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Malaika Ka Chahpa Saleem Albela ko Gosht ki Dukan Par Pakar Liya
00:00Welcome back, viewers. In the break, we have two women with us.
00:06Neighbors, that is, they live in the same street.
00:08Let's see why they are fighting.
00:12Waalaikumussalam. How are you?
00:13I am absolutely fine, but you look very angry.
00:15I am not angry. I was at my uncle's son's wedding.
00:18It was your uncle's son's wedding, so why are you angry?
00:21I have gone there. She is our neighbor.
00:23She is my neighbor too.
00:24When I came here, her child was lying on her chest.
00:27Why was she lying on her chest?
00:28I washed her clothes. Believe me, they are dirty.
00:31This is our property.
00:32You liar!
00:33I was the one who was washing the clothes.
00:35Where were you washing them?
00:37I am the one who is washing the clothes.
00:43Tufan, your name is on the list.
00:45What happened? What is the problem?
00:47Believe me, I have beaten up my uncle.
00:51I have beaten him up.
00:53What else?
00:54You have not opened the door for me for 24 hours.
00:58Neighbors are like mothers and fathers.
01:00They have only one thing in common.
01:02Listen to me. I will beat you up.
01:04I don't have hands.
01:06If you beat me up, I will also do something.
01:10I will hold you by the hair and beat you up.
01:12But this is national TV.
01:14Touch me and see. I will give you a piece of NASA.
01:19What is this?
01:20This is NASA. She said be careful.
01:24I will feed you.
01:26You are so cold. You are giving me a piece of NASA.
01:29The one who beat me up was not NASA.
01:32Siddi, you are talking nonsense.
01:33I am not talking nonsense.
01:34I am talking about my principles.
01:35You are talking nonsense.
01:37You are my brother. I am telling you.
01:39You are lying.
01:40No one has a brother.
01:46This is national TV. Don't touch me.
01:48Tell me, who is the one who is eating vegetables?
01:50Don't you know what I am saying?
01:52We don't want to hear it on national TV.
01:54But what is the matter?
01:55Listen to me.
01:56What is the matter?
01:57Listen to me.
01:58Listen to me.
01:59Listen to me.
02:01Stay seated, Madhu Bala.
02:03Yes, Bala.
02:04You are lucky.
02:07Listen to me.
02:09All my life, you have been giving me flour.
02:11You have been giving me sugar.
02:12You have been giving me milk.
02:14I am your brother.
02:15I am your sister.
02:16Don't do this.
02:19What have you become?
02:22Arun sir, they are fighting.
02:24But I don't understand why they are fighting.
02:26I know everything.
02:28No matter what happens,
02:30I am responsible for everything.
02:31I know everything about the house.
02:34Obviously, you know everything.
02:35Her email is not as fast as his.
02:41You are 5G net.
02:46I am opening a Facebook account.
02:49I will close the email.
02:52She goes to the butcher shop.
02:54She gets the mail as soon as she goes to the butcher shop.
02:57She keeps opening the shop.
02:58I open my own shop.
03:00I don't open anyone's shop.
03:01She doesn't open anyone's shop.
03:02She is my sister.
03:03How can you open anyone's shop?
03:05She is like a cat.
03:06She is always looking for food.
03:10You respect me.
03:11If you want to respect me,
03:12I will respect you.
03:13Don't you dare.
03:14I will be your co-host.
03:16I won't go out.
03:17I won't go out.
03:19You are like a cat.
03:22You are fooling me.
03:25There is a rush.
03:26Every year,
03:27there is a new customer.
03:28There is no calendar.
03:31You don't have customers.
03:32Yes, I do.
03:33Tell them.
03:34How many customers do you have?
03:368 customers.
03:37I have 7 customers.
03:38I have more customers.
03:40You are crazy.
03:41I have a lot of customers.
03:42What do you want me to do?
03:43I have a machine under my chest.
03:45What do I do with it?
03:46I do this.
03:47Like this.
03:52I do this.
03:53Thank God,
03:54he is getting ready.
03:56you would have had a lot of customers.
03:58Mr. Haroon,
03:59what should I tell you?
04:00Tell her that.
04:03I eat betel leaves from the shop.
04:05You eat betel leaves from the shop.
04:06You can't eat betel leaves.
04:07You can't eat betel leaves.
04:09You can't eat betel leaves.
04:10You can't eat betel leaves.
04:11I can't eat betel leaves.
04:12I have a sore throat.
04:13I can't eat betel leaves.
04:15You can't eat betel leaves.
04:16You can't eat betel leaves.
04:17You can't eat betel leaves.
04:19I don't have the habit
04:20of talking to anyone.
04:22I take money from my customers.
04:24I take money from my customers.
04:25You don't even take money from your husband.
04:29You don't even take money from your husband.
04:30Why should he take money from his husband?
04:31His husband will take money from him.
04:33What are you saying?
04:34I don't do anything.
04:35Don't make me angry.
04:36I don't do anything.
04:37He didn't have children with me.
04:39Believe me.
04:40My husband is jealous.
04:43Why should I be jealous?
04:44He is not jealous.
04:45He just wants to know
04:46the reason of his children
04:47and for me to get married.
04:49He just wants to know
04:50the reason of his children
04:51and for me to get married.
04:52It's not his wish.
04:53Why should I care?
04:54Why do we care?
04:55Why do we care?
04:56Bhabhi, you tell him
04:57where he can send you.
04:58He doesn't even work.
05:00He doesn't even use a bike.
05:05He uses petrol.
05:06He uses petrol.
05:07He uses petrol.
05:08When he sees a man he kisses him
05:09when the petrol is empty.
05:10When he sees a man he kisses him
05:11If he's earning money by selling oil,
05:14what difference does it make to your life?
05:16He's happy, isn't he?
05:17He shouldn't steal.
05:19What should I tell you?
05:21Tell me everything. I don't like to hear it.
05:23He has eaten so many sweets.
05:29You want to eat sweets, but you want to eat sweets?
05:32I've never eaten sweets.
05:34I swear, he has eaten eight sweets.
05:37He has made me laugh so many times.
05:38He has eaten so many sweets, but he has eaten so many women.
05:41He has eaten so many sweets,
05:43but he has never eaten sweets.
05:45I don't eat sweets for money, I eat sweets for my kids.
05:48If you find out about the sweets,
05:51why did you add them again?
05:52It was fun.
05:53He brings the powder and comes in front of me,
05:56and then he eats the sweets.
05:58Ma'am, it happens.
06:02She's a real aunt.
06:04She looks like an aunt.
06:05She should break the sweets.
06:07She's not an aunt, she's an aunt.
06:09If she wears nice clothes, you'll get angry in the morning.
06:12My shoes will also get angry.
06:18My shoes will get angry.
06:19But you're more beautiful than him.
06:22Then why does your husband go to him?
06:24He says that he's not good with me.
06:31She's not used to this art.
06:35She eats sweets.
06:36She steals from people.
06:38She steals from people.
06:40She's a thief.
06:41We don't stop you, you stop us.
06:44Don't challenge me, I'll beat you up.
06:51Ma'am, what does her husband do?
06:53How would we know?
06:54We haven't seen him yet.
06:56All we know is that he walks on rooftops,
06:58and he hits people.
07:00Sir, where did he go?
07:02He shouldn't walk on rooftops.
07:04If he walks on rooftops, then why does he hit people?
07:07Do you record people hitting people?
07:09Sir, he's hitting people, slow down.
07:12He's your husband, right?
07:16He's hitting people.
07:17He's hitting people.
07:18He came to his house and hit people.
07:20I had no time.
07:21I took a car from his house.
07:23I feel like taking a train to his house.
07:26It's been a long time since I took a train.
07:28I don't even know your height.
07:33Come on.
07:36Tell me, what does he do in winters?
07:39He sits on the ice.
07:40He doesn't sit on the ice.
07:42He should sit on the tandoor.
07:43Oh, I see.
07:44He's the enemy of sitting on the tandoor.
07:45I sit in a cool place.
07:48She sits on the ice and cooks food.
07:51And she sits on people's chests and drinks.
07:57I drink for my men, not for her men.
08:02She doesn't drink.
08:03Should I tell you where she sits?
08:07Go and sit there.
08:08She's a womanizer.
08:10There's a break here.
08:11She runs like a train.
08:15She smokes so much that she can't even filter her saliva.
08:20I don't smoke.
08:21What's the use of smoking?
08:23Look, we know that men who smoke will have bad lungs.
08:27Women will have bad lungs and bad character.
08:30Yes, that's true.
08:31She's a womanizer.
08:33She's a pineapple seller.
08:36She thinks pineapple is very expensive.
08:38She's got a flavor.
08:40She's got pineapple.
08:40She's got it.
08:42You're a coward.
08:43When your cousin got married,
08:45you brought a deck and put a mirror on it.
08:47I told her,
08:49I kept a mirror on it for you.
08:52I put a shawl on it.
08:53I held it with my hands.
08:55I put a shawl on it.
08:56Oh, no.
08:57I put a shawl on the deck.
08:59I didn't put it on her.
09:00I didn't put it on her.
09:01I'm telling you.
09:01My husband drinks from a mirror.
09:03He likes to drink.
09:05He doesn't have a mirror in his heart.
09:07He drinks from a mirror.
09:07Why doesn't he put his face in the mirror?
09:14Ladies and gentlemen, we'll take a short break.
09:16We'll meet again after the break.
09:18We were watching a video of Goga's wedding.
09:20When this scene came, he said,
09:21put this in the front.
09:24In the movies of the first marriage,
09:26there were 16 faces.
09:28Of the groom and the bride.
09:29And the face is coming out of the rose repeatedly.
09:32He said, why is the flame coming out?
09:33I said, why are the rays coming out?
