• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - "E’ molto importante portare maggiore visibilità sull’aspetto  della nutrizione” perché “noi malati di Sla, sclerosi laterale amiotrofica con disfagia possiamo avere maggiori possibilità di alimentarci in modo corretto, e anche con gusto”.  Così Davide Rafanelli presidente di SLAfood e consigliere nazionale Aisla, Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica Intervenendo alla prima edizione del convegno dedicato al tema della nutrizione in pazienti con Sla all’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo (Cuneo)


00:00It is very important to bring more visibility on a nutritional aspect,
00:15that is, to talk about the diet of the disease,
00:21because this makes it possible for us to have more possibilities to eat in the correct way and with more taste.
00:43I hope that this agreement marks a turning point on the approach we have regarding the diet of the disease,
00:56a more disciplinary approach, an approach that brings to benefit both the patient and the family,
01:10and that patients will find themselves.
01:14I, first of all, live this experience on a daily basis,
01:22and therefore I can bring a testimony of how to be able to eat in a correct way,
01:36which is also psychologically very important and recreates that moment of strong conviviality with your family, with your friends, with the people you love.
01:53I have never had an approach to the disease,
01:56I have never made a mistake or felt at war with something or someone.
02:05Here is the term, therefore, LADA, because it arrived very slowly, very silently,
02:15and it changed my life in a moment perhaps where you have the possibility of picking up something at a particular age.
02:32However, it has taken away the future, it has certainly tried to take me away from my dreams, and it has not succeeded.
02:48It will never take me away from the present.
02:53What continues today is my life, and this is what keeps me going day by day.
