• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “In Piemonte come in tutta Italia servono centri multifunzionali che si prendano cura della persone a 360 gradi”. Sono le parole di Fulvia Massimelli, presidente nazionale Aisla, Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica partecipando alla prima edizione del convegno ‘Sla: Metabolismo e Nutrizione. Nuove frontiere nella presa in carico’, all’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo (Cuneo).


00:00SLA doesn't have a cure, and for this reason we have to know how to take care of ourselves.
00:13We, as an association, have to guarantee a quality of life that can make sense of the time that science gives us.
00:23Talking about assistance means putting in place all those structures, all those activities,
00:31that can guarantee our people the dignity of living the disease in its complexity.
00:40Once, the paradigm, the thought was that of the inevitable progress of the disease.
00:46Fortunately, today we talk about the inevitable progress of science.
00:51Today we are here as an association because the meaning of these two days is that of taking charge,
00:58of caring for the person. The person is seen at the center of a multidisciplinary path.
01:04Therefore, in these two days there are many interventions that concern the various aspects that affect the person with SLA.
01:14And therefore they are treated in the various fields, especially dysphagia, which is a very important topic.
01:21Since the topics that will be treated, and have already been treated in these two days,
01:27concern multidisciplinarity, Piedmont needs centers that take care of the person at 360 degrees.
01:37SLA has shown in these 41 years, since it was born, the responsibility of taking charge
01:45and the importance of caring for the person.
01:49Since the disease is a rather complex disease and involves the person at 360 degrees,
01:58it is important that there are highly specialized, multifunctional centers
02:04that can be able to take care of the SLA patient.
02:10I hope that these centers can also be born in Piedmont,
02:16because they are very important, because they welcome the person and treat it at 360 degrees,
02:25with highly specialized staff.
02:28Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo, Centro Clinico Nemo, SLA Food and ISLA, all together.
02:35It is a wonderful alliance. ISLA has always believed in the alliance, since it was born,
02:41because only by working together we can really walk the streets
02:46and achieve the values ​​that have always distinguished us.
