• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Il progetto SLAfood nasce perché quando si ha la Sla, sclerosi laterale amiotrofica, e” si soffre di è disfagia, “nutrirsi non sia  per sopravvivere, ma per 'vivere sopra', che è un concetto più alto”. Così Roberto Carcangiu presidente di Apci chef e vicepresidente SLAfood, al primo convegno ‘Sla: Metabolismo e Nutrizione. Nuove frontiere nella presa in carico’, all’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo (Cuneo).


00:00A disease like SLA needs a multidisciplinary point of view, and also for us who take care of food,
00:12so this becomes a determining factor in transmitting a little serenity.
00:16Food and nutrition are not only a caloric component, but they are also a very important emotional aspect,
00:22and it is obvious that those who are perhaps a little happier in front of a dish,
00:26and this becomes also in everyday life, and this is necessary,
00:29let's say that precisely because it is multidisciplinary, everything is necessary, nothing should be left out,
00:34because the human being is a whole, so why not continue to work like this?
00:39In those that will be the practical laboratories, in reality we will only give shape to what all the specialists are teaching us,
00:46because in that case the hands of fire will serve to transform what until then has been a concept,
00:53always to make people who suffer from these multidisciplinary pathologies feel good.
00:59The experience with SLA Food and the relationship with Davide Raffanelli?
01:05Davide is above all a friend, in the most beautiful and fullest sense of the term,
01:11he is a person who unfortunately had the SLA problem,
01:16SLA Food was born precisely because we looked each other in the face,
01:20he said what and how we can do because all this that is happening to me is not in vain,
01:27it is not something that is useless.
01:30And so all this project was born, this path called SLA Food,
01:34which is made by more and less famous chefs, more and less important,
01:39but all with the intention of working absolutely free for this project,
01:45it must be done so that feeding yourself when you have the SLA and when you are dysphagic
01:51is no longer an act, if you want, ugly, but it also becomes a noble act in that case,
01:57no longer feed yourself therefore not to survive but to live above, which is a slightly higher concept.
