00:30C'est Bill Cosby venant à vous avec de la musique et de l'amour, et si vous n'êtes pas prudents, vous pourrez apprendre quelque chose avant que ce soit terminé.
00:38Alors, prenez soin de vous, d'accord ?
01:01Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
01:10I really dig ice cream. Not only does it taste great, but it reminds me of good things, like going to a ball game. I always had ice cream at the ball games.
01:30Mmm, mmm, mmm. Sunday dessert, picnics on the fire escape. Of course, ice cream reminds me of something not so cool, going to the hospital.
01:43You know, when you go to the hospital, you get your tonsils taken out, they always promise you ice cream afterwards.
01:50That's how it was when I went, and that's how it is right now with Russell.
01:57Russell! Russell! Hey, Russell! Where are you, Russ?
02:08Hey, Harold, you seen Russell?
02:11No, why don't you check with Donald?
02:17Hey, man, you know where Russell is?
02:21Hey, Rudy, you seen my little brother? I gotta take him to the school doctor today.
02:35Okay, Russ, I know you're there.
02:38I am not here. I'm a lamp.
02:41Uh-uh, you ain't no lamp.
02:43How do you know?
02:45Cause a lamp is bright. Come on!
02:48Let go of me! I don't want to go to a doctor! You can't make me go!
02:53Turn me loose! Help me! Somebody help me! Don't let him take me!
02:58Take him! Or him! Or him! I'm too young to die! Do you hear? I'm just a little kid!
03:09No class.
03:12Like I said, Russell, the doctor only comes here once a year,
03:16and all he's gonna do is look at you and see that you're okay. Understand?
03:22Yeah, I understand.
03:24And you're not scared?
03:25No, I'm not scared.
03:27Then get down off of there!
03:31Russell Cosby!
03:33That's him.
03:34The doctor will see you now.
03:42Welcome, young man.
03:50Get me out of here! That's the bad doctor from the movie!
03:54I'm not mad, young man. But I will be if you don't get in here.
03:57I won't go! I won't go! You can't do this to your little brother!
04:02There's nothing to it, Russell. All you gotta do is open your mouth like this and say,
04:06There's nothing to it, Russell. All you gotta do is open your mouth like this and say,
04:13Very interesting. These tonsils have to go out. Right away.
04:17See what I mean? Nothing to be afraid of.
04:21That's right.
04:25You too.
04:27Nurse, make arrangements at the hospital and notify their parents.
04:31We can't go. We gotta go to the store for our mother.
04:35She'll be awful mad if we don't go. They'll give me double training stamps tomorrow.
04:40Now boys, there's nothing to worry about.
04:43You'll fall asleep, then into the operating room and...
04:48It's all over.
04:49That's what we're afraid of.
04:52Well, Bill and Russell have tried all kinds of excuses to get out of going to the hospital.
04:58And I mean all kinds. Listen to this one.
05:02You better call the doctor right away and tell him that me and Russell have to stay home.
05:09How come?
05:10We're too sick to go to the hospital.
05:14Pretty bad, huh? Well, their folks thought so too.
05:17And so, after a thousand more phony excuses, Bill and Russell saw the handwriting on the wall.
05:24Or should that be the handwriting on the well?
05:32I suppose you're wondering why I asked you all here tonight.
05:37Yeah, man. What's all this Albert Hitchcock jazz, huh?
05:43Me and Bill are gathered here to read you our last will, a tenement.
05:49That ain't a tenement, that's testament.
05:52Will? Testament? For who?
05:55For me and Bill.
05:58All we can tell you now is that me and Russell are headed for the great junkyard in the sky.
06:06You mean you're going on a plane ride?
06:08We don't want to talk about it.
06:10Okay, Russell, bring in our worldly wealth.
06:15Too much mouth, we'll leave our fake glasses with the nose and the mustache attached.
06:25Too bucky, we'll leave a hunk of dirt that Willie Mays knocked out of his spikes.
06:31Hey, what do I get, huh? What do I get?
06:36What do I get?
06:37What do I get?
06:38What do I get?
06:39What do I get?
06:40What do I get?
06:41What do I get, huh? What do I get?
06:45To Dumb Donald, we give our souvenir pennant from Hammond, Indiana
06:50and a hunk of melted metal.
06:54Ah, shite!
06:56My turn. What do I get, huh? What do I get?
07:01To Harold, we give our genuine secret compass magnifying glass decoder ring that glows in the dark
07:09and a football air valve.
07:14My turn. What do I get?
07:16To Rudy, we give our combination glass cutter, olive pitter, staple puller, ashtray that Russell made in metal shop.
07:28To Fat Albert, we give our kazoo with a propeller on it and our collection of brown hornet comic books.
07:36Hey, hey, hey, I don't know what to say.
07:42What else you got in here? Huh, cheapskates.
07:45Hey, hey, hey, I still don't know why you're giving all this stuff away.
07:50Me and Russell won't be needing it anymore. You see, we're going to the hospital.
07:58They're gonna operate.
08:01Major surgery.
08:03What's your chances of pulling through?
08:08Well, what's wrong with you?
08:14Hey, hey, hey, that's no worse than getting a haircut.
08:20Ah, tonsils, big deal. Tonsils, not nothing.
08:23Oh, man, what is this?
08:24My little baby sister, she had her tonsils out twice.
08:28You mean, it ain't that bad?
08:31I'm a you, big kid, big ding.
08:33You mean we gonna live?
08:35I'm afraid so.
08:36You hear that, Russell? We gonna live, man.
08:39Just our luck, and you had to give away all our good junk.
08:45Hey, you cats, give us our good junk back.
08:48Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
08:57Gimme my ashtray.
09:01No soap, no sun, uh-uh.
09:03Come down, fella. Give me my good junk, man.
09:10Hey, what you say about my decor and my air valve?
09:14Hey, hey, hey.
09:17Give us our junk. Give us our good junk, man.
09:21Give us our good junk.
09:24Bill, Russell, it's time for you boys to go to the hospital now.
09:32Come on, you two. You'd think the world was coming to an end.
09:36That's right, boys. There's no reason to look so glum.
09:40It'll all be over before you know it.
09:42Then you'll have all that ice cream.
09:44Ice cream?
09:45Sure, you always get lots of ice cream when you have your tonsils out.
09:50Yeah, you can have any flavor you want.
09:52Now, go down to your uncle's car.
09:55We'll be right out after you.
09:57Yeah, we're going to the hospital, man.
09:59Wow, I can hardly wait to get there.
10:01Yeah, good old hospital.
10:03Hey, hey, hey, what you say about my junk?
10:06Give us our good junk, man.
10:08Give us our good junk, man.
10:10Give us our good junk, man.
10:12Give us our good junk, man.
10:14Give us our good junk, man.
10:16Give us our good junk, man.
10:18Hey, hey, hey, what gives?
10:20We thought you dudes was going to the hospital.
10:22Yeah, what's the scoop?
10:23Scoop? I tell you what's the scoop.
10:26All the ice cream we can eat.
10:32They're going to give us all the ice cream we want at the hospital.
10:36Gallons of it.
10:38And you know why? You ain't going to get any of it.
10:41And you know why?
10:44Because you were mean to us and took all our good junk.
10:50Come on, you two, let's go.
10:52I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
10:56I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
11:02Dr. Minson.
11:04Call for Dr. Minson.
11:07Call for Dr. Janville.
11:10Dr. Janville.
11:13Central Children's Hospital.
11:16Oh, yes, Mrs. Cosby.
11:18Your boys are out of surgery and both are fine.
11:22They're going to be all right.
11:24They're going to be all right.
11:27Mrs. Cosby, your boys are out of surgery and both are fine.
11:32Hey, hey, hey, they're both okay.
11:35Yes, you can see them anytime.
11:40Which room for Bill and Russell Cosby?
11:45That's room 503.
11:50Just a moment, boys.
11:52You can't go up without an adult.
11:55Hospital rules.
11:56How you like that?
11:58Come on, rules.
11:59Some hospital.
12:00No class.
12:02How are we going to bring the boys back their box of good junk if they won't let us in?
12:13And what's more important, how are we going to get any of that good old ice cream?
12:17Wait a minute.
12:18Those wheels are turning.
12:19Now, we need an adult, right?
12:21Call for Dr. Frick.
12:23Call for Dr. Frack.
12:25Dr. Frack.
12:26Ahem, ahem.
12:28Nurse, I am an adult.
12:32And these boys are with me.
12:35We're going down to see the Cosby lads.
12:40This way, boys.
12:46Ooh, ooh, ooh.
12:56How you feelin', Russell?
12:58Not bad, except my neck itches.
13:01Why don't you scratch it?
13:03I can't.
13:04It itches on the inside.
13:06It'll feel a whole lot better, man, when that ice cream comes that they promised us.
13:24Hold on.
13:25Be right with ya.
13:26Ice cream man!
13:28Ice cream man here.
13:42Ice cream man comin'!
13:46Be right with ya, boys.
14:23Hey, hey, hey! Who wants a sundae? Hey, hey, hey! Pretty soft!
14:41Bob, you be too, but got it made!
14:44Man, sitting around playing with your good junk, eating ice cream all day!
14:50I give a million bucks to trade places with you cats!
14:53Well, well! I see the hallway hot-rodders are still with us!
14:57Hey, what it is, Doc? Hey, what's happening, Doc? How you doing, babe?
15:01When you gonna let the gold-brickers go home?
15:03Oh, it won't be long now!
15:05I sure wish I had tonsils so I could live it up like those dudes!
15:09You can say that again!
15:11Hmm, by the way, have you boys had your throats checked lately?
15:16Huh? What? Uh-oh, who? Uh-oh, uh-oh, my mama's calling us! I can't stay!
15:22Yeah, I was supposed to be out of here! Bye! Bye!
15:25Why don't you just let me have a quick look, to be sure?
15:28Oh, no! My mama's calling us! We can't stay, can we?
15:32Hey, you gotta go, man! Take this book away and come on, now! Let's go!
15:36Time to eat!
15:38Yeah, come on!
15:46Well, Russell and Bill learned about courage.
15:50They were inspired to see how brave the gang was about someone else's pain.
15:55Of course, having their tonsils out did hurt, but Bill and Russell will be over it soon.
16:00And I...
16:04Don't shove! Hey, I was here first!
16:06Don't shove! Hey, I was here first!
16:08I was!
16:10I want chocolate!
16:11No, man, I want ice cream!
16:12I ain't chocolate!
16:13I want anything! I want anything that's good, but I like chocolate good. It's my favorite.
16:22My throat feels a little dry. I'd better get in line. I'll see you.
16:44You might think the needles that they use are ten feet long
16:50And you know what? You're wrong!
16:54Don't be scared of a hospital
16:58Don't beware of a hospital
17:02When you're there at a hospital
17:06You'll get good care at a hospital
17:10Don't despair of a hospital
17:14You'll be repaired at a hospital
17:18And while you're there, you'll get ice cream
17:23Ice cream!
17:25Don't be afraid of going to the hospital
17:30Cause that's silly
17:33Don't be afraid of losing your tonsils
17:38That's silly
17:42The doctor, he's your friend
17:45And you know, in the end
17:49He's going to make you feel so much better
17:57So don't be scared of a hospital
18:01Don't beware of a hospital
18:05When you're there at a hospital
18:09You'll get good care at a hospital
18:13Don't despair of a hospital
18:17You'll be repaired at a hospital
18:21And while you're there, you'll get ice cream
18:26Ice cream!
18:28Don't be scared of a hospital
18:32Don't beware of a hospital
18:36When you're there at a hospital
18:40You'll get good care at a hospital
18:44Don't despair of a hospital
18:48You'll be repaired at a hospital
18:52And while you're there, you'll get ice cream
18:57Ice cream!
19:02Ice cream!
19:03Ice cream!
19:04Ice cream!
19:05Ice cream!
19:06Ice cream!
19:07Ice cream!
19:08Ice cream!
19:09Ice cream!
19:10Ice cream!
19:11Ice cream!
19:12Ice cream!
19:13Ice cream!
19:14Ice cream!
19:15Ice cream!
19:16Ice cream!
19:17Ice cream!
19:18Ice cream!
19:19Ice cream!
19:20Ice cream!
19:21Ice cream!
19:22Ice cream!
19:23Ice cream!
19:24Ice cream!
19:25Ice cream!
19:26Ice cream!
19:27Ice cream!
19:28Ice cream!
19:29Ice cream!
19:30Ice cream!
19:31Ice cream!
19:32Ice cream!
19:33Ice cream!
19:34Ice cream!
19:35Ice cream!
19:36Ice cream!
19:37Ice cream!
19:38Ice cream!
19:39Ice cream!
19:40Ice cream!
19:41Ice cream!
19:42Ice cream!
19:43Ice cream!
19:44Ice cream!
19:45Ice cream!
19:46Ice cream!
19:47Ice cream!
19:48Ice cream!
19:49Ice cream!
19:50Ice cream!
19:51Ice cream!
19:52Ice cream!
19:53Ice cream!
19:54Ice cream!
19:55Ice cream!
19:56Ice cream!
19:57Ice cream!
19:58Ice cream!
19:59Ice cream!