00:30It's Bill Cosby coming at you with music and fun, and if you're not careful, you may learn something before it's done.
00:37So let's get ready, okay? Hey, hey, hey!
01:01Oh, look at this. This is for me. To Bill Cosby from Otis. I don't know any Otis.
01:25He's probably just one of my many fans.
01:28Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday.
01:34Boy, oh boy. Yes, indeed.
01:41I'll tell you one thing, man. Otis is not very cool, and neither are any of his practical jokes.
01:49But I have a feeling we're going to be hearing a lot more from him.
01:57Did anybody see that monster movie last night, man?
02:00You mean Tarantula Man Meets the Spider Lady?
02:02Yeah, man. That sure was some scary flick.
02:05Yeah, especially the part where the spider lady gets caught in the giant spider web,
02:11and that big, hairy Tarantula Man comes crawling toward her.
02:16I'm getting scared just thinking about it.
02:20Cool it, Russell. It was only a mo-
02:26What happened, Albert? You see a ghost?
02:28Worse than that. A big, hairy spider tried to attack me, man, just like in the movie.
02:36Hi. Who are you?
02:38My name's Otis. I just moved in yesterday.
02:43This spider's made out of rubber.
02:45How about that? Albert's scared of a rubber spider.
02:51I don't think it's so funny, man.
02:55Come on, Albert. You can't take a joke.
02:59Yeah, Albert. You gotta admit it was pretty funny the way you sat in that can.
03:08Otis, you're really cool, man. How'd you like to join our club?
03:12Yeah, we could use a few laughs around here.
03:15Sure, I really dig that.
03:17You're the president, Albert. How about it?
03:19Well, I don't know.
03:21Oh, come on, Albert. Yeah, come on, Albert.
03:23Listen, Albert. You're supposed to do a bunch of jokes around.
03:28Well, I guess it'll be okay.
03:31Then it's official.
03:32Thanks, Albert. No hard feelings.
04:04Hey, Albert. Wake up, man.
04:06It's us, Albert. Over here.
04:09Come on, man. We gotta go initiate Otis into our club.
04:13This is it, Otis. Scary, ain't it?
04:17Yeah. What do I have to do?
04:20Take this flashlight and go inside.
04:24When you get to the attic, flash the light three times up in the window so we'll know you're up there.
04:31Okay. I'm ready.
04:34See you later, Otis.
04:36I hope.
04:47Yeah for Otis!
04:55Okay, Otis. You can come out now.
04:59Maybe he didn't hear you, Rudy.
05:03How about the ghost, guys?
05:05Ghost? Russell, let me explain something to you.
05:09There's no such thing as...
05:18Oh, yeah.
05:31What was that?
05:32I don't know. But somebody better go find out.
05:36What do you mean, somebody? You're the president.
05:39Isn't it about time to elect a new president?
05:43Okay. Okay. I'm going. I'm going.
06:17Je dois remercier le vieux Albert d'être allé dans cette maison.
06:20Ça prend beaucoup d'esprit.
06:22Et parlant d'esprit...
06:24J'espère que le ghost n'a pas Albert.
06:27Combien de fois dois-je te le dire, Russell? Il n'y a pas de ghost.
06:31Alors qu'est-ce que c'est?
06:39T'es là.
06:41Hé, bitch. Oh, butis.
06:45Oh, wow, man.
06:47When Albert gets a load of him and that sheep, look out.
06:53I can't wait to see this.
06:55Oh, Albert gonna run out of there so fast, his stomach will never catch up.
07:04Out of my way!
07:15I've never seen anybody run so fast in my life.
07:20You should have seen yourself, man.
07:22Your feet never touched the ground once.
07:25Oh, man.
07:28Ha, ha, ha!
07:30Albert, you're beautiful.
07:32As long as you're around, we can always count on the laugh.
07:35I'll tell you something else you can count. Count me out of this club.
07:40Wait, Albert. We were just having a little fun.
07:43Let him go. If he can't take a joke, the club doesn't need him.
07:48Hé, Albert, why don't you come on along, man?
07:50Where you going?
07:51Gonna introduce Otis to all our friends. Right, Otis?
07:55Yeah, we're gonna have a load of laughs.
07:57Only thing you do is gonna have a lot of trouble.
08:01Hi, fellas.
08:03Oh, boy. Watch this, Albert.
08:06Hi, Violet. I'd like you to meet my friend, Otis.
08:10Hi, Violet.
08:12Oh, boy. Watch this, Albert.
08:14Hi, Violet. I'd like you to meet Otis, our new club member.
08:19How do you do?
08:21Say, do you know what's purple and green and has 2,000 legs and one big eye right in the middle of its forehead?
08:27No. What?
08:28Don't ask me, but it's crawling up your back.
08:33I'll say.
08:37Relax, Violet. They're just jiving you.
08:40See what I told you, Albert? That Otis is the most, man.
08:43Yeah, the most obnoxious dude I ever met.
08:46I don't think you're a bit funny.
08:48Ah. You're as bad as your fat friend, Albert.
08:52Come on, you guys. Let's go.
08:58You sure pull off some cool jokes, Otis.
09:00Yeah, man. They really are cool.
09:02You haven't seen nothing yet.
09:04See those dudes over there?
09:07Well, watch this.
09:10Wow. Man, this is really cool.
09:13What you got there, man?
09:15This? Ah, it's nothing.
09:17Let me take a look.
09:19Hey, what you got there?
09:20Get on that after me.
09:22I'm next.
09:23Relax. There's enough to go around. Here.
09:26Hey, I don't see nothing in here.
09:28Me neither.
09:31What is this? Some kind of joke?
09:33Yeah, you said it, man.
09:35Yeah, man. You said it.
09:38Yeah, you feel pretty bad, man.
09:41Yeah, the joke's on you, man.
09:46Yeah, the joke's on you, man.
09:52You guys think you're pretty funny, don't you?
09:54Well, we'll see if you can laugh your way through a fight.
10:02Be at the junkyard in two hours.
10:05With your dukes up.
10:09We're here for it now.
10:11Those guys are tough.
10:12Don't sweat it.
10:13We'll get your fat Albert friend to take care of them for us.
10:21Then, the fearless Brown Hornet and his faithful companion, Leroy,
10:25leave their mansion through a secret passageway
10:28that leads them to an underground cave.
10:31There, in the dim lights of the cave, sits...
10:36the white beauty, the Brown Hornet's car.
10:39Leroy starts it up.
10:43Hey, Albert.
10:45Oh, hi, fellas.
10:47Say, Albert, we need your help, man.
10:49Yeah? What for?
10:51Otis played a real funny practical joke on some dudes,
10:55but they got mad and challenged us to a fight.
10:58Doesn't sound like Otis's practical jokes are so practical.
11:02Ah, these cats just don't have a sense of humor.
11:05So how about it?
11:06Will you help us out?
11:08Why should I help?
11:09You're our friend, aren't you?
11:10Sure, but Otis got you all into this mess,
11:13so let's see if he can get you out.
11:18Forget it, guys.
11:19We don't need old Albert anyway.
11:21This book on karate will teach us all we need to know.
11:24Yeah, let's go practice.
11:27I don't think even the Brown Hornet could get him out of this one.
11:36Oh, Bucky, just remember to jump up in the air
11:38and give a big karate yell when you whack the board.
11:42Here goes.
11:48Watch me, Bucky, and you'll see how an expert does it.
11:57I told you I was an expert.
11:59I'll smash four boards with one blow.
12:01If that's how an expert does it,
12:03I sure hate to see an amateur.
12:06This ain't working too cool.
12:07Maybe we ought to try a little muscle building.
12:1123, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32...
12:27That's cool, Bill.
12:28Lead with your right, now your left.
12:30Dig this footwork, man.
12:32Those dudes are in for some big trouble.
12:39This ain't working either.
12:40Let's try some road work.
12:44Attaway, lift those knees high.
12:56If this doesn't whip you dudes into shape, nothing will.
13:00Okay, now let's run backwards like those pros do.
13:06How are we supposed to see where we're going?
13:08Let me worry about that, man.
13:13Okay, dudes, single file.
13:17Hey, what's going on here?
13:19Hey, what's going on here?
13:25Hey, what's going... Where we are, we mean?
13:38What happened to you guys?
13:40I don't know.
13:41Otis was supposed to be watching where we're going and...
13:50Man, that was the funniest joke I pulled all day.
13:53You guys sure do look silly sitting in that tub.
13:57Yeah, you're a real barrel of laughs, Otis.
14:00Let's go, fellas.
14:02Hey, where you guys going?
14:04Those tough dudes are gonna be here any minute.
14:06Now, it's our turn to play a joke, man.
14:09And this time, the joke's on you.
14:14Hi, guys.
14:17Come on, Bill, Harold, this ain't funny.
14:41Relax, Otis. These dudes are laughing too hard to do any fighting.
14:45They're leaving anyways.
14:47Boy, Otis, you sure do look funny.
14:50I don't feel so funny.
14:52I can't believe it.
14:54Is this the same Otis who's been practical joking all morning?
14:58Sure looks like the same dude.
15:00Yeah, well, I'm all joked out, so cool it.
15:04You guys wanna see my new brown-hearted comic book?
15:07Sure, Albert. Yeah, that's cool.
15:10Yeah, sure, Albert, that's cool.
15:12Yeah, man.
15:34Wait, Albert, don't turn the page yet.
15:36I wanna read something.
15:38Look at this ad.
15:40Surprise your friends.
15:42When they sniff this trick flower, they'll get a face full of water.
15:46A million laughs for only one dollar.
15:49Hey, what do you say we all chip in and...
15:57Looks like it may take a while longer for Otis to get the message.
16:01But I think sooner or later, he'll come around.
16:04What is this?
16:06Look at this.
16:08See? I'm on to Otis, though.
16:11He's not gonna trick me twice.
16:13I'd better deactivate it first.
16:23And now, just to make doubly sure it's safe...
16:28Now, that Otis must really think I'm dumb.
16:32I wonder what he's trying to pull this time.
16:43Dear Bill, you've been looking a little thin lately,
16:46so I packed you this lunch.
16:49Love, my dear Bill.
16:53So I packed you this lunch.
16:56Love, Mom.
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