr. Hugo Feber Parulhutan Silalahi, who is the director of PT Hero Global Investment Tbk
02:39Hello, Mr. Robin, Mr. Hugo, how are you?
02:41Yes, I'm fine, sir
02:43Amazing, and we congratulate you because today you officially become a member of Bursa Efek Indonesia
02:49Before discussing further, Mr. Robin, as usual, we will try to ask first what is the background of your retirement
02:56choosing to be a registered company, sir, please
03:00So, sir, our background wants to land in Bursa Efek Indonesia
03:05Of course, so that our company has a better management of the company
03:11Following the standard of the capital market
03:13And secondly, we also see that there are not so many emittance based on renewable energy, sir
03:22So we see that opportunity and we see that the market will support the investor
03:29In addition, we also see that if we are registered in the capital market, it opens access to new sources of financing, sir
03:36Before that, for the projects that we develop, we have to go to banks, financial institutions, etc.
03:43But once we are registered in the capital market, it allows us to explore financing from bonds, bonds and others
03:50Something like that, sir
03:52Maybe since when this company has been established, then based on, or where is the core business, sir?
03:59We, HGI, are a holding company, sir, in the field of renewable energy, or EBT in short
04:06And we have been established since 2010
04:15And in 2017, we have a PLTM Parmonangan 1 generator with a capacity of 9 megawatts
04:22It was operated in 2017
04:24Then in 2021, our PLTM Parmonangan 2 with a capacity of 10 megawatts was officially operated
04:31And in 2023, we have a stock minority investment in PLTBG Biogas Ujung Batu with a capacity of 3 megawatts
04:40And finally, today we can be listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange, sir
04:45Wow, this is amazing
04:47The development update from Kinerja Perseruan can also be conveyed to the audience
04:51Who else has donated their funds to invest in HGI, sir?
04:56Oh, Kinerja Keuangan
04:57Okay, please, Mr. Hoko, maybe it can be conveyed
04:59Kinerja Keuangan
05:00Yes, related to Kinerja Keuangan, and then how the business itself
05:04Okay, Kinerja Keuangan, we always want to grow, sir
05:08Especially in 2025, how we convey in our prospectus
05:12We do have a plan for the development of the expansion of the 25 megawatt PLTA and 10 megawatt PLTM
05:22Both locations are in North Sumatra
06:57Thank you for watching
07:09Thank you for joining us in the market review
07:12Next, we will present data for you
07:14Related to the re-emittance profile that has just landed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange
07:19HGII, PT Hero Global Investment TBK
07:23This is a holding company in the energy sector
07:25There are 1.3 billion shares released to the public
07:27Or 20% of the capital is deposited and distributed fully after the IPO
07:32The price of the IPO is around 200 rupiah per share
07:34The IPO fund is around 260 billion rupiah
07:39As you can see on your TV screen
07:42And next, we will discuss the use of IPO funds for what
07:46This is already divided
07:48We discuss together
07:49There are 6.82% for business capital deposits
07:53PT Siantar Sitanduk Energy
07:56Then 31.45% for business capital deposits
08:00PT Multiprima Hydro Energy
08:02And 1.73% for investment capital
08:07And next to the stock management
08:09HGII after the IPO there is Rudy Chandra, Robert Niu
08:13Then Henrianto Tamrin and the community
08:18Next, we look at the asset position
08:20Then the liability and equity owned by the investment
08:24The asset is 727.8 billion
08:27The liability is 258.3 billion
08:30And the equity is 469.5 billion rupiah
08:34Let's continue the discussion with Mr. Robin Sunyoto
08:38Chief Director of Hero Global Investment TBK
08:40And also Mr. Hugo Weber Parluhutan Silalahi
08:43He is the Director of PT Hero Global Investment TBK
08:47If we talk about the use of IPO funds
08:51Mr. Hugo can also explain to the audience
08:54We have already explained a little about the distribution
08:56In terms of details, what is it like?
08:58If we look at the business capital, there are only two
09:03So about 67% or 170 billion
09:08There are two purposes for investment capital
09:11There is to spend capital, about 60%
09:15And the rest is for working capital, about 6%
09:18So the main spending capital is for the infrastructure
09:23Our electricity generator in North Sumatra
09:26Which has a capacity of 25 megawatts
09:28Next is capital distribution to MHA
09:32That's about 31%
09:35There are also two purposes
09:37The first is to spend capital, about 25%
09:41And the rest is 6% for working capital
09:45And this is the electricity generator in Mini Hydro
09:50Which is also in North Sumatra, with a capacity of 10 megawatts
09:53The rest is about 2%
09:56About 4 billion
09:58It is indeed for the investment capital
10:00HGEI in this case
10:02In the future for exploration
10:04From looking for new potential
10:08Or for the need for internal investment
10:13If we look at the areas that have become the backbone of investment capital
10:18Mr. Robin, can you explain where?
10:21Because there are more in North Sumatra
10:24Is there a development of coastal areas there?
10:27Or maybe the demand is also high there?
10:31So for the backbone of our investment capital
10:35At the moment, the two generators that we have operated are in North Sumatra
10:39With a capacity of 9 megawatts and 10 megawatts
10:42And as you said
10:45Indeed for generating electricity from Mini Hydro or PLTA
10:51It has a lot of potential in the area of ​​the island of Sumatra
10:54Because they have a geographical mountain range
10:58So they have the height needed
11:02To be able to generate electricity from water that is more optimal
11:06So we will still focus on the development of our coastal business in Hydro
11:15And if you look at our prospectus
11:19The pipelines that we develop in the future
11:21It is for Hydro mostly in North Sumatra
11:24The target of the coastal business after the IPO
11:28Mr. Hugo, 260 billion rupiah has been allocated
11:32How will the expansion of the business be done?
11:35So from the 260 billion rupiah
11:38We will do expansion with the development of PLTA
11:42With a capacity of 25 megawatts in North Sumatra
11:45And PLTM with a capacity of 10 megawatts
11:49So there is a definition of name
11:53So for a capacity above 10
11:55The name is water power plant
11:57But for the 10 megawatts below
11:59The name is a mini hydro power plant
12:01Okay, that's the limitation
12:04If we talk about challenges
12:06From a geographical point of view, there are advantages or disadvantages
12:10When we want to build a water power plant or a mini hydro
12:15So there are several phases of challenges
12:18So maybe when we are in the development phase
12:22The challenges that we face
12:24Indonesia has an extraordinary potential for EBT
12:27But usually EBT or these rivers are in a remote area
12:33A remote area
12:34So we need to coordinate with PLN
12:37To ensure that the supply and demand match
12:40Because of course the demand will be the most in the city
12:44But these rivers are usually remote
12:48It's difficult, so we have to coordinate with PLN
12:51To match the win-win
12:54So that the good potential can be developed further
12:58That's in the development phase
13:00Then when we enter the construction phase
13:03When building the power plant
13:06The challenge is of course, during the construction is nature
13:11Because we do construction on the riverbank for hydro
13:17So the nature factor will have its own challenges
13:22In the construction phase
13:23Then for the operational phase
13:26The challenge is of course, when we talk about hydro, it's water
13:30If it rains, there will be overproduction
13:34If it rains a little, the production will be affected
13:39That's it, sir
13:40That's one of the challenges
13:42When we talk about the development of renewable energy
13:45If we talk about the factors that drive economic growth
13:49Besides building several power plants
13:52Maybe Mr. Hugo can explain
13:54From the financial side, we have fresh funds that can be used optimally
13:59Yes, that's right
14:01So our main driving force for the future
14:04Must be our expansion
14:06In this matter, as Mr. Robin has said
14:08I have mentioned a little
14:10Two of our power plants
14:12The plan is to be built this year
14:16And our target is
14:18Hopefully, we can start construction this year
14:23So this is our driving force
14:25From our assistance, we only depend on
14:29PLTM 1 and PLTM 2
14:34So that's actually enough for us
14:38But we do want to grow
14:40We do want to grow
14:42As an optimist, Mr. Robin, what do you think
14:44After the IPO, there are several projects that will soon be completed
14:48And how can we meet the needs of clean electricity demand
14:53Because this is a new type of energy
14:55We are optimistic, sir
14:57Because we see that the whole world is heading towards energy transition
15:02So we get full support from the government
15:07To achieve net zero emission
15:09So, of course, these power plants will be supported
15:13Secondly, of course
15:15According to the prospectus
15:17We will have a strategic partner
15:20Shikoku Electric Power from Japan
15:22Also known as Yonden
15:24One month after the IPO
15:26So with the arrival of Yonden
15:29We will combine resources
15:32To develop the power plants in Indonesia
15:35They will transfer knowledge to us
15:38They will give tips and tricks
15:40On how to do good operation maintenance
15:43So it will increase the efficiency of our power plants
15:47And also tips and tricks
15:49When developing or looking for
15:51Potential locations
15:53Good for power plants
15:55So we are very optimistic
15:58There is a potential for cooperation
16:00With international companies
16:02Various cooperation can
16:04There was a transfer of knowledge
16:06To improve the efficiency
16:08And tips for companies
16:10Okay, Mr. Robin and Mr. Hugo
16:12Thank you very much
16:14For your presentation
16:16To the investors
16:18For being a successful investor
16:20Thank you
16:22Investors, I have been with you for an hour
16:24In the market review
16:25And keep sharing your information
16:27Only on IDX channel
16:28Yotasworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference
16:30Because the business of the future must move forward
16:32I am a stock investor
16:34I am Prasetyo Wibowo
16:36And all the staff
16:38Thank you, see you
16:40Thank you
17:04Thank you
17:06Thank you
17:08Thank you
17:10Thank you
17:12Thank you
17:14Thank you
17:16Thank you
17:18Thank you
17:20Thank you
17:22Thank you
17:24Thank you
17:26Thank you
17:28Thank you
17:30Thank you
