• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La scienza ci ha insegnato che la nutrizione è parte integrante della malattia, pertanto diventa un obiettivo di cura. La presa in carico dev’essere precoce, tutti i soggetti coinvolti devono collaborare per poter agire d’anticipo nei confronto della Sla, sclerosi laterale amiotrofica”. Lo ha detto Federica Cerri, neurologa, referente Area Sla del Centro Nemo di Milano e coordinatore scientifico del Convegno ‘Sla: Metabolismo e Nutrizione. Nuove frontiere nella presa in carico’, all’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo (Cuneo).


00:00Nutrition is certainly a high-important issue for SLA patients and for the scientific community.
00:13The paradigm of taking charge has changed compared to what was thought in the past.
00:20Previously, it was thought that weight loss and malnutrition were a phenomenon of accompaniment to the disease.
00:28Now, what science has taught us is that weight loss and malnutrition are an integral part of the disease.
00:34As such, weight loss and malnutrition also become a goal of care, so taking charge must be early.
00:41We must work to find biomarkers that allow us to predict the nutritional progress of patients,
00:49to be able to anticipate SLA, to act early and to be able to treat this element in such a way as to be effective for what we can on the positive modification of the natural history of the disease of these patients.
01:09Today is therefore an extremely important day because the issue of nutrition becomes central and the collaboration between all the figures involved in this complicated process
01:24aimed at guaranteeing adequate nutrition to SLA patients, an adequate taking charge, from the scientific part to the practical translation of what we obviously recommend as a neurologist and as a professional.
